Former UNHCR Yemen Dr Judith Brown on Saudi/West Arabian intervention
Good Friday investigative reports: Interview with Judith Brown from <>British Yemeni Society, who discusses the friendly society she found when she lived there, the political situation at the moment and the history that brought Yemen to this place: Treaty of Darin (1915), The Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), <>Treaty of Jeddah (1927), Sykes-Picot agreement; Saudi Arabia and oil industry; Wahabi religion; communist government; Houthi, Bakil tribe – history; US drones; media brainwashing in Yemen; clip of Rory Stewart (Defence Select Committee), Simon Jenkins and Lord West discussing money spent on UK defence on BBC Newsnight; MH17 Ukraine; Carrot and stick policy with US drones targeting Yemeni Sunni al Quaeda extremists who are then paid by western intelligence services to fight in Syria; Al Qaeda; Abdel Hakim-el-Haj. <>Reverend Steven Sizer, vicar who has been banned from talking about the middle east, discusses Christian Zionists associating EU and UN with the devil, mistrusting them. Deep flaws in the theology of Christian Zionism and the particularly the rapture which is a 'dispensationalist' theory saying Christians don't have to care for the planet and its people because 'God will sort 'em out' – Israel, Mossad and 9/11 attacks – <>Southampton University cancels conference about Israel due to 'health and safety'

Former UNHCR Yemen Dr Judith Brown on Saudi/West Arabian intervention

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah lashed out at Saudi Arabia over its war on Yemen, stressing that the failure of Riyadh’s foreign policy is the real reason behind the Kingdom’s attack against its neighbor. Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan NasrallahIn a televised speech aired on al-Manar TV, Sayyed Nasrallah called on Saudi Arabia to halt its military attack on Yemen, saying there’s still a chance for the Kingdom to change its mind over the assault. In this context, the resistance leader stressed that the only solution for the Yemeni crisis is political, “or else the invaders will be defeated.” Meanwhile, his eminence said that the problem in Yemen is not because Saudi Arabia wants to defend a government or a president; it is rather because Saudi Arabia has lost its influence in Yemen. “If the aim of the war on Yemen is to save the Yemeni people, then why did Saudi Arabia abandon the Palestinian people for long decades?” Sayyed Nasrallah, meanwhile, said that the latest developments in Yemen prove that “Arab states have never considered Israel an enemy.” He also said that Saudi Arabia “has opposed the revolution which had overthrown Hosni Mubarak. Why didn’t they form a coalition to strike Egypt?”

“Baseless Pretext”
Hezbollah leader elaborated on the pretexts used by the Saudi Arabia to justify its war on Yemen, saying they are "baseless" pretexts. “Pretext that Yemen represents a threat to Gulf states is baseless,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding that “one of the most big lies Saudi Arabia has been propagating is that Iran is occupying Yemen.” The major mentality of Saudi Arabia is that it does not recognize the rights of the peoples of the region, his eminence said.

Failed Policy
“Where are the achievements of Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy since 30 years?” Sayyed Nasrallah wondered, stressing that the failure of Riyadh’s policy “is prompting the people of the region to resort to Iran.” Sayyed Nasrallah, furthermore, accused Saudi Arabia of inciting the Iraqi Dictator, Saddam Hussein to wage the war against Iran in the last century. He added that Riyadh was behind the terrorist crimes committed by the Takfiri suicide bombers in Iraq and Syria. “What did you do for Iraq? You had funded the war waged by Saddam Hussein against Iran. You supported Saddam Hussein as he was committing genocide against Iraqi people. You had also supported George Bush in his war on Iraq. And when the Iraqi people resisted the US occupation you had supported al-Qaeda-linked groups and Takfiri militants, and ISIL is your latest crime.” “The Saudi intelligence was sending the booby-trapped cars and funding the suicide attacks on the Iraqi cities. You have sent the Takfiri monsters to Syria not to save the Syrian people, but to subdue Syria. However, Syria will remain free and independent,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, referring to Saudi Arabia. Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that it’s the Yemeni people's right to defend their country against the Saudi airstrikes. The invaders have been defeated throughout history, Sayyed Nasrallah said, noting that the airstrikes alone don’t determine the loser and the winner of a battle, and that there is still the ground battle which has the final word.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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