Gehlen, BND, and the Indonesian Coup of 1965


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Reinhard Gehlen: Nazi head of post­war German intelligence

COMMENT: In our recent dis­cus­sions with <>Peter Lev­enda, we dis­cussed the pro­found Nazi pres­ence in Indone­sia, before, dur­ing and after World War II. The bloody <>1965 coup against Sukarno is known to have been largely engi­neered by the CIA. By some accounts, the death toll reached 1,000, 000, with the vic­tims includ­ing many lib­er­als, jour­nal­ists, artists and writ­ers and oth­ers viewed with dis­taste by the army.

A recent issue of Ger­man For­eign Pol­icy (which feeds along the bot­tom of the front page of the web­site) dis­closes that the BND–the Ger­man for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vice and the final incar­na­tion of the Gehlen spy outfit–played a major role in the coup, as well.

The appar­ent BND point man for the Fed­eral Republic’s role in the coup was Rudolf Oebsger-Roder, like so many Gehlen org offi­cers, a vet­eran of the SS.

The slaugh­ter in Indone­sia proved alto­gether pleas­ing to Gehlen. ” . . . Reflect­ing back, BND founder Gehlen was prais­ing these crimes almost effu­sively. “The sig­nif­i­cance of the Indone­sian army’s suc­cess, which ... pur­sued the elim­i­na­tion of the entire Com­mu­nist Party with all con­se­quences and sever­ity, can­not ­ in my opin­ion ­ be appraised highly enough,” Gehlen wrote in his 1971 “Memoirs.” . . .”

<>“Bonn and the Putsch;”<>; 10/15/2015.

Germany’s Fed­eral Intel­li­gence Ser­vice (BND) has been heav­ily involved in the 1965 mur­der­ous putsch in Indone­sia ­ the guest nation of this year’s Frank­furt Book Fair. This was con­firmed in secret doc­u­ments from the Bun­destag, the Ger­man Par­lia­ment. Accord­ing to BND Pres­i­dent at the time, Ger­hard Wessel’s man­u­script for a talk he deliv­ered to a ses­sion of the Bundestag’s “Con­fi­den­tial Com­mit­tee” in June 1968, the BND did more than merely sup­port the Indone­sian mil­i­tary in their blood-soaked “liq­ui­da­tion of the CPI” (Com­mu­nist Party of Indone­sia) ­ result­ing in the mur­der of hun­dreds of thou­sands, pos­si­bly even mil­lions ­ with advi­sors, equip­ment and finances. Suharto, who sub­se­quently took power, had even attrib­uted a “large part ... of the suc­cess” of the oper­a­tion to the BND. Up to now, mainly the US-American assis­tance to the putsch has been known. The putsch, and the more than 30 year-long dic­ta­tor­ship that fol­lowed ­ which also had been reli­ably pro­moted by West Ger­many ­ are impor­tant themes being pre­sented by Indone­sian writ­ers at this year’s Frank­furt Book Fair. To this day, the Ger­man gov­ern­ment has refused to allow an inves­ti­ga­tion of the BND’s sup­port for the putsch and the Indone­sian military’s exces­sive brutality.

Hun­dreds of Thou­sands Dead

The Indone­sian putsch, bring­ing Maj. Gen. Haji Mohamed Suharto to power in Jakarta, began in Octo­ber 1965 as a reac­tion to an attempted coup d’état, killing sev­eral offi­cers on Sep­tem­ber 30. Suharto’s dic­ta­to­r­ial reign lasted until 1998. The attempted coup was falsely attrib­uted to the Com­mu­nist Party of Indone­sia (CPI). Sub­se­quently, the mil­i­tary launched exces­sively bru­tal oper­a­tions against all gen­uine and sus­pected mem­bers and sym­pa­thiz­ers of the com­mu­nist party. Hun­dreds of thou­sands, pos­si­bly even mil­lions, were mur­dered; mil­lions were impris­oned. The exact num­ber is still unknown. The crimes com­mit­ted at the time by the mil­i­tary have never really been brought to light.

50 to 100 Vic­tims Each Night

One of the things never brought to light is what sup­port west­ern pow­ers had given to the Suharto putsch. US com­plic­ity, hav­ing had the best rela­tions to the Indone­sian armed forces, has, to some extent, already been exposed. Accord­ing to experts, for exam­ple, by 1965, around 4,000 Indone­sian offi­cers had been trained in US mil­i­tary instal­la­tions as well as high-ranking offi­cers hav­ing been trained in counter-insurgency on the basis of US field man­u­als at Indonesia’s elite mil­i­tary institutes.[1] Decem­ber 2, 1965, the US ambas­sador gave his con­sent to pro­vid­ing finan­cial sup­port to the “Kap-Gestapu” move­ment, a move­ment ­ as he put it ­ “inspired by the army, even though com­prised of civil­ian action groups,” which “shoul­dered the task of the ongo­ing repres­sive mea­sures against Indonesia’s Com­mu­nist Party.“[2] The ambas­sador must have known what this would mean. Novem­ber 13, his employ­ees had passed on infor­ma­tion from the Indone­sian police indi­cat­ing, “between 50 and 100 mem­bers of the CPI in East­ern and Cen­tral Java were being killed each night.” April 15, the embassy had admit­ted, “it did not know if the actual num­ber” of mur­dered CPI activists “was not closer to 100,000 or 1,000,000.” In spite of the mass mur­der, the US ambas­sador in Jakarta reported back to Wash­ing­ton (August 10, 1966) that the author­i­ties in Jakarta had been pro­vided a list of the lead­ing CPI members.[3]

“Reli­able Friend of Germany”

Agen­cies of the West Ger­man gov­ern­ment had also been involved in the putsch. The BND had sup­ported “Indonesia’s mil­i­tary intel­li­gence service’s 1965 defeat of a left-wing putsch in Jakarta, with sub­ma­chine guns, short­wave radios and money (with a total value of 300,000 DM),” reported “Der Spiegel” in March 1971.[4] Twelve weeks later, the mag­a­zine added that “a com­mando of BND men” had “trained mil­i­tary intel­li­gence ser­vice oper­a­tives in Indone­sia” and “relieved their CIA col­leagues, who were under the heavy pres­sure of anti-American propaganda.“[5] By “sup­ply­ing Soviet rifles and Finnish ammu­ni­tion, the BND instruc­tors” were even actu­ally inter­ven­ing in that “civil war.” If one can believe the BND’s founder, Rein­hard Gehlen, Bonn, at the time, had the best con­tacts to lead­ing mil­i­tary offi­cers. In his “Mem­oirs,” pub­lished in 1971, Gehlen wrote, “two of Germany’s reli­able friends” were among the Indone­sian offi­cers, mur­dered Sep­tem­ber 30, includ­ing “the long­time and highly revered mil­i­tary attaché in Bonn, Brig. Gen. Pand­jai­tan.” Dur­ing the putsch, the BND was “in the for­tu­nate posi­tion of being able to pro­vide the West Ger­man gov­ern­ment with timely and detailed reports ­ from excel­lent sources ­ ... on the progress of those days, which had been so cru­cial for Indonesia.“[6]

An Excel­lent Resident

Other indi­ca­tions have emerged from the research pub­lished by the expert of intel­li­gence ser­vices, Erich Schmidt-Eenboom and the polit­i­cal sci­en­tist, Matthias Ritzi. Their find­ings con­firmed that there was close coor­di­na­tion between the BND and CIA. In April 1961, BND head­quar­ters in Pul­lach had informed the US Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agency that it had “an excel­lent Chief of Sta­tion” in Jakarta, writes Schmidt-Eenboom. The CIA thought the BND was refer­ring to Rudolf Oebsger-Röder, a for­mer colonel of the SS work­ing in the Reich Secu­rity Cen­tral Office (Reichssicher­heit­shaup­tamt) in Nazi Ger­many, who joined West Germany’s Orga­ni­za­tion Gehlen in 1948 and was later on post in Indone­sia, as a cor­re­spon­dent for the Süd­deutsche Zeitung and the Neue Zürcher Zeitung.[7] The BND had main­tained Oebsger-Röder on its staff until the mid-‘60s. In mid-January 1964, a high-ranking CIA rep­re­sen­ta­tive paid Gehlen a visit and asked him how the West Ger­mans were han­dling the devel­op­ments in Indone­sia, explain Schmidt-Eenboom and Ritzi. Gehlen told him that he is keep­ing Bonn up-to-date, but does not yet know how the chan­cellery intends to proceed.

“A Large Part BND”

The man­u­script for a talk BND Pres­i­dent Ger­hard Wes­sel pre­sented June 21 1968 to the Bundestag’s Con­fi­den­tial Com­mit­tee pro­vides more details. In the form of notes, Wes­sel gave “details of BND activ­i­ties” in sup­port of its Indone­sian part­ner ser­vice, explained Schmidt-Eenboom and Ritzi. Explic­itly the man­u­script explains that “the close ties already in place to the Indone­sian strate­gic ND (intel­li­gence ser­vice) by Octo­ber 1965, had facil­i­tated sup­port (advi­sors, equip­ment, money) to Indonesia’s ND and its spe­cial mil­i­tary organs dur­ing the elim­i­na­tion of the CPI (and Sukarno’s dis­em­pow­er­ment ­ con­trol and sup­port of demonstrations).“[8] The “CPI’s elim­i­na­tion” included the assas­si­na­tion of hun­dreds of thou­sands of gen­uine and sus­pected mem­bers and sym­pa­thiz­ers of the Indone­sian CP. Accord­ing to the man­u­script, BND Pres­i­dent Wes­sel con­tin­ued his speech to the Con­fi­den­tial Com­mit­tee, “in the opin­ion of Indone­sian politi­cians and mil­i­tary offi­cers ((Suharto, Nasu­tion, Sul­tan) a large part thanks to the BND.”

Praise from Pullach

Reflect­ing back, BND founder Gehlen was prais­ing these crimes almost effu­sively. “The sig­nif­i­cance of the Indone­sian army’s suc­cess, which ... pur­sued the elim­i­na­tion of the entire Com­mu­nist Party with all con­se­quences and sever­ity, can­not ­ in my opin­ion ­ be appraised highly enough,” Gehlen wrote in his 1971 “Memoirs.“[9]

Berlin’s Pri­or­i­ties

The Ger­man gov­ern­ment is still refus­ing to shed light on Germany’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in these crimes. In a par­lia­men­tary inter­pel­la­tion, the gov­ern­ment was asked if it has knowl­edge of “for­eign gov­ern­ments, intel­li­gence ser­vices or other orga­ni­za­tions’ direct or indi­rect sup­port of the mas­sacres.” In Mai 2014, it responded, “after a thor­ough assess­ment, the gov­ern­ment con­cludes that it can­not give an open answer.” It is “imper­a­tive” to keep the “requested infor­ma­tion” secret. The “pro­tec­tion of sources” is a “prin­ci­ple of pri­mary impor­tance to the work of intel­li­gence services.“[10] For the Ger­man gov­ern­ment, the Indone­sian civil society’s need to have infor­ma­tion on for­eign sup­port for the immense mass mur­der is of less impor­tance than its “pro­tec­tion of sources.”

[1] Rainer Wern­ing: Putsch nach “Pütschchen”. junge Welt 01.10.2015.
[2], [3] Rainer Wern­ing: Der Archipel Suharto. In: Kon­flikte auf Dauer? Osnabrücker Jahrbuch Frieden und Wis­senschaft, her­aus­gegeben vom Ober­bürg­er­meis­ter der Stadt Osnabrück und dem Präsi­den­ten der Uni­ver­sität Osnabrück. Osnabrück 2008, S. 183–199.
[4] Her­mann Zolling, Heinz Höhne: Pul­lach intern. Der Spiegel 11/1971.
[5] Her­mann Zolling, Heinz Höhne: Pul­lach intern. Der Spiegel 23/1971.
[6] Rein­hard Gehlen: Der Dienst. Erin­nerun­gen 1942–1971. Mainz/Wiesbaden 1971. [7], [8] Matthias Ritzi, Erich Schmidt-Eenboom: Im Schat­ten des Drit­ten Reiches. Der BND und sein Agent Richard Christ­mann. Berlin 2011. See <>Review: Im Schat­ten des Drit­ten Reiches. [9] Rein­hard Gehlen: Der Dienst. Erin­nerun­gen 1942–1971. Mainz/Wiesbaden 1971. [10] Antwort der Bun­desregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abge­ord­neten Andrej Hunko, Jan van Aken, Sevim Da de­len, weit­erer Abge­ord­neter und der Frak­tion DIE LINKE. Deutscher Bun­destag Druck­sache 18/1554, 27.05.2014.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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