Yesterday Andrew Tyrie MP was mentioned in the Observer:-


The justice and security bill is a chilling affront to British justice

Secret courts should have no place within our judicial system
ref. ill

Tory MP Andrew Tyrie attacks secret courts bill

Backbencher warns that government is in danger of 'closing down access to the truth'

Owen Bowcott, legal affairs correspondent
The Guardian,
Monday 28 January 2013
Therein it says:-
In a damaging attack on the justice and security bill, which reaches a crucial parliamentary stage this week, the influential Tory backbencher Andrew Tyrie warns that the government is in danger of "closing down access to the truth".
I agree 100% with this.

What is being proposed by Ken Clarke QC MP is the implementation of a view expressed by Jacob Rees-Mogg MP on the 4th Nov 2010 in the local weekly Somerset Guardian.......and under the heading...When security is at odds with Liberty.
see Appendix -1
In my opinion both Ken Clarke and Jacob-R-M need to think again before it is too late.... because they wont get away with it.
Their problem for the Tory Party is that the Iraq Inquiry needs to have been restarted forthwith,.....
And so as to come up with the pre-agreed report (Warwick Rules).
It then all be rubber stamped and forgotten....

All of this well before the next general election, that is now less than 27 months away.
It is impossible for that to happen now.
Their problem is that towards the end of 2009 a process had to be started to stall the Iraq Inquiry.
The full story was about to come out of the bag as to why we had to go to war in Iraq in 2003.
It was to try to get back some nukes that we had lost...

.see Appendix -2 entitled :-
..Dr. David .....Kelly's Fatal Secret.
On 25th May 2009....
North Korea exploded one of the nukes the Tories lost back in 1991,

Gordon Brown as UK PM insisted that there be an Iraq Inquiry.
Les than one month later...
Sir Menzies Campbell QC MP asked in Parliament:-
- btext/90624-0012.htm
Hansard for 24 Jun 2009 : Column 846
Was the Cabinet informed that the 45-minute claim related only to battlefield nuclear weapons?
There was a risk for the Tory Party in 1992 that the scandal of the lost nukes might come out at the time of the Matrix-Churchill trial..
Then the star witness for the defence was going to be Gerald James , Chairman of the Astra Group. However Alan Clark MP went to the Court and changed his witness statement, causing the Matrix- Churchill trial to collapse.
Gerald James had documents in his brief case that showed his co-director in Astra, the late Stephan Kock , had involved Astra in a shady covert offshore arms deal It had been set-up via Peter Lilley of the DTI , and using the contracts branch of MoD-PE at Sloane Sq., London. Dr. David Kelly was the named MoD / DTI overseer for the merchandise from source at Pelindaba in South Africa.....via Oman..
...and just before the start of the first Gulf War.
Gerald later wrote a book on it....In The Public interest.
It was only very recently that Gerald learned that each item of merchandise, officially described as 'cylinder' was in fact an atomic bomb.

An attempt was made to avert the problem of DTI / MoD documents being produced in Court at the Matrix-Churchill trial.,

Senior Government ministers with a vested personal interests signed Public Information Immunity (PII) certificates.
Most important of these signatories was the-then Home Secretary......Ken Clarke QC MP.
Another was the DPM Michael Heseltine MP, who was also President of the Board of Trade (ie head of the DTI).
Ironically on the subject of those PIIs.
In his book....Life in the Jungle....on page 448, Heseltine later wrote:-
....I explained my position at length and under detailed cross-examination on the Newsnight programme on BBC-2. It made not a blind bit of difference. From the heavyweight commentators , such as Lord Rees-Mogg, down to the usual Fleet Street rabble the lies were repeated and repeated. There was no protection for ministers.....
The Urgent Operational Requirement (UOR) process was used for the UK Government to buy those three 'cylinders' after delivery to Oman. For that to happen, prior verification was needed of the goods being immediately available at source.
That verification was done in summer 1989
Then Armscor of South Africa via SNI-Westminster, paid for David Cameron (then 24), and two others to go there, The other two being Kenneth Warren MP, aero engineer and Chairman of the House of Commons select committee for Trade & Industry,
....and Dr. David Kelly.:-
- e-to-apartheid-south-africa-1674367.html
Cameron's freebie to apartheid South Africa
By Jane Merrick and James Hanning
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Why did they do
Gross over-billing by Astra on the MoD allowed a colossal payout by the Bank of England direct to Astra.:-
£17.8 millions from that BofE payout was laundered into 1992 Tory Party election campaign coffers.
see Hansard for 22nd June 1993 and starting Col. 197.
Incidentally Lord McAlpine was the 1992 election campaign fundraiser.
Campaign manager for 1992 was Chris Patten.
More recently and under another heading Patten has been seen to be Lord McAlpine's recent Lord Protector at the BBC.
a group of private investors each to collect handsomely from the BofE payout to Astra after the three 'cylinders' had been delivered to Oman. Their cash had been need to buy the three 'cylinders' from the Afrikaners at Durban docks before the three 'cylinders' could be shipped to Oman.
The bottom line in all of this now is that ....under UK Health & Safety Legislation....each of us has a Duty of Care. There are still two more of those nukes unaccounted for, and that may still go-off?
Also the extreme Jail provisions as contained in the....Nuclear Explosions Act (1998) are now highly relevant. They are there to encourage anyone who knows anything about the lost nukes to tell UK Intelligence before one goes off......and as happened on 25th May 2009.
+44 (0)7786 952037
Twitter: @TonyGosling
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
<> "The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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