Jeremy Corbyn: 9/11 was 'manipulated'
In comments that will raise questions about his suitability to lead the Labour Party, Mr Corbyn appeared to blame George Bush and Tony Blair for using the September 11 attacks in New York to allow them to go to war
 By  Peter Dominiczak, Political Editor 10:00PM BST 25 Sep 2015
Jeremy Corbyn has claimed that 9/11 was "manipulated" to make it look like Osama Bin Laden was responsible to allow the West to go to war in Afghanistan. In comments that will raise questions about his suitability to lead the Labour Party, Mr Corbyn appeared to blame George Bush and Tony Blair for using the September 11 attacks in New York to allow them to go to war. In a series of further articles, Mr Corbyn also appears to endorse controversial conspiracy theories about a "New World Order".
 It comes as Mr Corbyn prepares for his first conference as Labour leader.
Mr Corbyn will attempt to use the Brighton conference to unite the party after it threatened to split apart in the wake of his shock election victory. However, a number of Labour MPs are expected to use the conference to publicly state that the party is unelectable under Mr Corbyn. Lord Mandelson on Friday said that the party should only consider ousting Mr Corbyn after it is clear the public have realised the party "cannot be elected with Corbyn as leader". Mr Corbyn was heavily criticised in the days before winning the Labour leadership after suggesting that the death of Osama Bin Laden was a "tragedy". In the 2003 article for The Morning Star newspaper, Mr Corbyn wrote: "Historians will study with interest the news manipulation of the past 18 months. "After September 11, the claims that bin Laden and al-Qaida had committed the atrocity were quickly and loudly made. "This was turned into an attack on the Taliban and then, subtly, into regime change in Afghanistan." However, in previous years he wrote a series of articles which appear to have endorsed the conspiracy theory about the "New World Order". The "New World Order" conspiracy is frequently linked to theories about the so-called "Illuminati" and claims about a "totalitarian world government". In an article for "Labour Briefing" in 1991, Mr Corbyn wrote: "We now know that the Gulf War was a curtain-raiser for the New World Order: the rich and powerful, white and western will be able to maintain the present economic order with free use of all the weapons they wish for." That same year, he said in Socialist Campaign Group News: "The aim of the war machine of the United States is to maintain a world order dominated by the banks and multinational companies of Europe and North America." The following year, in a piece for Labour Peace Action, Mr Corbyn said: "What is required now is a bold, democratic alternative to the New World Order. The US veto at the Earth summit in Rio...shows just who calls the shots in this New World Order and who will be asked to foot the bill." Mr Corbyn has previously shared a platform with Ken O'Keefe, who has alleged that President Bush was a member of The New World Order who had orchestrated the September 11 attacks for personal gain. The phrase was also used in a speech by George H.W Bush. Mr Corbyn's spokesman refused to deny that the new Labour leader was referring to the "New World Order" conspiracy theory in his articles. Labour on Friday said that Mr Corbyn will use the conference to focus on the economy, foreign policy issues and "participative politics". However, in a sign of the divisions in the party, Labour admitted that "differences of opinion" will emerge during the conference. In a briefing note, the party said: "There is widespread agreement that [Mr Corbyn's conference themes] are the pillars of the huge mandate provided by the leadership election. Differences of opinion will emerge within these parameters, but this provides the framework for change established through Jeremy Corbyn's mandate." Mr Corbyn on Friday confirmed that he will work with the SNP to try and scrap Britain's nuclear deterrent despite opposition to the move from his own backbenches. The Labour leader reaffirmed his long-standing opposition to Trident and said he would vote with the 56 Nationalists at Westminster on the issue.
 Left-wing activists will debate scrapping Trident at next week's conference.

Corbyn's conspiracy theory: 9/11 attacks were 'manipulated' to make it look like Osama Bin Laden was responsible, says Labour leader

 Labour leader claimed Tony Blair and George W Bush used it to go to war
 Wrote articles appearing to endorse 'New World Order' conspiracy theory
 It comes as MPs expected to publicly state party is unelectable under him
 By Kate Pickles For Mailonline Published: 09:27, 26 September 2015 Jeremy Corbyn claimed the 9/11 attacks were 'manipulated' by the West so it could go to war in Afghanistan in an article he wrote 12 years ago, it has emerged today. The Labour leader made the assertions in a number of written pieces where he criticised Tony Blair and George W Bush for using the September 11 attacks in New York to go to war. He claims Osama bin Laden was made to look responsible to facilitate their aims and seemed to endorse conspiracy theories about a 'New World Order'. 'Manipulated': Jeremy Corbyn, pictured left arriving in Brighton today, wrote a series of articles about 9/11 and said it was made to look like Osama bin Laden was responsible so the West could go war in Afghanistan In the 2003 piece for The Morning Star, he wrote: 'Historians will study with interest the news manipulation of the past 18 months, The Telegraph reports. 'After September 11, the claims that bin Laden and al-Qaida had committed the atrocity were quickly and loudly made. 'This was turned into an attack on the Taliban and then, subtly, into regime change in Afghanistan.' Prior to that, he wrote a series of articles which appear to have endorsed the conspiracy theory about the 'New World Order'. The revelations come ahead of Mr Corbyn's first Labour conference as leader where a number of MPs are expected to state the party is unelectable under him. Labour grandee Lord Mandelson has already warned MPs against making an early move to oust Jeremy Corbyn - but insisted the party could not win with the 66-year-old 'loser' in charge. The former business secretary said the party had 'stuck two fingers up' at the country by choosing Mr Corbyn as leader but, in a leaked memo, he said Mr Corbyn couldn't be replaced until he had shown how unpopular he is at the polls. The articles, including one for 'Labour Briefing' in 1991, Mr Corbyn wrote that the Gulf War was a 'curtain raiser' for the New World Order, stating at the rich and powerful and 'white and western' could maintain economic order with the 'free use of all the weapons'. Furthermore, in Socialist Campaign Group News the same year, he wrote: 'The aim of the war machine of the United States is to maintain a world order dominated by the banks and multinational companies of Europe and North America.' Mr Corbyn stormed to victory in the Labour leadership contest with 60 per cent of the vote, despite being unknown outside Westminster. But the nation's first impression of the 66-year-old is far from positive in an IpsosMORI poll. Mr Corbyn was on minus 3 per cent, with 33 per cent satisfied with the way he is doing his job and 36 per cent dissatisfied.

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"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
<> "The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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