
Iran-Contra *Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh 
Walsh was is best known as the independent counsel who exposed law breaking 
in the Reagan administration that gave rise to the Iran-contra scandal. 
Walsh died on Wednesday, March 19th 2014, at his home in Oklahoma City. He 
was 102. He was also not independent.  Walsh played a key role in a 
psycho-political operation deceiving the American people.

The first rule of *Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) run main stream 
media*<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdWxWaDdjF8>disinformation is See No CFR, 
Speak No CFR, Hear No CFR. *Propaganda, 
is the effort to alter the 
picture*<http://www.bilderberg.org/roundtable/empic.html>to which men respond, 
to substitute one social pattern for another. *Propaganda 
is used to 
 reality worlds using sleight of mind. Tactical psycho-political 
operations focus propaganda at the masses by interference in specific 
events, their comments, and their appeals through mass communication media 
( i.e. newspapers, radio, television, textbooks, educational material, art, 
entertainment, etc. ). Propaganda is used to *manipulate public opinion to 
attain specific 
If the operations are designed to conceal both the operation and the 
sponsor the operation is clandestine. If the operations are designed only 
to conceal only the sponsor the operation is covert. The Iran-Contra Affair 
was a covert operation meant to conceal the true sponsor – The Council on 
Foreign Relations.

Walsh was in charge of a six-year investigation into the Iran-Contra 
affair, and *concluded in his final report that President Ronald 
Reagan*<http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/walsh/>and "Reagan Administration 
officials deliberately deceived the Congress and 
the public about the level and extent of official knowledge of and support 
for these operations". Conspicuously absent from his report is any mention 
of the Council on Foreign Relations or the Council on Foreign Relations 
members involved in the Iran-Contra Affair. Walsh was playing his role in 
the Council on Foreign Relations deception.

At Least 19 Council on Foreign Relations members were involved in 
Iran-Contra Affair . Some were guilty of wrong doing, others investigated 
the wrong doing. Click on this link for a look at *Who’s Who In the 
Iran-Contra Affair Zoo* <http://www.bilderberg.org/roundtable/emiran.html>.

On December 25th 1992, six years after the arms-for-hostages scandal cast a 
shadow that would darken two Administrations, Council on Foreign Relations 
member *President George 
 Bush granted full pardons to six former officials in Ronald Reagan's 
Administration, including Council on Foreign Relations Member  former 
Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger. Weinberger would become closely 
connected to the Carlyle Group, a Council of Foreign Relations investor 
team of *Defense industry 
The *Carlyle Group would go 
One of the Companies it would buy and run is Booze-Allen-Hamilton the NSA 
spy nest that *whistle blower Edward 

A *limited hangout*, or *partial hangout*, is a public relations or *propaganda 
technique* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_technique> . It 
involves releasing hidden information to prevent greater exposure of more 
important details. It takes the form of 
*misdirection* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feint>, or 
*coverup*<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coverup>often associated with 
agencies* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_agencies> involving a 
release or "*mea culpa* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mea_culpa>" type of 
confession of only part of a set of previously hidden sensitive 
information, establishing credibility for the one releasing the 
information.  In actuality, by withholding key facts, it protects a deeper 
operation and those who would be exposed if the whole truth came out.

On December 25th 1992 New York Times Reporter David Johnston published an 
article titled *Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Aborting a Weinberger Trial; 
Prosecutor Assails 'Cover-Up'. *The article includes *Lawrence E. Walsh's 
Statement on the 
Conspicuously absent from the article is any mention of the Council on 
Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations magazine is Foreign 
Affairs. In 1995 Foreign Affairs printed an article by Johnston titled 
The Story of Aldrich Ames, an American Spy; Dirty Tricks or Trump Cards: 
U.S. Counterintelligence and Covert Action- 
The Council on Foreign Relations role in that story is missing too. Is an 
intelligent journalist like Johnston really that obtuse that he completely 
missed the Council on Foreign Relations connection? Or is Johnston a 
Council on Foreign Relations propagandist shaping public opinion and part 
of the deception as was Lawrence Walsh? Johnston's article and Walsh's 
statement on the Iran-Contra article follow. They have been modified to 
identify Council on Foreign Relations members mentioned in them.
December 25, 1992By DAVID JOHNSTON

<nyt_text version="1.0">Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Aborting a 
Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails 'Cover-Up'

   - *Lawrence E. Walsh's Statement on the 

ix years after the arms-for-hostages scandal began to cast a shadow that 
would darken two Administrations, President Bush today granted full pardons 
to six former officials in Ronald Reagan's Administration, including former 
on Foreign Relations member* Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger.

*Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger was scheduled to stand 
trial on Jan. 5 on charges that he lied to Congress about his knowledge of 
the arms sales to Iran and efforts by other countries to help underwrite 
the Nicaraguan rebels, a case that was expected to focus on *Council on 
Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger's private notes that contain 
references to *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Bush's endorsement 
of the secret shipments to Iran.

In one remaining facet of the inquiry, the independent prosecutor, Lawrence 
E. Walsh, plans to review a 1986 campaign diary kept by *Council on Foreign 
Relations member* Mr. Bush. Mr. Walsh has characterized the President's 
failure to turn over the diary until now as misconduct.

*Decapitated Walsh Efforts*

But in a single stroke, *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Bush 
swept away one conviction, three guilty pleas and two pending cases, 
virtually decapitating what was left of Mr. Walsh's effort, which began in 
1986. Mr. Bush's decision was announced by the White House in a printed 
statement after the President left for Camp David, where he will spend the 
Christmas holiday.

Mr. Walsh bitterly condemned the *Council on Foreign Relations 
member*President's action, charging that "the Iran-contra cover-up, which has 
continued for more than six years, has now been completed."

Mr. Walsh directed his heaviest fire at *Council on Foreign Relations 
member* Mr. Bush over the pardon of *Council on Foreign Relations member*Mr. 
Weinberger, whose trial would have given the prosecutor a last chance 
to explore the role in the affair of senior Reagan officials, including 
on Foreign Relations member*  Mr. Bush's actions as Vice President.

*'Evidence of Conspiracy'*

Mr. Walsh hinted that *Council on Foreign Relations member*  Mr. Bush's 
pardon of *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger and the 
President's own role in the affair could be related. For the first time, he 
charged that *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger's notes 
about the secret decision to sell arms to Iran, a central piece of evidence 
in the case against the former Pentagon chief, included "evidence of a 
conspiracy among the highest ranking Reagan Administration officials to lie 
to Congress and the American public."

The prosecutor charged that *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. 
Weinberger's efforts to hide his notes may have "forestalled impeachment 
proceedings against President Reagan" and formed part of a pattern of 
"deception and obstruction." On Dec. 11, Mr. Walsh said he discovered 
"misconduct" in *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Bush's failure to 
turn over what the prosecutor said were the President's own
"highly relevant contemporaneous notes, despite repeated requests for such 

The notes, in the form of a campaign diary that *Council on Foreign 
Relations member* Mr. Bush compiled after the elections in November 1986, 
are in the process of being turned over to Mr. Walsh, who said, "In light 
of *Council on Foreign Relations member*  President Bush's own misconduct, 
we are gravely concerned about his decision to pardon others who lied to 
Congress and obstructed official investigations."

In an interview on the *Council on Foreign Relations members*"McNeil-Lehrer 
Newshour" tonight, Mr. Walsh said for the first time that *Council 
on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Bush was a subject of his investigation. 
The term "subject," as it has been used by Mr. Walsh's prosecutors, is 
broadly defined as someone involved in events under scrutiny, but who falls 
short of being a target, or a person likely to be charged with a crime. In 
the inquiry into the entire Iran-contra affair, a number of Government 
officials have been identified as subjects who were never charged with 

*What Charges Are Unlikely*

The prosecutor said he would take appropriate action in *Council on Foreign 
Relations member* Mr. Bush's case, implying he might contemplate future 
legal action against the President for withholding relevant documents. But 
prosecutors have said in the past that charging a President or former 
President with wrongdoing would be highly unlikely without overwhelming 
evidence of a serious crime.

*Council on Foreign Relations member*  C. Boyden Gray, the White House 
counsel, said today that *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Bush had 
voluntarily supplied the disputed material to Mr. Walsh, asserting that the 
notes contained no new information about the affair. *Council on Foreign 
Relations member* Mr. Gray said *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. 
Bush wanted make the notes public, but did not say when.

*Council on Foreign Relations member*  President-elect *Bill Clinton, at a 
news conference in Little Rock, 
to announce his remaining Cabinet selections *<which included many CFR 
members>* <http://www.mega.nu/ampp/roundtable/CFRClinton.html>, said he 
wanted to learn more about the pardons, adding, "I am concerned by any 
action that sends a signal that if you work for the Government, you're 
beyond the law, or that not telling the truth to Congress under oath is 
somehow less serious than not telling the truth to some other body under 

*Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Bush, in a statement accompanying 
the pardon, seemed to anticipate his critics, acknowledging that his 
decision might be interpreted as an effort to "prevent full disclosure of 
some new key fact to the American people." He said, "That is not true."

Asserting that "no impartial person has seriously suggested that my own 
role in this matter is legally questionable," the President sought to 
position himself on the side of greater openness. *Council on Foreign 
Relations member* Mr. Bush said he had asked Mr. Walsh to provide him with 
a copy of his testimony to the prosecutor, which he would make public.

*Lobbying by Ex-Reagan Aides*

Today's action followed intensive lobbying by former Reagan aides to pardon 
on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger and a series of meetings in 
recent days at the White House, culminating with the President's decision 
this morning. Republicans, long angered by the prosecution, were incensed 
by the new indictment of *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. 
Weinberger four days before the election. The indictment said *Council on 
Foreign Relations member*  Mr. Weinberger's notes contradicted *Council on 
Foreign Relations member* Mr. Bush's assertions that he had only a 
fragmentary knowledge of the arms secretly sold to Iran in 1985 and 1986 in 
exchange for American hostages in Lebanon.

*Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger was also charged with 
testifying falsely to Congress that he did not recall whether Saudi Arabia 
had ever contributed to the contras. Prosecutors said his notes showed that 
he had known of the Saudi contributions.

Records made public over the years included no evidence that *Council on 
Foreign Relations member*  Mr. Bush knew about he secret efforts to arm the 
Nicaraguan rebels, but they did suggest he knew of Iran operation almost 
from its inception in 1985 and took part in crucial meetings where the arms 
sales were openly discussed as an arms-for-hostages swap. The Reagan 
Administration's public policy was never to bargain for the freedom of 

Mr. Bush said today that the Walsh prosecution reflected "a profoundly 
troubling development in the political and legal climate of our country: 
the criminalization of policy differences."

*Question of Politics*

He added: "These differences should have been addressed in the political 
arena without the Damocles sword of criminality hanging over the heads of 
some of the combatants. The proper target is the President, not his 
subordinates; the proper forum is the voting booth, not the courtroom."

In his comments, *Council on Foreign Relations member*  Mr. Bush said he 
was trying to "put bitterness behind us," asserting that each of the men he 
was pardoning had a long record of public service and had already paid a 
heavy price for their involvement in the affair in damaged careers, hurt 
families and depleted savings.

The Iran-contra affair, the worst scandal of Mr. Reagan's Presidency, came 
into the open in the fall of 1986 with the disclosure of two intertwined 
secret operations: the arms sales to Teheran, and the diversion of profits 
from those sales to help finance a covert weapons supply network to the 
contras, set up in 1985, after Congress barred direct aid to the rebels.

Besides *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger, the President 
pardoned *Council on Foreign Relations member* Robert C. McFarlane, the 
former national security adviser, and *Council on Foreign Relations 
member*Elliott Abrams, the former assistant Secretary of State for Central 
America. Both officials had pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of 
withholding information from Congress about support for the contras.

*Others Who Are Pardoned*

The President also pardoned *Clair E. 
the former head of the Central Intelligence Agency's clandestine services, 
who was convicted earlier this month, at his second trial, of two felony 
charges of perjury and misleading Congress about both the contras and the 
Iran initiative -- crimes for which he faced up to five years in prison and 
$250,000 in fines.

Two other intelligence officials were granted clemency, *CFR Foreign 
Affairs magazine writer* *Duane R. 
the former head of the C.I.A.'s European division, who was awaiting trial 
on charges that he misled Congressional investigators about a missile 
shipment to Iran in 1985.

The other was *Alan D. Fiers 
once a rising star with the agency, who had pleaded guilty in 1991 to 
withholding information about the contras from Congress and who later 
decided to cooperate with the prosecution, becoming Mr. George's chief 
accuser at both his trials.

*Council on Foreign Relations member*  Mr. Bush described *Council on 
Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger as a "true American patriot" and 
he said clemency was granted both to spare him torment and cost of lengthy 
legal proceedings as well as out of a concern for the health of *Council on 
Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger, who is 75 year old.

*Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Weinberger, who was asked at a 
news conference today whether his notes contained any entries that might be 
embarrassing to *Council on Foreign Relations member* Mr. Bush, replied: 
"No, certainly not. There's nothing in those notes that in any way 
contradicts what President Bush said, or what President Reagan said."

But not since *Council on Foreign Relations member* President Gerald R. 
Ford granted clemency to former *Council on Foreign Relations member*President 
Richard M. Nixon for possible crimes in Watergate has a 
Presidential pardon so pointedly raised the issue of whether the President 
was trying to shield officials for political purposes. Mr. Walsh invoked 
Watergate tonight in an interview on the ABC News program "Nightline," 
likening today's pardons to *Council on Foreign Relations member* President 
Richard M. Nixon's dismissal of the Watergate special 
prosecutor, Archibald Cox, in 1973. Mr. Walsh said *Council on Foreign 
Relations member* Mr. Bush had "succeeded in a sort of Saturday Night 

Democratic lawmakers assailed the decision. *Council on Foreign Relations 
member*  Senator George J. Mitchell of Maine, the Democratic leader, called 
the action a mistake. "It is not as the President stated today a matter of 
criminalizing policy differences," he said. "If members of the executive 
branch lie to the Congress, obstruct justice and otherwise break the law, 
how can policy differences be fairly and legally resolved in a democracy."

The main supporters of the pardon were Vice President Quayle, the Senate 
Republican leader, Bob Dole, and *Council on Foreign Relations member*  Mr. 
Gray, one senior Administration official said today. The decision, 
discussed in private, seemed to coalesce in the last three weeks although 
on Foreign Relations member*  Mr. Bush was said to believe that *Council on 
Foreign Relations member*  Mr. Weinberger had been unfairly charged ever 
since the former Reagan Cabinet officer was first indicted in June.

Throughout the deliberations, *Council on Foreign Relations member*  Mr. 
Bush consulted with Attorney General William P. Barr and *Council on 
Foreign Relations member*  *Brent 
the national security adviser, who had sat on a Presidential review panel 
that examined the affair in early 1987.

In lengthy Oval Office meetings in the last week, *Council on Foreign 
Relations member*  Mr. Bush and his advisers, none of whom offered a sharp 
dissent, discussed how to balance their desire to grant a pardon with their 
realization that such an act would almost certainly provoke hostility.

In the end, *Council on Foreign Relations member*  Mr. Bush's advisers 
decided he could surmount his critics by expressing, as did in his 
statement, his willingness to make public additional documents about the 
affair, like his statement to the prosecutors and *Council on Foreign 
Relations member*  Mr. Weinberger's notes.

*Independent Counsel's Statement on the Pardons*

*Following is a statement by the independent counsel, Lawrence E. Walsh, 
regarding pardons granted today by President Bush.*

*Council on Foreign Relations member*  President Bush's pardon of *Council 
on Foreign Relations member*  Caspar Weinberger and other Iran-contra 
defendants undermines the principle that no man is above the law. It 
demonstrates that powerful people with powerful allies can commit serious 
crimes in high office -- deliberately abusing the public trust without 

*Council on Foreign Relations member*  Weinberger, who faced four felony 
charges, deserved to be tried by a jury of citizens. Although it is the 
President's prerogative to grant pardons, it is every American's right that 
the criminal justice system be administered fairly, regardless of a 
person's rank and connections.

The Iran-contra cover-up, which has continued for more than six years, has 
now been completed with the pardon of *Council on Foreign Relations member* 
Caspar Weinberger. We will make a full report on our findings to Congress 
and the public describing the details and extent of this cover-up.

*Council on Foreign Relations member*  Weinberger's early and deliberate 
decision to conceal and withhold extensive contemporaneous notes of the 
Iran-contra matter radically altered the official investigations and 
possibly forestalled timely impeachment proceedings against President 
Reagan and other officials. *Council on Foreign Relations member* Weinberger's 
notes contain evidence of a conspiracy among the 
highest-ranking *Reagan Administration 
of whom belonged to the Council on Foreign relations>* to lie to Congress 
and the American public. Because the notes were withheld from investigators 
for years, many of the leads were impossible to follow, key witnesses had 
purportedly forgotten what was said and done, and statutes of limitation 
had expired.

*Council on Foreign Relations member*  Weinberger's concealment of notes is 
part of a disturbing pattern of deception and obstruction that permeated 
the highest levels of the *Reagan and Bush 
This office was informed only within the past two weeks, on December 11, 
1992, that *Council on Foreign Relations member*  President Bush had failed 
to produce to investigators his own highly relevant contemporaneous notes, 
despite repeated requests for such documents. The production of these notes 
is still ongoing and will lead to appropriate action. In light of *Council 
on Foreign Relations member*  President Bush's own misconduct, we are 
gravely concerned about his decision to pardon others who lied to Congress 
and obstructed official investigations.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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