Russia arrests four ‘American spies’ working as top cybersecurity officials

Ashitha Nagesh for Friday 27 Jan 2017 12:43 pm

Russia arrests four 'American spies' working as top cybersecurity officials
Two of the alleged spies were working for the FSB (Picture: Getty Images)
Four senior cybersecurity officials in Russia have been arrested on suspicion 
of being American spies leaking information back to the US.

The latest alleged spy to be arrested was Sergei Mikhailov, who is accused of 
using his senior position in the Federal Security Service (FSB) to leak 
classified information to US intelligence agencies.

According to the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta, Mikhailov is thought to 
have tipped off US officials about Vladimir Fomenko and his server rental 
company ‘King Servers’, which was identified last September as an ‘information 
nexus’ that was used by hackers suspected of working for Russian state security 
in cyberattacks.

One of the other men to be arrested was Dmitry Dokuchaev, a colleague of 
Mikhailov’s at the FSB.

If the claims about Mikahilov and Dokuchaev are true, it would mean that 
Washington DC had a spy in the heart of Russian national security.

The FSB building in Moscow (Picture: Getty Images)
The FSB building in Moscow (Picture: Getty Images)
It was also announced that Ruslan Stoyanov, a manager at Kapersky Lab, was 
arrested in December.

Kapersky Lab is Russia’s biggest cybersecurity firm and, as head of its 
computer incidents investigations unit, Stoyanov was in charge of investigating 
hacking attacks.

Respected Russian paper Kommersant said that both Mikhailov and Stoyanov are 
facing charges of treason.

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Maria Shirokova, a spokeswoman for Kapersky, said in a statement that 
Stoyanov’s arrest had ‘nothing to do with Kapersky Lab and its operations’. She 
said the company has no details of the charges faced by Stoyanov, adding that 
the investigation pre-dates his time with Kapersky.

Stoyanov’s previous jobs, according to LinkedIn, include a position at the 
Cyber Crime Unit at the Russian interior ministry in the early 2000s.

The name of the fourth suspect is currently unknown.

All four men are now facing charges of treason.

Russia was accused of meddling in the US election to help Donald Trump win 
(Picture: Getty Images)
Russia was accused of meddling in the US election to help Donald Trump win 
(Picture: Getty Images)
This follows a tense few months in which the US accused Russia of interfering 
with its presidential election to help Donald Trump win – a claim the Kremlin 
fervently rejects.

US and EU officials have also accused Russia of hacking other Western 
institutions, and raised concerns that the Kremlin may try to influence this 
year’s elections in France, Germany and the Netherlands.

Babysitter, 22, donates part of her liver to save the life of child she looks 
after  (Picture:George Rosko/Facebook)
Woman, 22, donates part of her liver to save the life of child she babysits
It is not known whether the arrests are somehow connected to these recent 

Andrei Soldatov, who has studied the internet and Russian security services for 
more than a decade, called the arrest of Stoyanov ‘unprecedented’.

‘It destroys a system that has been 20 years in the making,’ he said. ‘The 
system of relations between intelligence agencies and companies like Kapersky. 
Intelligence agencies used to ask for Kapersky’s advice, and this is how 
informal ties were built.

‘This romance is clearly over.’

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Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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