MI5 & GCHQ fess up to further ignoring of criminal law
Criminal law is overseen, High Court and other senior judges appointed, by The Queen

MI5 'secretly collected phone data' for decade

   * From the section<http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics>UK Politics
MI5 has secretly been collecting vast amounts of data about UK phone calls to search for terrorist connections. The programme has been running for 10 years under a law described as "vague" by the government's terror watchdog. It emerged as Home Secretary Theresa May unveiled a draft bill governing spying on communications by the authorities. If it becomes law, the internet activity of everyone in Britain will be held for a year by service providers. Police and intelligence officers will then be able to see the names of sites suspected criminals have visited, without a warrant. Mrs May told MPs the proposed powers were needed to fight crime and terrorism but civil liberties campaigners warned it represented to a "breathtaking" attack on the internet security of everyone living in the UK.

Track terrorists

The draft bill aims to give stronger legal cover to the activities of MI5, MI6 and the police and introduce judicial oversight of spying operations. It confirmed that Britain's secret listening post GCHQ has been intercepting internet messages flowing through Britain in bulk, as revealed by US whistleblower Edward Snowden, "to acquire the communications of terrorists and serious criminals that would not otherwise be available". It also revealed that the UK security services have been allowed to collect large amounts of data on phone calls "to identify subjects of interest within the UK and overseas", provided they comply with certain safeguards, set out in a<https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/473780/Handling_arrangements_for_Bulk_Communications_Data.pdf> supporting document also published on Wednesday. The draft bill aims to tighten up these safeguards and put the bulk collection of data on a firmer legal footing. Taken together with the other measures, the home secretary said the bill would give the security services a "licence to operate". In her Commons statement, Mrs May referred to the 1984 Telecommunications Act, under which she said successive governments had allowed security services to access data from communications companies. The data involved the bulk records of phone calls - not what was said but the fact that there was contact - with companies required to hand over domestic phone records. BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera said the programme, which sources said was used to track terrorists and save lives, was "so secret that few even in MI5 knew about it, let alone the public".

'Not outside the law'

The government's independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, David Anderson QC, told the BBC the legislation used to authorise the collection was "so vague that anything could be done under it". He added: "It wasn't illegal in the sense that it was outside the law, it was just that the law was so broad and the information was so slight that nobody knew it was happening". Mr Anderson has called for a "comprehensive" new law governing surveillance, which the government has produced with the wide-ranging draft <https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/473770/Draft_Investigatory_Powers_Bill.pdf>Investigatory Powers Bill.

The draft bill's measures include:
* Allowing the security services to hack into phones and computers around the world in the interests of national security * Giving a panel of judges the power to block spying operations authorised by the home secretary * A new criminal offence of "knowingly or recklessly obtaining communications data from a telecommunications operator without lawful authority", carrying a prison sentence of up to two years * Local councils to retain some investigatory powers, such as surveillance of benefit cheats, but they will not be able to access online data stored by internet firms * The Wilson doctrine - preventing surveillance of Parliamentarians' communications - to be written into law * Police will not be able to access journalistic sources without the authorisation of a judge * A legal duty on British companies to help law enforcement agencies hack devices to acquire information if it is reasonably practical to do so * Former Appeal Court judge Sir Stanley Burnton is <https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sir-stanley-burnton-appointed-interception-of-communications-commissioner>appointed as the new interception of communications commissioner

Mrs May told MPs the draft bill was a "significant departure" from previous plans, dubbed the "snoopers' charter" by critics, which were blocked by the Lib Dems, and will "provide some of the strongest protections and safeguards anywhere in the democratic world and an approach that sets new standards for openness, transparency and oversight". The proposed legislation will be consulted on before a bill is formally introduced to Parliament in the New Year, Mrs May said. It will then have to pass votes in both houses of Parliament. Labour's utter zombie of a shadow home secretary, Andy Burnham, backed the draft bill, saying it was "neither a snoopers' charter nor a plan for mass surveillance".

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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