This media-shy UK AI genius was just invited to a secret conference for the global elite

One of the key topics of this year's conference is artificial intelligence so it makes sense that Hassabis has been sent an invite. GoogleDeepMind's AI research is thought to be <'re%20working%20on%20won't%20destroy%20humanity%20%20Read%20more:%20>some of the most advanced in the world. The company, which employs <>100 PhD holders, has developed AI software that can <>master 50 Atari video games without any prior knowledge of them.


Global Warfare in the New World Order - Michel Chossudovsky on GRTV

Cyberwar. Economic war. Covert war. Theatre war. Proxy war. Nuclear war. Today we talk to Michel Chossudovsky about the development of the global multi-front long war against humanity in the emerging New World Order and the propagandists who make it possible.

CHOSSUDOVSKY: Now all those things, all those dimensions – the economic, the social, the military dimensions – coalesce and are sustained by an extensive apparatus of media propaganda. I’m referring to the mainstream media, the corporate media, which sustains the lies and ultimately controls what people think. And this is not – this, I would say is an inquisitorial environment. It’s much more devastating than the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition was also based on a Big Lie, and it lasted for three or four hundred years. But we are dealing with a media apparatus which turns realities upside down, presents the western quest, and military adventure, as a peace-making undertaking, which lies with regard to the casualties of war, which presents the war criminals as protagonists of human rights, and so on, so forth. And that, in itself, is the pinnacle of this system. It really – without the mainstream media, and war propaganda, this New World Order agenda doesn’t have a leg to stand on. In other words, without these media lies, the military agenda, the economic agenda would collapse like a deck of cards. And that is why it is absolutely fundamental that within the realm of independent media, and alternative media, we wage a war against the mainstream media. In other words, it’s a war of ideas. It is an obligation on our part to support the truth, and to use truth, as a means, as a weapon, to undermine the legitimacy of this global economic and military agenda which is destroying humanity. It is global war, it is total war, and it is destruction. And it has a logic, and it’s part of global capitalism. But at this stage it is not a struggle against socialism, but it is a struggle against national capitalism. In other words, it is the global capitalist elites, mainly Anglo-American, dominated by Wall Street and the city of London, the large financial centers, against competing capitalist powers, which, we might name them: Russia, China – China’s not a communist country, China is a capitalist country, in fact a very advanced capitalist country, and so is Iran. So that essentially, what this war involves is world domination, it’s the establishment of a global economic and political system whereby countries worldwide would be subordinated to these global corporations, and where national sovereignty under national capitalism would be undermined. And the trade and investment agreements which are being negotiated behind closed doors are part of this agenda. They’re part of this agenda, and in effect they are the end game of this agenda, whereby global corporations undermine and destroy national and regional corporations – in other words, bankruptcy of the entire landscape – and impose a global economic agenda throughout the world.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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