Bilderberg: still powerful but perhaps a bit more anxious this year

The spectre of Brexit looms large as the financial, industrial and high-tech establishment gathers in Dresden

<>Charlie Skelton - Tuesday 7 June 2016 20.33 BSTLast modified on Wednesday 8 June 201601.32 BST

Prime ministers, finance ministers, leading entrepreneurs and a former spy chief are among the attendees at this year’s influential Bilderberg conference, but one regular guest, George Osborne, will be absent.

The <>guest list for the conference, which begins on Thursday in Dresden, was released on Tuesday and includes a large number of senior politicians and policymakers, dozens of bank bosses and high-finance billionaires who will gather inside the newly erected security fence around the Hotel Taschenbergpalais.

Two prime ministers, four finance ministers, the head of the IMF and a vice-president of the European commission are all listed as attendees. With so many politicians present, including three members of the German cabinet, the German military has been drafted in to oversee security.

Army officers have been meeting conference staff, scouting the round the hotel and taking photos of the entrance. They’re working with corporate security from Airbus to make sure the politicians are kept safely away from the press for the entire three-day conference
No one wants the Danish minister of justice or the deputy prime minister of Turkey to have to field awkward questions, such as: “Where do you stand on corporate lobbying?” Especially when they’re standing between the chairman of HSBC and the president of Siemens.

Airbus is also responsible for an elaborate arrangement of bubble tents and staging being put up in the courtyard of the hotel, according to some of the workmen.

The aerospace manufacturer and seventh biggest arms company in the world is a key player at Bilderberg 2016. Every year, a major corporation with links to the Bilderberg steering committee coordinates security for the event with the police: at Watford in 2013 it was Barclays. This year it’s Airbus. Which makes the whole conference even more obviously the corporate lobbying event that it is –with giant corporations handling everything from security to dry ice. And it makes the silence of the politicians who attend even more egregious.

Even a cursory comparison between the guest list and the conference agenda raises red flags. All those finance ministers sitting round discussing the “geopolitics of energy and commodity prices” with the group chief executive of BP, the vice-chairman of Portuguese petroleum giant Galp Energia, and the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell. And then afterwards saying nothing to their respective parliaments about what they discussed. It’s so off-the-chart inappropriate that it beggars comprehension.

On the subject of Royal Dutch Shell, the king of the Netherlands is due to attend this year’s conference, replacing his mother, Beatrix, at the heart of Bilderberg. Given his family’s long-standing interest in big oil, King Willem-Alexander will doubtless have lots to talk about with the Dutch environment minister, Sharon Dijksma.
King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands will replace his mother, Beatrix, at the heart of Bilderberg. Photograph: Remko de Waal/EPA

It’s great for everyone that these high-level talks between policymakers and the heads of transnational oil companies get to take place in heavily guarded privacy, with no press oversight whatsoever. Especially great if you’re on the board of BP. Like, for example, Sir John Sawers. As well as being a director of BP, the silken, Blairish former MI6 boss is a member of Bilderberg’s steering committee, and the chairman of Macro Advisory Partners, a global advisory group with heavy links to the transatlantic intelligence community, very much in the style of Kissinger Associates.

And speak of the devil! The ageless 93-year-old former US secretary of state will be holding court at Dresden, croaking out his wisdom from the throne of bones he has shipped everywhere he goes. You just can’t keep a bad man down. Henry Kissinger still meets with George Osborne to advise the chancellor on geopolitics, and recently had a much publicised meeting with Donald Trump. I would say I’d like to have been a fly on the wall of that room, but I fear Kissinger’s tongue would have had me off the wall in seconds.

Kissinger must be thinking harder than usual about the future, which perhaps explains Bilderberg’s recent interest in artificial intelligence. Henry must be desperate to upload his consciousness into a Pentagon drone, so he can flit more easily between geopolitical summits, and drop the occasional bomb on a village for old times’ sake. In Dresden, Kissinger will be getting tips on where to have his USB sockets fitted from the AI expert Demis Hassabis, the director of Google’s DeepMind project, as well as the co-chairman of OpenAI, Sam Altman.

With Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, back at the buffet this year, it seems that Bilderberg’s love affair with Silicon Valley is flourishing. And with cybersecurity high on the conference agenda, we have to spare a mention for Alex Karp, the CEO of the surveillance and data-mining giant Palantir.

A rising star of big business, Karp is the qigong-loving lieutenant of Bilderberg regular Peter Thiel (director of Facebook, founder of PayPal). The steely-eyed Karp is a bit like a younger, more hippyish Kissinger, and was recently welcomed to the board of the Economist Group, a sure sign of being accepted by the establishment.
Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal, is a Bilderberg regular. Photograph: Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for New York Times

And that’s what this year’s Bilderberg looks like: the financial, industrial and high-tech transatlantic establishment. Still powerful enough to have ministers and European commissioners come running when they open their doors, but perhaps a bit more anxious than in recent decades. Russia and China are still bubbling around their agenda, and now there’s a new concern: Brexit.

Many of the participants at this year’s Bilderberg have spoken out publicly against it. And on this year’s agenda we find the intriguing topic: “Europe: migration, growth, reform, vision, unity”. Since it began back in the 1950s, Bilderberg has been pushing for the unity of Europe, and it’s not about to stop now.

Thomas Enders, the CEO of Airbus, said recently: “The aerospace industry – I think amongst others – will lobby... for a yes vote of the British electorate on the EU.” Whatever happens in the days leading up to the referendum, you can be sure Bilderberg will be lobbying hard. After all, it’s what they do best.

At 23:45 06/06/2016, you wrote:
Yeah, pea-brain Abby Martin (of RT) blocked me on Twitter, long ago...

Lori Price
Editor-in-Chief, CLG News

From: <>Tony Gosling
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 6:16 PM
To: <> ; <> ; <> ; <> Subject: Blocked from publishing on my own forum: NSA have begun their fun already

Hi all,

The NSA have begun their fun already
As you may know since RT started dumbing down I don't have any mainstream media outlet Though I once worked for the BBC in the 1990s making news/current affairs programmes covering Lockerbie IRA bombs etc with a pretty decent audience in London of several million All I have now is my websites - - - and
Rather annoying then when....
As of about 2100hrs this evening when trying to post my articles to my Bilderberg forum here

All I get is this




This forum's been up and running for the last ten years and this has never happened before I don't have permission to access my own forum to even publish a free blog post for you.

If anyone knows anyone that can help me with publicity or do anything to stop this appaling US MILINCOM censorship
Do please let me know
It doesn't bode well at all
The US and EU seem hell bent on gagging me and ultimately controlling everything we see and hear With the economy on a cliff edge or with the asset/stock market bubble about to burst - whichever is your preferred metaphor The soft fascism of the bankster corporate run United states of Europe and America
Could turn hard at the drop of a hat.

Bilderberg vs BREXIT Dresden 2016: will the UK trigger break up of a failed EU?

I'll be in Dresden as of tomorrow evening on +44 7786 952037



How Bilderberg Loves The EU/Hates the EU Referendum
By Miles Goslett 7:22 am, May 27, 2016
It is plain to see that the mysterious Bilderberg Group is <>virulently pro-EU. If you are in any doubt about this, here are recent statements by five prominent Bilderbergers on the EU question:

Sir John Sawers, former MI6 chief, May 8, 2016: “The reason we would be less safe [if the UK voted to leave], is that we would be unable to take part in the decisions that frame the sharing of data, which is a crucial part of counter-terrorism and counter-cyber work that we do these days, and we would lose the abilities of thing like the European Arrest Warrant. We are only secure because the wider Europe is secure, pulling out will make it more dangerous.”

Michael O’Leary, chief executive of RyanAir, 24 February, 2016: “Ryanair, our people, and I hope the vast majority of our customers will all work together over the coming months to help deliver a resounding yes vote on 23 June.” O’Leary added he will “bore everybody to death” by repeating the pro-EU message.

Henri de Castries, chairman of Bilderberg steering committee and chief executive of Axa, January 31, 2016: “An EU referendum is like playing Russian roulette with not six bullets in the barrel but at least four.” Castries added: “There is a school of thought in the UK that says that the Monday would not be very different from the Friday [after a vote to leave]. I disagree ­ I think it would be very different.”

Thomas Enders, chief executive of Airbus, February 24, 2016: “If Britain leaves, I cannot imagine that this would have positive consequences for our competitiveness in Britain.”

Jose Manuel Barroso, ex-European Commission president, February 9, 2016, when asked what what the EU would be like if Britain left: “It can happen. I hope it will not, because it will be a weaker European Union. The United Kingdom is one of the most important countries in Europe and in the world. Everybody from Berlin to Warsaw or to Madrid understands [Britain leaving] to be negative.”


Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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