Second hour: Investigative reports: Terrorist attacker kills police officer in Paris last night - <>France: ISIS Terror Cell Exposed As "Government Exercise" - <>Training French soldiers to supervise Daesh! - <>US lawyers' report says 95% of terrorist plotters were entrapped into plots devised by the FBI, ie there is virtually no spontaneous terrorism in the United States - <>Syrian refugee convoy bombed in Aleppo province killing over 100 people including 70 children - global media's 'suicide bombing' narrative questioned since this was a 'soft target' no need for a suicide bomber, could have been an IED or drone attack - <>US Prepares Charges to Arrest Julian Assange, Attorney General Sessions Seeks to Jail Publishers of Leaks - <>Trump: Iran Violating 'Spirit' of Nuclear Deal - <>Iran Approves Six Presidential Candidates, Blocks Ahmadinejad - <>Russia Sends Troops to Border With North Korea - <>US Defence Secretary James Mattis, the war criminal of Fallujah, <>visits Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem to discuss Syria and US Middle East military intervention with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. <>Scott Bennett is a former US Army officer turned whistleblower who worked at The RAND Corporation in the late 2000's where he sat in on briefings where the Arab Spring was discussed as an operation being planned in the United States to break up Arab socieies and governments to be 'rearranged' by the Western powers, NATO etc. <>The Rand Corporation: The Think Tank That Controls America

download So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being. <>
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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