Former German Democratic Republic Military Call for Peace in Europe Berlin, May 5 (Prensa Latina) Over a hundred former generals of the army of the dissappeared German Democratic Republic (GDR) launched today in Berlin a call for Peace, and warned of the danger of a new war in Europe. The signatories reject especially what they call the new and aggressive US interventionism in Europe, and demand a policy of detente in relations with Russia. "In the years of the Cold War we lived a long period of militarization and confrontation, always facing the danger of open war," says the document released today by the Association of former soldiers of the GDR, Isor. According to the signatories, during the existence of the GDR and its National People's Army, the members of the military used their knowledge to preserve peace and ensure the existence of the socialist state. The National People's Army never took part participate in military actions, and during the events of 1989/1990 guaranteed the non-usage of weapons, highlights the call. However, the ex-generals and other members of the socialist army emphasize that the war has become again a constant companion of mankind. With the conflict in Ukraine, the war events have again arrived in Europe, says the text. The US strategy is obviously to neutralize Russia as a competitor and weaken the European Union, in the opinion of the former members of the military, who also remember that NATO is moving closer to Russia's borders. In an attempt to integrate Ukraine into NATO, they note, the transatlantic alliance tried creating a cordon from the Baltic states to the Black Sea to isolate Russia from the rest of Europe. Recognizing the destructive forces of modern warfare and our civic responsibility we say clearly: "Here begins a new crime against humanity," as highlighted by the document. We do not need a new war rhetoric but a controversy for Peace, expresses the call signed by the former commander in chief of the National People's Army Heinz Kessler, Admiral Theodor Hoffmann, and general captains Host Stechbarth, Fritz Streletz and Fritz Peter, among others.

2015 – The global crash won’t happen
We could have also headed our article : “No, the inflating of the Chinese stock exchanges isn’t a bubble”. The Shanghai stock exchange’s exuberant 100% increase in one year is certainly frightening, but it reflects a real dynamic (or rather a correction) of the country’s economic development. One really has to wonder how real money (Chinese savings) invested in real needs (infrastructure, social systems, decontamination, Silk Road…) could create a bubble. Our team wants to pick up on the inconsistency that there is of being afraid of the financial centres’ gain in value in the obvious economic development zones like China whilst, for years, the whole world must marvel at the Western stock exchanges’ numbers, in particular in the US, in complete contradiction to the economic fundamentals of the areas concerned. Yes, the US stock exchange is in a full bubble (as well as, to a lesser extent, Japan and Europe). But the freeing up of the emerging nations’ dynamics, equipping themselves with infrastructure tools according to the size of their revenue streams, is on the point of absorbing all these bubbles to finance business development on a scale never seen before. The global crash won’t happen therefore because “planet finance” has only just been born.

Sub-parts of this article :
   * Chinese stock market : a well-prepared opening
   * Silk Road : China has just launched a global New Deal
   * The BRIICS and BAII are releasing the power of emerging economies
   * From globalization to globality: the plumbing problem has been solved !
   * An open but not wide open world
   * Towards a Western crash… or not

Our team has decided to make public the part of the Perspectives section named ” From globalization to globality: the plumbing problem has been solved !”

From globalization to globality: the plumbing problem has been solved !

It’s only up to the West to grasp this great opportunity. On one side there is the insurmountable mountain of US problems : an economy which is going into recession once again[1], insecurity which is reaching its highest[2], the poorest 80%’s incomes which have already been falling for the last two years[3], a never-ending drought in California, the spectre of a new government shutdown in November[4] with the possibility of payment default into the bargain, an overheating stock market[5], etc.

On the other side, there are the BRIICS’ promising prospects in a rationale of global collaboration.

Our readers well know how worried we were last year over the risk of the West shutting down on itself. Over the last three months we have again picked up the thread of our anticipations over the emergence of a multi-polar world, the challenges laid down by its organization, the obstacles in the way of its implementation and the pitfalls to its development as well. With the Iranian agreement, the world has suddenly become exciting again… because the problems on display are just so many challenges to rise to and no longer death threats. The solutions exist.

These problems are numerous : there is the damage of the global systemic crisis to repair as much as structural problems to resolve together. But the machine has been restarted and for the first time in history it’s global. This passing from a Western to a global world has in the end caused plumbing problems especially : a single currency resting on a small national US economy, financial markets not adapted to the size of money flows, international institutions unable to incorporate the new global realities… Whilst the BRICS have rolled up their sleeves and created the conditions to reinvent a multi-monetary international monetary system, truly global financial markets (through innovations such as connecting their two financial centres of Shanghai and Hong Kong[6], not to mention the Yuan direct settlement network which now spans the globe), multi-polar or global banks like the BRICS bank or the brand-new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, to which the European countries, after having frowned at the BRICS Bank, are now rushing at the Chinese invitation (London first, then Paris, Rome and Berlin)[7]… to the extent that the US, after having “scolded” the Europeans for their enthusiasm[8], finds itself obliged to show a certain willingness to cooperate[9].

Even Israel, which has been courted by the AIIB, coincidently during the negotiations with Iran, decided to apply[10].

All this engineering lacked the field of application. The Silk Road provides the first basic outline. The multi-polar world is yet to be built; the trillions floating in the air of the Western financial markets will once again find where to touch down. It’s a true New Deal that the Chinese are offering us, we have seen, but this time it’s global. The West invented globalization but its China, and the BRICS, who have completed the process and put globality in place… To read more, <>subscribe to the GEAB


[1] Source : <>Business Insider, 02/04/2015.

[2] According to a 2013 study (already) 80% of Americans have already been an unemployed during their working lives, or for at least a year, have depended on state aid, or have lived on incomes 150% below the poverty line. Source : <>Associated Press, 28/07/2013.

[3] Source : <>Bloomberg, 02/04/2015.

[4] Source : <>CNBC, 16/03/2015.

[5] Source : <>MarketWatch, 25/03/2015.

[6] Source : <>China Stock Markets web

[7] Source : <>Le Monde, 17/03/2015

[8] Source : <>The Guardian, 13/03/2015

[9] Source : <>Xinhuanet, 30/03/2015

[10] Source : <>Japan Times, 02/04/2015

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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