Since the Benghazi Tragedy US President Obama has done some major cabinet 
shuffling. Out went Council on Foreign Relation’s member Bill Clinton’s 
Secretary of State wife Hillary in came CFR member Senator John McCain. Out 
went CFR National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon, in came Obama’s first 
choice for Secretary of State Council on Foreign Relations member UN 
Ambassador Susan Rice.  Conspicuously absent from CFR run main stream media 
coverage of the CFR shuffle is any mention of the CFR.

Jane Harman is the former U.S. Representative for California’s 36th 
congressional district, serving from 1993 to 1999, and from 2001 to 2011. 
She is a member of the Democratic Party. She is a member of the Council on 
Foreign Relations <>. 
*Harman* has had a longtime involvement in intelligence issues. In 2006 
Democrat Harman defended the Republican Bush CFR run 
use of international warrantless wiretapping through the National Security 
Agency, saying: “I believe the program is essential to U.S. national 
security and that its disclosure has damaged critical intelligence 
 In April of 2009 CFR member Harman was caught on an 
*NSA wiretap cutting a deal with an Israeli 

Jane Harman’s second marriage was to audio pioneer CFR member Sidney 
Undersecretary of the Department of Commerce in CFR member Carter’s 
On August 2, 2010 CFR member Sidney 
Harman<>bought Newsweek from the CFR 
run Washington Post for $1 and assumed its 

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) controls Main Stream 
 throughout the world. One of the magazines they controlled is 
Newsweek. <> At the end of 2010, *
Newsweek* merged with the online publication *The Daily 
*.. The new entity, The Newsweek Daily Beast Company, was 50% owned by IAC 
and 50% by the CFR members Sydney and Jane Harman. A feature of The Daily 
Beast is the “Cheat Sheet”, billed as “must reads from all over”. Published 
daily, the “Cheat Sheet” offers a selection of articles from online news 
outlets on popular stories. The “Cheat Sheet” includes brief summaries of 
the article, and a link to read the full text of the article on the website 
of its provider. Contributors  include Meghan McCain (CFR member John 
McCain’s daughter), Bilderberger Tony Blair,  CFR member Condoleezza 
 for CFR member Katrina 
vanden Heuval’s <>the 
Nation), CFR 
expert Reza 
 of CFR member George 
Clooney <>), Judith 
Miller (a CFR “Must Read” WSJ Not-See CFR 
Andrew Sullivan (a CFR “Must Read” Reuters Not-See CFR 
Bilderberger David Frum <>.

Today the Daily Beast published an article titled *Susan Rice and John 
Kerry Will Battle For Obama’s Ear. *The article is by Josh 
and Eli Lake <>. 
Josh Rogin is senior correspondent for national security and politics for 
CFR run *Newsweek *and The Daily Beast. He previously worked for the CFR 
magazine Foreign Affairs <>. Eli Lake 
is the senior national-security correspondent for CFR run *Newsweek *and 
the Daily Beast. Since 2008* *Lake has been a contributing editor at *The 
New Republic <>.*The New 
Republic was founded by Walter 
Lippmann was a member of America’s first intelligence organization the 
attended the Paris Peace Conference after World War I, and was a founding 
father of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Central to Lippmann’s strategy of achieving government and international 
relations policy aims were large scale psycho-political operations aimed at 
the masses. The early work of Lippmann, and another leading pioneer in the 
field of psychological warfare, Harold Lasswell, were funded by the 
Rockefeller Foundation. Not coincidentally the governments national 
security campaigns usually overlapped the commercial ambitions of Council 
on Foreign Relations and Institute of International Affairs controlled 
industries. The Carnegie Corporation and Ford Foundation were principal 
secondary sources of large-scale communication research funding, operating 
in close coordination with government propaganda and intelligence programs.

Rogin and Lake make no mention of the Council on Foreign Relations in their 
article about Rice and Kerry. Both Susan 
Rice<>and John 
Kerry <> are CFR 
members. Susan Rice was President Obama’s first choice for Secretary of 
State was CFR member UN Ambassador Susan 
September 11, 2012 the US Embassy In Benghazi was attacked and Ambassador 
to Libya <> J. 
Christopher Stevens <>, 
Smith <>, U.S. Foreign Service 
Information Management Officer, and two Navy SEALS, Glen 
Doherty<>and Tyrone 
S. Woods <> were killed. On 
September 16 CFR member Rice made the rounds of CFR run news shows 
including  CBS’s Face the 
Nation<>, ABC’s This Week, This 
Week with George 
,[ Meet the Press <>, State of 
the Union with Candy 
and Fox News Sunday <>. On 
November 19th ninty-seven House Republicans sent a letter to President 
Obama on saying Rice's statements were "misleading."  The house put 
together a CFR run Accountability Review 
Board<>to look into the matter.  The 
Secretary of State requires Senate 
confirmation.  Due to her role in the Benghazi tragedy Rice new she would 
never be confirmed and withdrew her 
 withdrawal left Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman CFR member 
John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) with no apparent rivals to take over from Secretary 
of State. Secretary of State has always been a Council on Foreign Relations 
job <>. Hillary 
Clinton followed CFR member Condoleezza Rice. While Hillary is not a CFR 
member both her husband President William Jefferson Clinton and her 
daughter Chealsea, who works for ABC are CFR members.  John Kerry will be 
the twenty-second Council on Foreign Relations member to be Secretary of 

[image: pic 1 

On June 5th CFR member Thomas Donilon resigned as President Obama’s 
National Security advisor and the President announced that CFR member Susan 
 be his new National Security advisor. Senate confirmation is not 
required for the National Security Advisor, probably because the job is so 
unimportant. Susan Rice is the eighteenth Council on Foreign Relations 
National Security Advisor.

[image: pic 2 

The CFR has turned every President of the United States since Woodrow 
Wilson into a CFR puppet. They do this by surrounding POTUS with CFR 
members who influence his decisions to further Council on Foreign Relations 
goals. The Council on Foreign Relations profits from the Military 
Industrial Complex that it controls. While the Council on Foreign Relations 
makes war bucks from selling weapons millions of innocent men women and 
children are caught in CFR engineered endless wars. The Daily Beast article 
follows it has been modified so the reader can easily identify the Council 
on Foreign relation ties Rogin-Lake left out.

*[CFR member] Susan Rice and [CFR member] John Kerry Will Battle For [CFR 
puppet] Obama’s 

by Josh Rogin <>, Eli 
Lake <> Jun 6, 2013 
4:45 AM EDT

*CFR’s Kerry beat out CFR’s Susan for the Secretary of State job they both 
wanted. But as National Security Adviser CFR’s Rice will effectively be 
CFR’s Kerry’s boss, report Josh Rogin and Eli Lake. *

Earlier this year, [CFR’S] John Kerry seemed to prevail over [CFR’S] Susan 
Rice when President Obama selected him to be Secretary of State, a job they 
both coveted. On Wednesday, [CFR’S] Rice regained the upper hand when she 
was appointed National Security Advisor, giving her a position that clearly 
outranks [CFR’S] Kerry’s in the [CFR run] Obama power structure.

[image: pic 3 

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations [CFR member] Susan Rice watches as 
the voting takes place on the resolution to upgrade the status of the 
Palestinian Authority to a nonmember observer state, November 29, 2012. 
(Henny Ray Abram/AFP/Getty)

Now, in an administration where all foreign-policy decision making flows 
through the [CFR run] White House and the [CFR puppet] president makes key 
decisions personally, [CFR’S] Rice and Kerry will be the two senior 
officials jockeying for influence over the remaining three-and-a-half years 
of [CFR puppet] Obama’s second term.

They have different styles and different agendas, and [CFR member] Rice’s 
famously sharp elbows and tough management style may prove a difficult fit 
in a [CFR run] White House where the [CFR puppet] president values harmony 
and discourages open infighting. Nonetheless, the two have worked in the 
past for common policy goals pursued by [CFR puppet] President Obama, such 
as the targetting of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda.

CFR puppet “Obama doesn’t like drama and particularly not public fights 
among members of his team. Susan certainly knows that,” a former Obama 
administration official told [CFR member] Harman’s The Daily Beast.

CFR member Rice replaces [CFR member] Tom Donilon, the national security 
advisor who rarely let the public glimpse his disagreements with senior 
officials. [CFR member] Rice, by contrast, has 
 with other administration officials, such as former Sudan Special 
Envoy Scott Gration.

“Even more so than [CFR member] Donilon…  [Rice] has a temper that needs 
tempering,” Leslie Gelb, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign 
Relations, wrote at The Daily 
 “And unlike [CFR member] Donilon, she often rushes to judgment, 
and then digs in. She’ll have to learn to count to one hundred—I mean one 
thousand—before making up her mind, and meantime, listen to different views 

CFR member Rice appeared to be [CFR puppet] Obama’s favorite for the 
Secretary of State job, but her standing among Senate Republicans was badly 
damaged following her appearances on Sunday talk shows, when she read from 
flawed talking points that sought to frame the deadly Sept. 11 attack on 
the U.S. mission in Benhgazi as a spontaneous event caused by reaction to 
an anti-Islam video. After trying hard to win over Senate Republicans, she 
withdrew herself from contention before a nomination was announced.

CFR member Kerry, though, has implicitly disputed the idea that he was a 
consolation pick, telling the Boston 
 he was offered the job well before [CFR member] Rice decided to 
withdraw from consideration.

“He [the president] called me, actually a week before [CFR member] Susan 
got out of the thing,” Kerry said. “He called me and said, ‘You’re my 
choice. I want you to do this.’ He asked me to keep it quiet. I did. I sat 
on it.”

Politicians and pundits weigh in on the appointment of Susan Rice to 
National Security Adviser.

Now, [CFR member] Rice will be in a position to supervise 
Although the Secretary of State is a cabinet-level official and the 
national security adviser is just a White House staffer, in the Obama 
administration the latter job has carried more weight and arguably more 

“During the Bush [H.W.Bush is a CFR member] years, Democrats came up with 
concepts like ‘smart power’ to harness all of the tools of American 
power—political, diplomatic, economic— and not just the military. A key 
element was to empower the [CFR run] State 
Department<>which was massively 
overshadowed by the [CFR 
said Thomas Wright, a scholar at the Brookings Institution. “For better or 
worse, the [CFR run] Obama administration<>has 
killed smart power. Its chosen concept is central power—the idea that 
everything flows to and from the National Security Council.”

Access to the president and the ability to influence him on major decisions 
is now key to influencing foreign policy in this administration. [CFR 
member] Donilon protected that access carefully, for example by never 
 chance to give [CFR puppet] Obama his daily briefing on national 

The conventional wisdom is that [CFR member] Rice is closer to Obama, 
having been with him as his premier foreign policy advisor since the 2008 
presidential campaign. She is also a close personal friend of both Michelle 
Obama and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. In this sense, [CFR member] Rice 
is the ultimate [CFR puppet] Obama-land insider, with a personal friendship 
with the president as her greatest bureaucratic asset. She worked hard to 
preserve her relationship with the president while serving as U.S. 
ambassador to the U.N. for four years, spending more time in Washington 
than any of her predecessors.

“I know that after years of commuting to New York while Ian, Jake and Maris 
stayed here in Washington, you will be the first person ever in this job 
who will see their family more by taking the National Security Advisor’s 
job,” Obama joked today.

Now, [CFR member] Rice will be in a position to .supervise [CFR member] 

But the [CFR member] Kerry-Obama personal relationship dates back several 
years as well. It was [CFR member] Kerry who chose then-Illinois State 
Senator Obama to deliver the keynote speech at his 2004 presidential 
convention, the speech that catapulted Obama to national prominence and 
attention for the first time. [CFR member] Kerry was also one of the first 
U.S. senators to endorse Obama during his primary fight with [CFR spouse] 
Hillary Clinton in 2008.

When Obama took office, he brought several former [CFR member] Kerry 
presidential campaign staffers in to fill key positions. Some of those 
staffers have moved back to [CFR member] Kerry’s team since their old boss 
took over at State in February. Heather Higginbottom was the Kerry 2004 
campaign’s deputy policy director and then was his legislative director in 
the Senate before she moved over to work for Obama at the White House 
Office of Management and Budget. She returned to work for [CFR member] 
Kerry in April and is now his Counselor at the State Department.

Kerry’s chief of staff David Wade was the traveling press secretary for Joe 
Biden after having worked years for Kerry. Jon Favreau, Obama’s former 
speechwriter (and now a columnist for [CFR member Harman’s] The Daily 
Beast) was [CFR member] Kerry’s speechwriter during his 2004 presidential 
campaign. State Department spokeswomen Jen Psaki and Marie Harf are both 
former Obama campaign staffers who also have worked with Kerry in the past. 
Even Marvin Nicholson, Obama’s body man who replaced Reggie Love, was 
Kerry’s body 
 he moved over the White House.

Since becoming Secretary of State, [CFR member] Kerry has placed a lot of 
emphasis on working directly with Obama and the White House, rather than 
concentrating on harnessing the resources of the [CFR run] State 
Department, as did his predecessor [CFR spouse] Hillary Clinton. Aides say 
there’s constant contact and coordination between the buildings.

“The approach [CFR member] Kerry has clearly has taken is that he wants to 
work closely and hand in hand with the [CFR puppet] president,” one [CFR 
run] State Department insider said. “He feels that working closely is going 
to help him be able to do his job best.”

The working relationship was cemented when the two traveled together to the 
Middle East in March, during which the president would go out of his way to 
include Kerry in his daily routine, including middle of the night briefings 
for the president.

“They can work together on global issues, that there’s a decision making 
process that weaves through them,” the insider said.

CFR members Rice and Kerry at times have worked closely together. But on 
some important policy areas they do not see eye to eye.

CFR member Kerry has spent his first months in Foggy Bottom working to 
repair the U.S.-Russia relationship and use that as a mechanism to find a 
political solution to the crisis in Syria. [CFR member] Kerry believes he 
has a close personal friendship with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei 
Lavrov. [CFR member] Rice, by contrast has traded public 
 her Russian counterpart at the U.N.

Regarding Syria specifically, administration officials and other close 
supporters of the [CFR run] White House say [CFR member] Rice in internal 
meetings has supported a no-fly zone for Syria. But the incoming national 
security adviser is also wary of arming the more liberal elements of 
Syria’s opposition.

“CFR member Susan is not for arming the rebels, but she leans in on the no 
fly zone,” said one outside adviser to the White House on foreign policy.

CFR member Kerry has voiced several views in recent years on arming the 
Syrian rebels, but recently he has indicated that [CFR puppet] Obama would 
lift his objections to sending such lethal aid to Syria’s opposition if 
Syria’s president, Bashar Assad, boycotts an upcoming peace conference in 
Geneva that [CFR member] 
 worked with the Russians to arrange.

“There will be some conflict at some point between [CFR member] Kerry, 
[Secretary of Defense Chuck CFR member] Hagel and [CFR member] Rice. They 
all come from very different world views and different backgrounds,” this 
source said.

For [CFR member] Rice, who got her start during the[ [CFR member] William] 
Clinton administration and was seared by the world’s inaction in the face 
of the Rwandan genocide, her worldview in some ways hews closely with 
liberal internationalism, or a belief that American power can be used to 
promote American values through multi-lateral institutions like the United 

That said, other former officials who know CFR memberRice say she is hard 
to pin down ideologically. “There is no doubt that Rwanda shaped her views 
profoundly and seeing things go wrong in Iraq has shaped her views as 
well,” said Heather Hurlburt who worked with [CFR member] Rice at the [CFR 
run] State Department during the CFR member’s Clinton administration and is 
now the executive director of the National Security Network. “Seeing the 
good we did and some of the bad that has come in Libya has also shaped her 
views and made them more complex.”

Despite the differences in style and worldview however, [CFR members] Rice 
and Kerry have joined forces under the [CFR puppet] Obama [CFR 
run]administration before.

John Prendergast, the co-founder of the Enough Project who worked on Africa 
issues with [CFR member] Rice during the [CFR member Bill] Clinton 
administration, said [CFR members] Kerry and Rice worked closely on 
developing U.S. policy to support the referendum vote in Sudan that ended 
the north-south civil war as well as [CFR puppet] Obama’s decision to send 
special operations teams to Africa to counter the Uganda based Lord’s 
Resistance Army.

“They are solutions oriented people and they work often together on 
outcomes that advance US interests,” Prendergast said. “ [CFR member] 
Ambassador Rice is a pragmatist. [CFR member] Secretary Kerry is a 
pragmatist. They are not going to let alleged personal rivalries or alleged 
past grievances undermine their policy objectives.”

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us on Twitter <> for updates all day long.

Josh Rogin is senior correspondent for national security and politics for 
*and The Daily Beast. He previously worked at *Foreign Policy* magazine, 
Quarterly*, *Federal Computer Week* magazine, and Japan’s leading daily 
newspaper, *The Asahi Shimbun*. He hails from Philadelphia and lives in 
Washington, D.C.

Eli Lake is the senior national-security correspondent for *Newsweek *and 
the Daily Beast. He previously covered national security and intelligence 
for the *Washington Times. *Lake has also been a contributing editor at *The 
New Republic *since 2008 and covered diplomacy, intelligence, and the 
military for the late *New York Sun. *He has lived in Cairo and traveled to 
war zones in Sudan, Iraq, and Gaza. He is one of the few journalists to 
report from all three members of President Bush’s axis of evil: Iraq, Iran, 
and North Korea.

For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at <>


   - John Kerry, <> 
   - U.S. Politics, <> 
   - Syria, <> 
   - Susan Rice <> 


Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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