*I have been aware of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) US 
intelligence connection for a long time. Eighteen National Security 
Administration dirs. and Eighteen Central Intelligence Agency dirs. are CFR 
members. When the Snowden incident broke I became aware of the fact that 
the CFR run Carlyle group owns the Booz-Allen Spy nest that Snowden worked 
for. No one, including the Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald have make the 
CFR-NSA-Snowden connection. I wrote a letter to the NY times about it and 
they wouldn’t post it so I put it up on a blog 
Today the article below appeared in the New York Times. It appears a UK spy 
agency called Government Communications Head Quarters (GCHQ) is doing NSA 
like spying in the UK. It is being sued. I believe that GCHQ has been run 
for many years by Royal Institute of International Affairs/Chatham House 
members. I have tried for a long time to get a list of Chatham house 
members to prove my theory. It is not possible, they will not release their 
membership list. The CFR does release their list. *

* *

*The CFR and Chatham House both grew out of Cecil Rhodes Secret Society 
called the Rountable Group. The Roundtable group was set up as circles 
within circles. The CFR and Chatham House operate in this manner too.  I 
think that Chatham House circles are set up a little differently than CFR 
circles. The CFR is very exclusive. Members are put up by three other CFR 
members. They have circles within circles where the inner most circle does 
the planning and uses outer circle members in the plan without the outer 
circle members role being made known to them. This allows for plausible 
deniability. Chatham House is much more lenient in allowing anyone who 
wants to pay to be a member. I think every CFR member knows the power of 
the organization and is aware that they are playing a part in furthering 
CFR ends. This may not be true of many Chatham house members. But rest 
assured that the inner circles are made up of a UK power elite that know 
what is going on. Because of the UK’s class system inner circle people 
would be members of UK aristocracy. 
If any of these lawsuits are legitimate and want to get to the source of 
the problem they should make Chatham House involvement part of the focus of 
their suits. They should use the lawsuit to get Chatham House membership 
lists and make up a chart showing Chatham House membership and member roles 
in running organizations like MI5/MI6 and GCHQ. This Chart displays 
CFR-Governmentt connections and is a useful tool in making people aware 
that the CFR run the US govertment. 
If anyone out there could make the groups suing GCHQ aware of and act on 
this and, if we can expose the CFR/Chatham House monsters, maybe enough 
people will get angry and help put them down.
Groups launch privacy suit against UK spy agency
*Email this Story

Oct 3, 3:52 PM (ET)

LONDON (AP) - Three organizations in Britain have filed a lawsuit at the 
European Court of Human Rights, accusing their country's eavesdropping 
agency of using its online surveillance programs to violate the privacy of 
millions of citizens.

English PEN, Big Brother Watch and the Open Rights Group claim that 
Britain's Government Communications Headquarters, known as GCHQ, acted 
illegally by collecting vast amounts of data, including the contents of 
emails and social media messages.

The legal challenge came after documents disclosed by U.S. National 
Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden exposed the extent of mass data 
gathering carried out by NSA and GCHQ.

Lawyer Daniel Carey said Thursday that papers for the lawsuit were filed 
this week at the court, which is based in Strasbourg, France.

GCHQ did not immediately return calls seeking its comment.


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Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be 
revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in 
darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that 
preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27












Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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