Adam Curtis on Western Intelligence interference in Syrian affairs

Much of the debate about whether to intervene in Syria or not is taking 
place in a strange ahistorical vacuum. As with so much debate about 
humanitarian intervention the underlying world view is of a simplified 
story of bad dictators and good, well intentioned westerners who must 
somehow intervene to stop him.


Sep 2013 -  Adam Curtis - 

But the truth is that America has a very complicated relationship with 
Syria which stretches back over sixty years.

Back in the 1950s America set out to intervene in Syria, liberate the 
people from a corrupt elite, and bring about a new democracy. They did this 
with the best of intentions, but it led to disaster. And out of that 
disaster the Assad regime rose to power.

America's actions were by no means the only factor that led to the violence 
and horror. But their unforeseen consequences played an important role in 
shaping a feverish paranoia in Syria in the late 1950s - which helped 
Assad, and his Baath Party, come to power.

A while ago I wrote the story of America's strange relationship with Syria 
and the dark and bloody twists and turns that resulted - from 1947 onwards. 
I thought it would be good to link to it again because so much of what 
happened is relevant to today's debate.


Thursday 16 June 2011, 19:00
Adam Curtis 


What is happening in Syria feels like one of the last gasps of the age of 
the military dictators. An old way of running the world is still 
desperately trying to cling to power, but the underlying feeling in the 
west is that somehow Assad's archaic and cruel military rule will 
inevitably collapse and Syrians will move forward into a democratic age.

That may, or may not, happen, but what is extraordinary is that we have 
been here beAdam Curtis on context of Syria fore. Between 1947 and 1949 an 
odd group of idealists and hard realists in the American government set out 
to intervene in Syria. Their aim was to liberate the Syrian people from a 
corrupt autocratic elite - and allow true democracy to flourish. They did 
this because they were convinced that "the Syrian people are naturally 
democratic" and that all that was neccessary was to get rid of the elites - 
and a new world of "peace and progress" would inevitably emerge.

What resulted was a disaster, and the consequences of that disaster then 
led, through a weird series of bloody twists and turns, to the rise to 
power of the Assad family and the widescale repression in Syria today.

I thought I would tell that story.

In 1968 a CIA agent called Miles Copeland wrote a book called 'The Game of 
Nations' that revealed what went on in 1947. Back then Copeland was part of 
a mangement consulting team in Washington who were working out how America 
should contain the threat of communism in the Middle East, now the old 
European Empires had gone. This was before the CIA existed, and Copeland 
describes how they got together an odd group of diplomats, secret agents 
left over from the war, advertising men from Madison Avenue, and 
"pipe-smoking owls" (which is what intellectuals were called in those days).

Copeland describes an impassioned lecturer telling this group that their 
aim should be to change the leadership in the countries in the Middle East:

"Politicians in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt seem to have been elected 
into power, but what elections! The winners were all candidates of foreign 
powers, old land-owners who tell their tenants and villagers how to vote, 
or rich crooks who can buy their votes. But peoples of these countries are 
intelligent, and they have a natural bent for politics. If there is a part 
of the world which is crying for the democratic process the Arab World is 

They decided to start with Syria.

Compared to what was to come, it was all very sweet and innocent. Elections 
were due in Syria in 1947, and the Americans decided to give "a discreet 
nudge here and there". This involved warning landowners, employers, ward 
bosses and police chiefs not to intimidate the voters. The American oil 
companies were paid to put up big posters telling the Syrians to "vote for 
the candidate of your choice" (apparently this baffled all the Syrians 
because the posters didn't mention any candidates by name). Hundreds of 
taxis were hired to take voters to the polls free of charge. And the 
Americans brought in automatic, tamper-proof voting machines.

It didn't go as expected. The landowners and other elites ignored all the 
warnings and intimidated everyone. There were massive gun fights and scores 
of people were killed. The taxi-drivers bonded together and sold themselves 
to different candidates - promising to make their passengers vote the 
"right" way. The voting machines didn't work properly because of 
irregularities in the electric current, or were sabotaged. Two did work - 
but the losing candidates refused to accept the verdict of "imperialist 
technology" - and got recounts by hand, which strangely made them win.

And worst of all, most of the pro-American candidates defected to other 
foreign powers. The Americans had nobly refused to give them any money - so 
the Russians, the French and the British stepped in and bribed them - and 
the candidates changed their allegiances.

The Americans were upset. So they decided they would have to go further. 
The chief diplomat in Damascus was called James Keeley. The solution he 
said was to find a way of "quarantining" the Syrians from the corrupting 
forces that had wrecked the election so they would become more 
self-confident. More "naturally democratic". Here is a picture of James 

And the way to create this "quarantine" was by engineering a military coup. 
According to Copeland, Keeley believed that America should get rid of the 
present elected leaders, bring in a short period of dictatorship which 
would protect the Syrian people and thus allow them to develop 
self-confidence and stronger personalities, and within a few years a real 
independent democracy would emerge.

And that is what the Americans did. In 1949 a "Political Action Team" was 
set up that went and made friends with the head of the Syrian army, Husni 
al-Za'im. Copeland was part of the team and he is completely open about 
what they did.

"The political action team suggested to Za'im the idea of a coup d'etat, 
advised him how to go about it, guided him through the intricate 
preparations in laying the groundwork for it...Za'im was 'the American 
boy'. "

Here is a picture of the American boy - General Za'im and his limousine.

And Za'im promised the Americans he would throw all the corrupt politicians 
in jail, reform the country, recognise the new state of Israel, and then 
bring in proper democracy. All the Americans were convinced that it was a 
brilliant plan - except for one man, a young political officer called Deane 
Hinton. Copeland describes a moment when they were out in Damascus planning 
the coup when Hinton turned to the rest of the group and said:

"I want to go on record as saying that this is the stupidest, most 
irresponsible action a diplomatic mission like ours could get itself 
involved in, and that we've started a series of these things that will 
never end."

Deane was promptly kicked out of the group and ostracised. The coup 
happened in March 1949. It was the first post-war military coup in the 
Middle East. It was a great success and the American celebrated "opening 
the door to Peace and Progress"

But then Za'im immediately went back on all his promises and turned into a 
violent tyrant. He got so bad that five months later a group of his 
subordinates surrounded his house and shot him to bits. And then they 
mounted another violent coup, this time with no promises. As Copeland noted 
- Hinton had been right. The Americans had started something - they had 
"opened the door to the Dark Ages" in Syria.

Here is Copeland interviewed in 1969. He is reflecting ruefully on the 
disaster they had created in Syria. His is the voice of a generation of 
Americans who had tried to intervene to bring democracy to the Middle East 
- not just in Syria but later in Iran and in Nasser's Egypt. The "Game" he 
refers to is a management game-playing exercise the CIA did in the 1950s 
when planning the interventions. It's aim was to predict how all the 
"players" in the country would behave.

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As a result Syria was torn apart by miltary coups throughout the early 
1950s. Then in 1954 the parliamentary system was restored. The politicians 
- and most of the Syrian people - were now terrified of America, not just 
because of the interventions and the coup, but also because of their 
support for Israel. In response the new government turned to the Soviet 
Union for economic aid and friendship.

Here is a fascinating film made in 1957. The BBC reporter, Woodrow Wyatt, 
goes to Syria with the aim of proving that everyone there is a communist. 
But repeatedly they tell him that this is not true. Both students and 
millionaire businessmen insist they are not a Soviet satellite, that they 
like capitalism. They just fear America because of its plots - and they 
have turned to the Soviets as a message to America. They also see Israel as 
America's agent.

Just before Woodrow Wyatt arrived the Syrians had uncovered yet another CIA 
plot to overthrow the government. Three CIA men had been expelled, and even 
Wyatt has to admit in the commentary that the evidence for the plot is 

In fact it was true. The Americans had been planning another military coup, 
code-named Operation Wappen. The CIA man in charge was called Howard 
"Rocky" Stone, and he terrified the Syrians because he always stared 
intensely at them. But Stone did this because he was almost completely deaf 
- and he was trying to read their lips.

But while all the Syrians interviewed in the film dislike America, they 
also all have a hero. He is President Nasser of Egypt. What inspires them 
is Nasser's dream of a united Arab world that would be strong enough to 
challenge America and the western powers.

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But Syria also had its own fast-growing version of Nasser's Pan-Arabism - 
and it was even more epic in its vision. It was called the Baath party. It 
had been started by a Syrian Christian called Michel Aflaq - and Aflaq's 
dream was to rouse the Arabs from what he considered a living death. To 
free them from the shackles of tribalism, sectarianism, the oppression of 
women and the cruel autocracies of landowners. All these made the Arabs 
feel inferior - and that was then exploited by the Western empires, and now 
by America. In the process they had turned the Arab people into powerless 

Here are some pictures of Aflaq.

Baath meant rebirth - and that was what Aflaq wanted to bring about. His 
aim was freedom not just from America and the old empires, but he also 
wanted to bring about personal liberation from mental and social chains 
that were holding the Arabs back. It was an extraordinary fusion of Arab 
nationalism, grand ideas from the French Revolution, and modern socialist 
theories which wanted to transcend the deep sectarian divisions in the Arab 

Then, in 1958, Syria and Egypt merged as countries to become the United 
Arab Republic, led by President Nasser. Aflaq believed that is was the 
beginning of a united Arab world and under pressure from Nasser he agreed 
to dissolve the Baath party as a separate entity. But he and the other 
Baathists quickly discovered that Nasser wanted to use the opportunity to 
destroy the Baath party because he saw it as a rival to his pan-Arab vision.

Here is part of a film shot in Syria in 1961 at the very moment when the 
UAR was falling apart. It records the growing hatred of Nasser among the 
Syrians. I particularly like the posters of American Hollywood starlets - 
with Nasser's face stuck on them. He's just as bad as the Americans now.

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Faced with growing chaos in Syria, five young Baath party members who were 
also army officers decided they would save the country. They set up a 
secret committee within the army and planned to bring about the Baath 
vision in Syria. They would create a united Arab world where Nasser had 
failed. One of them was a young Hafez al-Assad.

And the Baath idea was spreading. At the same time, a group of Baathists in 
Iraq were plotting to bring down the nationalist ruler of the country - 
General Qassim. And in February 1963 they struck first. But the coup they 
mounted wasn't all that it seemed - and the reason was that yet again the 
Americans had got involved.

The Baath party had emerged and risen to popularity precisely because it 
promised to liberate the Arab people from foreign intervention and control. 
But in the strange twists and turns of Middle Eastern power struggles the 
Baath in Iraq ended up coming to power in a coup that was in large part 
organised and funded by the CIA. And one of the CIA's "assets" in that coup 
was a lowly member of the conspiracy - Saddam Hussein.

The reason the Americans got involved was simple. General Qassim depended 
on the Iraqi communists for power. The Baath party hated the communists 
because they saw International Marxism as their biggest rival to their 
dream of uniting the Arab world. And the CIA wanted to get rid of the 
communists in Iraq. So Bingo - why not help the Baath party? And that 
included giving them a list of the communists in Iraq that they should 
kill. (The elimination list was given to them by a Time Magazine 
correspondent who was really a CIA agent - and it was out of date)

This is a photograph of a group of some of the Iraqi Baathists of that time 
- including a young Saddam.

Here is a section from the film I made called It Felt Like a Kiss. It tells 
the story of Saddam's involvement in the Baath-CIA coup of 1963 set to 
music and images, and also sets it in the wider context of a growing 
uncertainty within America itself at the time.

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But the Syrian Baathists weren't going to be outclassed. A month later they 
mounted their coup, and this time without the CIA's help. Hafez al-Assad 
was one of the leaders. Everything went fine until Assad arrived outside 
one of Syria's main airbases to take it over. The officers refused to let 
him in because they said he wasn't really a Baathist, he was a Nasserist. 
Assad stood for hours shouting "I'm not a Nasserist, I'm a Baathist" at the 
airmen. The revolution was held up as they argued over the niceties of 
Pan-Arab theory.

But it succeeded. And it now looked as if the Baath vision might really 
spread across the Arab world. Nasser was furious - he used everyone's 
favourite political insult. He called them "fascists".

Here is a comedy sketch the BBC programme That Was The Week That Was did 
two days after the 1963 coup in Syria. It's not very funny, but it is 
interesting because of the prism through which it sees the coup. The "joke" 
is that the coup will only happen when the western media arrive. The 
plotters are waiting for the Panorama reporter to turn up because they know 
that coup will not be real until it is reported by the west.

It is an early example of the techno-orientalism that is being repeated 
today in the media's firm belief that it is the western social media 
networks that made possible the rebellions in Tunisia and Egypt.

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The dream of Baathism was to overcome the sectarianism that had always 
riven the Arab world, to create a secular society in which everyone was 
included. But now, as Assad and his four friends on the secret committee 
took power, that sectarianism rose up to possess and distort their 

Of the five conspirators, three of them - including Assad - came from the 
Alawite sect. They were a Shia sect who lived in the western mountains of 
Syria. The two others were Ismailis - another branch of Shia Islam. 
Traditionally power in Syria had resided with the old Sunni landowning and 
merchant class of the plains who also made up the bulk of the population. 
The seizing of power by Assad and his conspirators was a dramatic reversal. 
It was the triumph of a low-class peasant population and lower middle class 
urbanites against the old metropolitan elites. And the Sunnis hated it.

The hatred went deep because when the French ruled the country they had 
practiced a programme of divide and rule which deliberately fomented and 
exaggerated the sectarian divisions in the country. Faced with this, Assad 
began to follow a logic that would destroy the very core of Michel Aflaq's 
dream of a united Arab world. Assad wasn't a sectarian, but he moved 
through the army and the institutions of state ruthlessly installing those 
he trusted into positions of power - while removing, often bloodily, 
Sunnis, Druze and other members of the old elite Syrian class. And many of 
those he installed were Alawites, like him.

In the process Assad also came into conflict with the other four members of 
the secret committee behind the revolution. So he destroyed them too. 
Until, by 1969, there were only two men left - Assad and an austere General 
called Salah Jadid. Assad couldn't get rid of Jadid because he was 
protected by the ruthless Bureau of National Security. So Assad sent troops 
to the one petrol station where all the security bureau jeeps refuelled - 
and grabbed them one by one. When the head of the bureau realised that he 
was defeated, he rang one of Assad's allies and then shot himself so that 
his enemy could hear the gunshot.

Here is some footage - beginning with the celebration from the early days 
of the revolution among the urban poor - as the Baath party free them from 
the old bosses. Followed by images of the strange Baath state that Assad 
then created in Syria. It was centred round countless images of Assad as a 
the heroic leader of the nation. It is very odd because, unlike Saddam who 
was doing the same sort of thing in Iraq, in every image and statue Assad 
looks like a middle manager.

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Assad believed that this ruthless exercise of power was necessary because 
of the deep sectarian divisions. It was a strange echo of the American 
diplomat in 1949 who believed that a military coup was needed to 
"quarantine" the Syrian people - because Assad believed that the naked 
exercise of power by an elite was necessary to enforce a genuinely plural 
society. To quarantine the Syrians from their sectarian past.

And many Syrians greeted it with a sigh of relief after the relentless 
chaos and violence of the past twenty years. They welcomed the stable state 
Assad created for fear of the alternative - and as a result he became 
popular with millions of Syrians.

But what he had also created was a repressive state that resorted to 
violence and fear to maintain its rule.

Here are some unedited rushes - shot in 1977 - of the city of Hama. They 
are labelled Stockshots in the BBC archive. But since 1982 they have become 
more than that. They are one of the few film records that remain of a city 
that was practically destroyed by Assad as he struggled to put down an 
uprising by the disgruntled Sunnis, led by the Muslim Brotherhood, who 
dominated the town. The accepted estimate is that Assad's security forces 
killed 10,000 people - and bulldozed many of the buildings - to try and 
wipe away yet more of his enemies.

But he wasn't successfull, Hama is yet again one of the main centres of the 
revolt against Assad's son's regime.

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Nobody knows what is going to happen in Syria today. The optimistic view is 
that a new generation is emerging who really want a proper representative 
democracy in which all groups can negotiate with each other without 
violence. The pessimistic view is that those sectarian divisions, 
encouraged by the French - and then incubated further by the Assad family - 
will re-emerge. In truth no-one knows.

But there is a terrible naivety in the West's view of the ongoing revolt in 
Syria. It forgets its own history and the role it played in helping create 
the present situation.

Back in the 1950s America set out to create democracy in Syria, but it led 
to disaster. It was by no means the only factor that led to the violence 
and horror of the Assad dictatorship, but its unforeseen consequences 
played an important role in shaping the feverish paranoia in Syria in the 
late 1950s - which helped the Baath party come to power. And while the 
Western powers no longer remember this history, the Syrians surely do.

The man who had originally created the Baath vision, Michel Aflaq, was 
forced into exile in Iraq. He died in 1989 - a sad man, convinced that 
Assad had destroyed his dream of a united, confident Arab world.

The Iraqi Baaths hated the Syrian Baaths and they embraced the exiled 
Aflaq. After he died they built a grand mausoleum for him in Bagdhad. Here 
is a photo of what had happened to the mausoleum by 2006. It had been 
turned into a gym for the invading American troops. You can see Aflaq's 
tomb behind the weights and the table football.

One idea of personal transformation had been replaced by another. 

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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