The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century: Wall Street and the Rise of the Fourth Reich
by Glen Yeadon
ISBN 0-930852-43-5
Chapter 7, Nazi Gold

To understand where the missing gold went we need to look at the German plans for a comeback.

At the centre of the plan was Martin Bormann, the Reichsleiter. Bormann rose through the ranks to party secretary, the no. 2 spot in the Nazi hierarchy. Hitler entrusted him with ensuring the Reich would be able to stage a comeback once hostilities ended. The 'Red House meeting' was the beginning of Bormann's effort to expand his plan to include industrialists and top-ranking officers. The meeting took place on orders from Bormann, who did not attend in person. The Treasury Department has a transcript of the meeting conducted by an SS agent, who told the group that all the industrial material was to be evacuated to Germany immediately because the battle for France was lost. He also assured the gathering the Treason Against The Nation law controlling foreign exchange had been repealed. At a smaller conference that afternoon, Bosse of the German armaments Ministry pointed out that the Nazi government would make huge sums available to industrialists to help secure bases in foreign countries. Bosse advised the industrialists use two main banks for the export of capital: Schweizerische Kreditanstalt of Zurich and the Basler Handelsbank. He also told the industrialists about Swiss cloaks that would buy Swiss property for a five percent commission. A month later Bormann countermanded Hitler's 'scorched earth' policy, to preserve Germany's industrial base.

Bormann knew the Nazis had lost the war once the Allies landed in Normandy on D-Day. He gave himself nine months to launch his flight capital programme to find a safe haven for the Nazis' liquid assets. The Alsace-Lorraine area served as a microcosm for his plans. Gemans owned controlling interests in many of the French banks in the area. a German majority ownership also controlled many of the factories. Bormann relied on 'Tarnung' (cloaking or camoflage, see chapter 3) to hide German corporate interests. Bormann was a close friend of Schmitz, a director of IG Farben, and he studied IG's method of Tarnung extensively. Bormann sorted his records and then shipped them to Argentina via Spain. Already having control of the Auslands-Organisation and IG Verbindungsmanner, he began with the capital flight. Both organisations places spies in foreign countries disguised as technicians and directors of German corporations.

By the time the Battle of the Bulge raged, Bormann had successfully moves assets out of Germany.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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