911 The New Evidence author Ian Henshall - media role in promoting state terrorism


Dear readers,

A security guard from the Kempinski Hotel in Dresden has leaked, that during the dinner at the Dresden Castle the German defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen was placed next to Henry Kissinger. That is an ominous sign and I have mentioned before, that von der Leyen will be the next chancellor of Germany and that Angela Merkels days in office are numbered.

And von der Leyen has a remarkable personal history with Henry Kissinger. Look at this Picture of both of them at the security conference in Munich in 2014. The German born jewish guru of international politics, Hennry Kissinger, and his young and obedient follower and
disciple, Ursula von der Leyen,.

The mutual sympathy is blatantly obvious:

Ursula von der Leyen - a medical doctor and 7-times-mother (!!) - became defense minister in December 2013, in February 2014 she made a speech in fluent English at the security conference in Munich and announced, that in future Germany will pull her weight militarily as well. At this conference she had a private breakfast with Kissinger and obviously made quite a favourable impression on him:

A few months later she flew to New York and Washington to introduce herself officially to the Obama adminstration and again she had several meetings with Kissinger in New York, one at the UN and the other at the 'American council on Germany'. Furthermore she met the German born jewish historian and longtime close friend of Kissinger, Fritz Stern, and
finally she visitied the American Jewish Committee.

In June 2015 she was a guest at the the Bilderberg conference in Telfs in Austria
and again made a speech to security issues. This stay was declared as a
 professional visit or a travel of duty (Dienstreise). She was
 even accompanied by her deputy Kathrin Suder, an IT-specialist
and former director at the management consulting firm Mckinsey. Miss Suder was actually the first ever female director at Mckinsey and furthermore she is officially banned from
travelling to Russia for making critical remarks about Russian politics.

At Telfs von der Leyen obviously met Kissinger again and she was subsequently
 reinvited to Bilderberg this time to the meeting in Dresden, which happened
 just a few weeks ago. For me it is very obvious, that Henry Kissinger took
 a shine to her and is promoting and furthering her career.

von der Leyen is the future and Merkel is the past !!

So Long. Carsten Schulz...
0049 176 434 72044..

Henry Kissinger recently also met with Frauke Petry, the leader of the new
German far right party AfD or Alternative for Germany and that is obviously the reason for the fact, that neither Frauke Petry, who was born and still lives in Dresden, nor her colleagues from the national executive board of this arty made any comment to the
Bilderberg meeting in Dresden at all, not a single word.

Just the local branch of this party demonstrated against the Bilderberg
conference. This AfD has been corrupted allready and subsequently
 is no alternative for Germany whatsoever !!....

and my blog in english:
<http://www.the-bilderberger-in-dresden-2016.blogspot.de/>Why do the Bilderberger meet in <http://www.the-bilderberger-in-dresden-2016.blogspot.de/>Dresden??......

And please give a small donation, so that I can keep up
 my independent and investigative journalism:

Carsten H Schulz
Halifax UK
IBAN:   GB49HLFX11041501336306
BIC:      HLFXGB21M04

Thank You very much !!...

+44 (0)7786 952037
Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27


Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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