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US-made drones have been used by the British military to strike hundreds of targets in Afghanistan (Photo: Steve Crane)

Seven EU states create military drone 'club'

20.11.13 @ 09:29
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By Andrew Rettman

BRUSSELS - Seven EU countries have formed what France calls a "club" to produce military drones from 2020 onward.

The scheme was agreed in Brussels on Tuesday (19 November) at a meeting of the European Defence Agency (EDA), the EU's defence think tank, by France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.

The group-of-seven's defence ministers signed a "letter of intent" tasking the EDA to draw up a study on joint production of Medium Altitude Long Endurance (Male) craft, which can be used to strike military targets or for surveillance of migrant boats in the Mediterranean Sea.

The EDA said in a press release that "the objective of this community is to exchange information as well as to identify and facilitate co-operation among member states which currently operate or plan to operate RPAS [Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems]."

The think tank's director, Claude-France Arnould, noted: "In view of today’s constrained financial situation, this effort for defence must be fully efficient which implies co-operation and searching for synergies."

Another EDA official, Peter Round, told media: "This is the starting pistol for us to be able to start work on a European RPAS."

The French defence minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said: "If Europe hopes to maintain a strategic capability, countries must pool their capacities and actions in a pragmatic way."

He called the group of seven a "club of drone-using countries."

The EDA decision comes ahead of an EU summit on defence in December.

It also comes amid a raft of existing European drone projects.

Three European arms firms - France's Dassualt, Franco-German firm Eads and Italy's Finmeccanica - agreed in June to launch their own European drone programme.

France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland are working on what they call a "euro-Ucav," or unmanned combat air vehicle, the Neuron, which made a test flight in December 2012.

France and the UK are working on a "stealth" drone called Telemos to fly in 2018.

On the civilian side, the European Commission is also developing drones to be used for surveillance in EU civilian airspace with Israel Aerospace Industries and with the Austrian-based firm, Diamond Airborne Sensing.

The EDA meeting on Tuesday saw eight EU states - Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK - sign up to a second scheme, the "Joint Investment Programme on RPAS for Air Traffic Insertion," to enable drones to fly alongside civilian planes.

Meanwhile, the EU's new Male programme is designed to compete with Israeli and US arms firms.

Israel and the US make the vast majority of the world's military drones and sell them to allies such as Germany, France, Italy and the UK.

Britain, according to a report filed by the UK defence ministry to the British parliament last month, used US-made "Reapers" to strike targets in Afghanistan 418 times since 2007.

The UN and robotics experts have voiced concerns about drone proliferation.

Noel Sharkey, a British scientist who advises the UK military, told this website last year that China has also developed a Male, the Pterodactyl, which it intends to sell worldwide.

But the concern has had little impact on a global drone market said by the US-based consultancy, the Teal Group, to be worth €5 billion a year and forecast to hit €9 billion by 2018.

The EDA meeting on Tuesday also called for "increased co-operation" by EU states on air-to-air refuelling, satellite communications and cyber defence.

Its press release noted, referring to EU states' reliance on the US airforce in the Libya and Mali conflicts, that: "Recent operations have demonstrated an important European capability gap in this area [air refuelling]."

Correction: The original story said Denmark is part of a group of eight countries which signed up to a Joint Investment Programme on RPAS for Air Traffic Insertion. In fact, Denmark is not in the group. But Germany is. Sorry

An explosive review published today reveals that royal author Alan Power fraudulently included hundreds of false “facts” and repeatedly altered sworn witness evidence, in his widely-read book The Princess Diana Conspiracy.

The extensive book review – entitled Alan Power Exposed: Hundreds of Errors in “The Princess Diana Conspiracy” – uncovers over 200 deceptions and errors in Power’s book. It is authored by John Morgan, an Australian investigative writer who is seen by many to be the world’s leading expert on the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. He has written nine evidence-based books on the circumstances around the car crash that took their lives in Paris’ Alma Tunnel on 31 August 1997.

Alan Power Exposed – which runs to 180 pages – is an in-depth investigation of Power’s work. Speaking from his home in Brisbane last night John Morgan said that The Princess Diana Conspiracy is a “minefield of deceptive writing, manipulation of evidence, misinformation and misrepresentation of the facts.” Morgan stated that Power has duped his readers: “Power claims that he has disclosed the facts of the case, but instead what he has done is fraudulently alter much of the witness evidence to fit his own predetermined false scenario of what occurred”. Morgan went on to say that he was staggered when he realised just how far Power had gone in his efforts to deceive his readers.

The review also addresses the amazing coincidence that The Princess Diana Conspiracy was published within days of the August 2013 announcement by Scotland Yard that it was scoping new information regarding the deaths. That announcement concerned an allegation by a member of the SAS, known as Soldier N, that the SAS were involved in the assassination of Princess Diana – an allegation that actually matches the premise of Power’s book. Morgan includes evidence in his review indicating the fortuitous timing of Power’s publication may not have been a coincidence.

John Morgan says that a key question is: Why does a first-time author living on the Isle of Man produce a book that is so heavily flawed – 200 basic errors with over 500 when one allows for repetition? Alan Power Exposed seeks to answer this. Morgan states: “The point here is that the case for the assassination of Princess Diana is now very strong and there is no need at all to alter witness evidence and misrepresent the facts – so why did Power do this, and on such a large scale?” Expert analysts have raised the possibility that Power’s book is actually a “false flag” operation, written in cooperation with the British intelligence services, and published with the intention of discrediting the entire worldwide movement that is seeking justice for Princess Diana. In the review Morgan points to evidence indicating that Power may not have been acting alone when he wrote The Princess Diana Conspiracy.

John Morgan is the author of the Diana Inquest series of books. Eminent QC Michael Mansfield – who served throughout the six months of the London inquest – has said of that series: “I have no doubt that the volumes written by John Morgan will come to be regarded as the ‘Magnum Opus’ on the crash”.

Mohamed Al Fayed, who lost his son Dodi in the Paris crash, has stated: “I believe that John Morgan has done more to expose the facts of this case than the police in France and Britain.”

John Morgan’s investigation website: <>

Alan Power Exposed is available in paperback at Amazon: <>

And at Amazon UK: <>

Also available in Kindle US: <>

And Kindle UK: <>

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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