Political economist Richard Murphy: Osborne's Big Lie, he knows he will never balance the books Investigative reports: with <http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/>tax justice campaigner Richard Murphy. Interview with tax justice expert Richard Murphy, discussing this week's Budget: Osborne's failures – less money in and more benefits payments – no chance whatever of a surplus; poor quality press coverage of Budget – microeconomics not macroeconomics covered by London media, no mention of <http://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/feb/28/mervyn-king-new-financial-crisis-is-certain-without-reform-of-banks>Mervyn King predicting another crash; 2008 banking crisis – banking problems still not addressed; <http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c1060fb0-41b4-11e5-b98b-87c7270955cf.html>spending 'People's QE' into the economy on infrastructure; effects of QE used to bail out banks; dealing with tax havens – <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pj9hizf4sc>BBC Documentary 2016: Britains Trillion Pound Island - Inside Cayman - start with transparency; money off the gold standard – all money is debt, inflation; Positive Money - get away from debt based money? <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8PGXILCrwE>Mervyn King on Andrew Marr show – whose really running things? – Bank of England run by government; Budget - banks will not be prosecuted for foreign exchange fraud; suicide bomber banks: power of banks – knew government would bail them out in 2008; <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3498069/SAVE-STOCK-EXCHANGE-Fightback-begins-stop-Germans-buying-City-s-crown-jewel.html>German and UK stock markets could merge with German boss <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3498069/SAVE-STOCK-EXCHANGE-Fightback-begins-stop-Germans-buying-City-s-crown-jewel.html>Carsten Kengeter, who ran the Libor fraud department for Swiss UBS bank, in charge; Adam Smith Institute says people on benefits are genetically different; Richard's book 'Joy of Tax' and search him online to see his blog. <http://www.ibtimes.com/nsa-prism-program-nsa-paid-facebook-tech-companies-millions-cover-prism-costs-1397809>Kevin Cahill discusses the latest on his court case against US internet giants for taking money from NSA to spy on British citizens – Safe Harbour and PRISM, Snooper's Charter, NSA gives £20m a year to Microsoft.

Political economist Richard Murphy: Osborne's Big Lie, he knows he will never balance the books

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Richard Murphy
The Big Lie: Osborne will never balance the budget

BCfm Politics Show 93.2
Friday 18 Mar 2016

A budget for the UK’s tax avoiders
For a long time most people have associated tax avoidance with big multinational companies. George Osborne took some welcome steps to tackle them today: I must give credit where it is due. UK companies taken over by foreign owners who then pile then up with debt to cancel their profits will see that game brought to an end. Think Boots. Think Manchester United. Think the AA. And companies who try to shift profits to tax havens by relocating the ownership of patents and copyrights to such places, for which they then pay a royalty, will have to pay UK tax out of the payment made. That effectively brings this income back onshore. Think any large multinational doing R&D.
There are also very welcome measures to hit offshore property developers.
But please don’t think it is all good news. If George Osborne was really serious about tackling offshore today he would have announced public country-by-country reporting, and he didn’t so we still don’t know who really needs to be brought to account. But worse, he opened up massive new tax avoidance opprtunities within the UK. The bigger the difference between income tax rates and corporation tax rates the bigger is the incentive, and the greater is the saving, from running a business through a limited company. Up and down the country accountants will be selling this, literally right now. And the cuts in capital gains tax will be also be sending those same advisers into fever pitched excitement as they work out how to turn income into gains to save up to 25% tax for some clients. Don’t be fooled: this was a great day for the tax avoidance industry, but just not the bit we’re used to looking at.

The Adam Smith Institute is now willing to argue that those on benefits are genetically different to the rest of us
The Guardian has noted that:
More than 85% of fraud allegations made by the public over the last five years were false, according to figures obtained by the Observer. A freedom of information request to the Department for Work and Pensions discloses that between 2010 and 2015 the government closed 1,041,219 alleged cases of benefit fraud put forward by the public. Insufficient or no evidence of fraud was discovered in 887,468 of these. In 2015 alone, of the 153,038 cases closed by the DWP’s Fraud and Error Service, 132,772 led to no action. In this context comment from Owen Smith, the shadow work and pensions secretary who I hold in high regard, seems appropriate. He said: Where there are abuses of the system they should be dealt with swiftly. However, the government’s constant attempts to paint honest people – like low-paid workers relying on tax credits and universal credit – as ‘skivers’ is creating a hostile and accusatory environment. The Tories should view these results with shame and pledge to turn the page on their divisive rhetoric.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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