A list of past and present MPs who are Freemasons or Bilderberg attendees
contact: upd...@fallingmasonry.info

Shining light on the Corruption and Deceit of the Freemasons
It seems highly unlikely that Freemasons are an alien race of shape-shifting lizard-people, or had any involvement in the JFK assassination. However, there is enough information on the internet suggesting that the Freemasons would be the correct organization to join, were someone hoping for an invite to the Bilderberg Group or wishing to become part of the Illuminati, that it would be surprising if the Masons were not attracting the sort of people desperate for power, influence and money. Now, if someone asked you "What is a Mason?". Maybe you'd think, as we used to believe, that Freemasonry is simply a secretive organization for starchy old men with nothing better to do, that consists of rolling up your trouser legs, wearing a leather apron and giving funny handshakes. Some people have argued that Freemasons shouldn't be criticised because they raise large sums of money for charitable causes (something which is certainly very commendable). But then, plenty of other organisations have also raised a lot of money for charity - without feeling any need to indulge in secret rituals, award each other grandiose titles, or swear oaths to cover each other's backs. Further, we must also be careful that charity fundraising is not being abused as a cover for sexual abuse, as seems to have been the case with Jimmy Savile, during his lifetime. For most of us, charity means giving help to those in need - regardless of race, gender, sexuality or skin colour - but studying the Freemason organization, charity for them seems to mean manipulating Gift Aid and the favourable tax treatment afforded to charities, so that they can give more to themselves and their friends. To illustrate this, if you visit the United Grand Lodge of England webpage, you can click on the "Charitable Work" link, and discover that Freemasons channel their charitable efforts through four charities. Then, if you check the eligibility requirements for each of those supposed charities, you will see that they all restrict their help to Freemasons, former Freemasons and close dependents of Freemasons. Therefore, if you give money to one of the Freemason's Charities, you might believe that you are supporting worthy local causes, but in fact all you are likely doing is making a payment into some Mason's Healthcare scheme, Insurance or Pension fund, etc. Researching a little deeper into Freemasonry, we find that the Masons are to be found behind a number of scandals and outrages over the years - Mozart's death, Licio Gelli and the Propaganda Due outrage, the murder of Roberto Calvi (God's Banker), the disgraceful treatment of former Chief Inspector Brian Woollard, whilst just recently it has transpired that Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is also a Freemason. A hint to the skulduggery indulged in by Freemasons is given in the writings of Albert Pike, who penned the Masonic guidebook "Morals and Dogma", in which he affirms: Masonry [...] conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead; to conceal the Truth, which it calls light, and draw them away from it. [pages 104-5] Regardless of what you believe, the Freemason's United Grand Lodge of England claims to have about 400,000 members throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland; a high percentage of which turn out to be Public servants, or Members of Parliament (Two Masonic Lodges operate in the Palace of Westminster, and nearly every Lord Mayor of London since the start of the last century has been a Freemason). Oftentimes, these characters also turn out to have rather dubious personal histories. It's also undisputed that Freemasons spend a lot of their time adorning themselves with vainglorious titles, Masonic medals, robes and finery. Then, in everyday life, they will use Square and Compasses jewellery, along with similar accessories, to covertly indicate their Masonic membership to other Freemasons, and thereby surreptitiously be able to obtain preferential treatment, to the detriment of the Profane (the label that Freemasons give us non-Masons). Most importantly, Masonic Public servants - who should be putting the interests of the British public first in their day-to-day duties, will have taken blood-curdling oaths to always put the interests of other Freemasons before anyone else, when they were initially recruited into the organization - under no less penalty than ritual murder, mutilation and being disappeared like the victim of a South American Death squad. In fact, Cecil Rolph Hewitt, Criminologist, Author, Journalist and former Vice-President of the Howard League for Penal Reform, who joined the City of London Police in 1921, and writing as C. H. Rolph, in an article for the weekly news magazine Police Review in September 1981, said: I saw enough chicanery and favouritism fostering Freemasonry in the Police service to satisfy me that it ought to be barred. It wasn't so much that the Masons got actual preferment (though I'm sure some of them did); they believed they would, and the belief devalued their characters in a way that was as odd as it was disturbing. Previous to that in 1969, David Thomas, a former Head of Monmouthshire CID, stated: [T]he insidious effect of Freemasonry among the Police has to be experienced to be believed. More recently, PC Kitit Gordhandas, from West Yorkshire Police, wrote to Police Review saying: I feel that Freemasonry stands for white, male, middle-class members working for the advancement of themselves and their fellow Masons. It appears highly likely then, that Freemasons do perform acts of mutual advancement and improper favour-swapping. Both of which are actions that any right-minded person would agree are incompatible with being a Public servant, and which should preclude that person from taking part in any sort of Public Office.
As the old saying goes "No man can serve two masters".
To solve similar problems, millions of Public servants sign the Official Secrets Act, which curbs their right to publish, discuss or otherwise disseminate information which they may learn in the course of their work. Additionally, members of the Armed forces and the Police surrender their civil liberty to withdraw their labour and go on strike. Whilst no Civil servant or Policemen is allowed to stand as a candidate in local or national elections without first having resigned from his or her employment. Therefore, imposing a similar curb on members of the Police service and Civil servants in respect of Freemasonry has an undeniable precedent. People would retain the right to join shadowy organizations that swear oaths to support their own members ahead of everyone else, such as the Freemasons, the Knights of St. Columba or the Order of the Eastern Star - but they would then lose the right to remain as Policemen or Civil servants, etc. This same rule could then be imposed upon other Public servants, such as MPs, Judges, Magistrates and Local Councillors - After all, these selfsame officials are frequently telling us "Those with nothing to hide have nothing to fear". So, until this happens, it is not enough for Public servants to claim that they behave with integrity. They must been seen to be doing so too. Therefore, since most of the general public still knows very little about who is or isn't a Freemason, they are being kept in the dark as to whom they can trust, when it comes to dealing with MPs, Judges, Lords, Magistrates and members of the Police, etc. Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good. ~~ former U.S. President John Quincy Adams

A list of past and present MPs who are Freemasons or Bilderberg attendees

(These lists are currently being researched - keep checking back for the latest information.)Name Constituency / Comments Source of evidence / Member's Masonic Lodge
Tony Baldry     Banbury (Conservative)  Hansard, 6 April 1989
Ed Balls Morley & Outwood (Labour Co-op); Economic Secretary to the Treasury Bilderberg participant (2001-03,2006-07) John Baron Basildon & Billericay (Conservative) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums William Wither Beach Conservative MP for North Hampshire (1857-85); Andover (1885-1901) Hampshire & IOW Masonry website Anne Begg Aberdeen South (Labour) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Stuart Bell Middlesbrough (Labour) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Sir Frederic Bennett Conservative MP for Torbay (1955-87) Bilderberg participant (1963,1965-75,1977-80) Brian Binley Northampton South (Conservative) Biography at Conservative Party website Bob Blackman Adulterous, homophobic MP for Harrow East (Conservative) Kenelm Lodge, No.8255 Tony Blair Former Prime Minister; Labour MP for Sedgefield (1983-2007) Internet forums suggest Studholme Lodge, No.1591; Bilderberg participant, 1993 Nick Boles Grantham & Stamford (Conservative) Bilderberg participant (2012) Andrew Bridgen NW Leicestershire (Conservative) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Gordon Brown Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath (Labour) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums; Bilderberg participant (1991) Vince Cable Twickenham (Liberal Democrat) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Alun Cairns Vale of Glamorgan (Conservative) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums David Cameron Witney (Conservative) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Edward Hamer Carbutt Tory MP for Monmouth Book: "Secret Society of the Freemasons in Bradford" Sir Fred Catherwood Vice President of the European Parliament (1989-1992) Bilderberg attendee (1971) David Chaytor Labour MP for Bury North (1997-2010); jailed for 18 months after making false Parliamentary expenses claims Claimed as Liberty Lodge, No.5573 in internet forums Winston Churchill Tory Prime Minister (1940-45 & 1951-55) [Note: The Churchill Society points out that he publicly resigned as a Mason in 1912] Studholme Alliance Lodge No.1591; Rosemary Lodge No.2851 Kenneth Clarke Rushcliffe (Conservative); Lord Chancellor & Secretary of Justice Bilderberg participant (1993,1998-00,2003-04,2006-08,2012) Clement Davies Liberal MP for Montgomeryshire (1929-62); Former leader of the Liberal Party Bilderberg participant (1954) Geraint Davies Swansea West (Labour Co-op) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Edmund Dell Labour MP for Birkenhead (1964-79) Bilderberg attendee (1978) Jim Devine Labour MP for Livingston (2005-10) jailed for 16 months after making false Parliamentary expenses claims Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Sir Herbert Dunnico Labour MP for Consett (1929-31) Founder of New Welcome Lodge, No.5139 Sir Tony Durant Tory MP for Reading North (1974-83); Reading West (1983-97) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Sir Peter Emery Conservative MP for East Devon (1959-2001) The Independent, 31 October 1995 William Forster Conservative MP for Bradford (1861-1886) Pentalpha Lodge, No.974; book: "Secret Society of the Freemasons in Bradford" John Foster Conservative MP for Northwich (1945-1974); Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Commonwealth Relations Bilderberg attendee (1954) William Henry Foster Conservative MP for Lancaster (1895-1900) Book: "Secret Society of the Freemasons in Bradford" Sir Anthony Gadie Conservative MP for Bradford Central (1924-29) Temple Lodge, No.4963 Hugh Gaitskell Labour MP for Leeds South (1945-63); Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Bilderberg attendee (1954,1958) Phil Gallie Conservative MP for Ayr (1992-97) (later MSP) The Scotsman, 2 February 2002 Jo Grimond Liberal MP for Orkney and Shetland (1950-83) Bilderberg attendee (1958) Arthur Greenwood Labour MP for Nelson & Colne (1922-31); Wakefield (1932-54) Hugh Dalton makes the claim in his memoir "The Fateful Years" William Hague Richmond(Yorks) (Conservative) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums; Bilderberg participant (1998) Keith Harding Conservative MSP for Mid Scotland & Fife (1999-2003) The Scotsman, 2 February 2002 Edward Heath Conservative MP for Old Bexley & Sidcup (1950-2001) Bilderberg participant (1963,1967,1969) Joseph Hiley Conservative MP for Pudsey (1959-74); involved in the Shire Oak scandal Leeds Other Paper, 12 December 1986 Stuart Holland Labour MP for Vauxhall (1979-89) Bilderberg attendee (1970) John Horam Labour MP for Gateshead West (1970-83); Conservative MP for Orpington (1992-2010) Bilderberg attendee (1975) Douglas Hurd Conservative MP for Mid Oxfordshire (1974-83); Witney (1983-97) Bilderberg attendee (1980-81) H. Montgomery Hyde Ulster Unionist MP for Belfast North (1950-59) Bilderberg attendee (1954,1957) Eric Illsley Labour MP for Barnsley Central (1987-2011); jailed for 12 months after making false Parliamentary expenses claims Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Bernard Jenkin Conservative MP for Harwich & North Essex Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Aubrey Jones Conservative MP for Birmingham Hall Green (1950-65) Bilderberg attendee (1974) David Jones Clwyd West (Conservative) Welsh Assembly Register of Members interests Gwilym Jones Conservative MP for Cardiff North (1983-97) Dinas Llandaff Lodge, No.8512 Ruth Kelly Labour MP for Bolton West (1997-2010); Opus Dei member The Scotsman, 21 January 2005 Sir Edwin Leather Conservative MP for North Somerset (1950-64) The Telegraph, 6 April 2005 Jack Lopresti Filton & Bradley Stoke (Conservative) Mr Lopresti is outed in a Bristol Indymedia podcast, 15 January 2012 Niall Macdermot Labour MP for Derby North (1957-70) The Independent, 31 October 1995 Angus MacDonald Scottish National Party MSP for Falkirk East Scottish Parliament Register of interests; Lodge Zetland, No.391 Sir John Major Former Tory Prime Minister (1990-97) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Jamie McGrigor MSP for the Highlands & Islands (Conservative) The Scotsman, 2 February 2002 David McLetchie Former leader of the Scottish Conservative Party, who resigned after a taxi expenses scandal The Telegraph, 7 February 2002 Reginald Maudling Conservative MP for Chipping Barnet (1950-79) Numerous sources list Mr Maudling as a Freemason; Bilderberg attendee (1965,1967,1970-71,1973) Brian Monteith Conservative MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife (1999-2007) The Scotsman, 2 February 2002 Elliot Morley Labour MP for Scunthorpe (1987-2010); jailed for 16 months after making false Parliamentary expenses claims Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Robert Neill Bromley & Chislehurst (Conservative) New Statesman, 12 June 2006; Greater London Lodge, No.2603 Anthony Nelson Conservative MP for Chichester (1974-97) Martin Short claims that Mr Nelson told him that he was a Freemason Allan Noble Conservative MP for Chelsea (1945-59) Bilderberg attendee (1957) John Nott Conservative MP for St. Ives (1966-83); Secretary of State for Defence during the Falklands War Bilderberg attendee (1977) John James Oddy Conservative MP for Pudsey (1908-10) Book: "Secret Society of the Freemasons in Bradford" George Osborne Tatton (Conservative); Chancellor of the Exchequer Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums; Bilderberg attendee (2006-09,2011) Ian Paisley North Antrim (Democratic Unionist) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums John Storey Penleaze Liberal MP for Southampton (1833-5) Hampshire & IOW Masonry website Sir Ian Percival Conservative MP for Southport (1959-87) New Welcome Lodge, No.5139; Canada Lodge No.3527; County Palatine Lodge No.2505 Enoch Powell Ulster Unionist Party MP for South Down (1950-87) Bilderberg participant (1968) Christopher Price Labour MP for Birmingham Perry Barr (1966-70), Lewisham West (1974-83) Bilderberg attendee (1970) Sir Malcolm Rifkind Kensington (Conservative); Former Foreign Secretary Bilderberg participant (1986,1996) Sir George Robertson Liberal MP for Bradford Central (1906-16) Book: "Secret Society of the Freemasons in Bradford" Peter Rost Conservative MP for Erewash (1970-92) Martin Short claims that Mr Rost told him that he was a Freemason Michael Russell Scottish National Party MSP for Argyll & Bute Scottish Parliament Register of interests; Kyles of Bute Lodge, No.1120 John Smith Labour MP for Monklands East (1970-94); Former Labour Party leader Bilderberg participant (1986,1989,1991) Rory Stewart Conservative MP for Penrith & The Border Bilderberg participant (2011) David Sumberg Conservative MP for Bury South (1983-97); now an MEP dubbed "UK's laziest MEP" Smith Child Lodge, No.2064 Shirley Summerskill Labour MP for Halifax (1964-83) Bilderberg attendee (1972) Sir Charles S.Taylor Conservative MP for Eastbourne (1935-74) 1985 Masonic Year Book Norman Tebbit Former MP for Epping (1970-74), Chingford (1974-92); Former Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Bilderberg attendee (1985) Stefan Terlezki Conservative MP for Cardiff West (1983-97) Dinas Llandaff Lodge, No.8512 Sir Neil Thorne Conservative MP for Ilford South (1979-92) Leyton Grange Park Lodge, No.5473 Sir David Trippier Conservative MP for Rossendale & Darwen (1979-92) Keystone Lodge, No.363 Sir Neville Trotter Conservative MP for Tynemouth (1974-97) Suggested as a Freemason in internet discussion forums Sir Peter Vanneck Conservative MEP for Cleveland & Yorkshire North The Independent, 31 October 1995 Sir Gerard Vaughan Conservative MP for Reading East (1983-97) The Independent, 31 October 1995 Sir Alfred Cecil Walker Democratic Unionist MP for Belfast North (1983-2001) Martin Short claims that Cecil Walker told him that he was a Freemason
Gary Waller     Conservative MP for Keighley (1979-97)  Clifton Lodge, No.7112
Sir Francis Watson Conservative MP for Pudsey & Otley (1923-29) Book: "Secret Society of the Freemasons in Bradford" Sir John Wells Conservative MP for Maidstone (1959-87) The Independent, 31 October 1995

[Masonic MPs who have subsequently become ennobled are listed in the Peers section of this website.]

© 2013 Falling Masonry. We know that some information is a little sketchy, but since Freemasons are so secretive, it's difficult to discover exact details of who they are or what they do. So, this is where you can help, if you know better sources of evidence, have corrections, updates or even information about people wrongly described as Masons, then do contact us in confidence.
+44 (0)7786 952037
Twitter: @TonyGosling http://twitter.com/tonygosling
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
<http://utangente.free.fr/2003/media2003.pdf>http://utangente.free.fr/2003/media2003.pdf "The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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