Bilderberg 2017: secret meeting of global leaders could prove a problem for Trump

Bilderberg 2017: Trump tops agenda at annual secret meeting of global elite

[watch out for supremely annoying irrelevant auto play video from 2013]

The annual secret meeting of the world's elite will be discussing everything from Trump's presidency to fake news.

By <>Charlie Skelton in Chantilly, Virginia June 1, 2017 11:26 BST <>Bilderberg 2013: Charlie Skelton on the Annual Secret Conference With all the supple silence of a python sliding round the gut of a sleeping monkey, Bilderberg 2017 is slipping unobtrusively into life.

Throughout today (1 June), limousine after limousine will come purring through the heavily guarded gates of the Westfields Marriott hotel, just outside Washington DC, gently depositing politicians, party leaders and public officials into happy laps of some of the world's most powerful financiers.
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* <> List of everyone attending the 2017 Bilderberg meeting <>Bilderberg is an annual three-day political summit, held entirely in private, and hosted and paid for by big business.

It's currently led by a board member of HSBC, Henri de Castries, and is run by a steering committee which includes the heads of Google, Deutsche Bank, Santander and Airbus.

They're joined this year by the heads of AXA, Bayer, ING, Lazard, Fiat Chrysler and the IMF. And the King of Holland, who owns great chunks of Royal Dutch Shell. In short, Bilderberg is so high powered that if it were a car Richard Hammond would have killed himself in it.

<>This year sees a glut of US politicians heading out of the Beltway and into Bilderberg. Four close associates of the President have been invited, including his Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, and his National Security Advisor, HR McMaster. The conference is taking Trump seriously enough to stick him on top of their agenda, promising "a progress report" on his administration.

When the reckoning is made, it's unlikely Trump will get much support from committed globalists like Bilderberg insider Eric Schmidt, the head of Google, who in the past has castigated Trump for being "anti-globalisation".

The internationalists and europhiles of Bilderberg are no fans of Trump, although the Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel, who sits with Schmidt on the group's steering committee, has never been shy of expressing his admiration for America's 45th president. "He's very charismatic", says Thiel, and has "a phenomenal understanding of people".

His fellow billionaire, Henry Kravis, agrees. The head of KKR said recently that Trump will "deliver on his promises". Although I'm not sure anyone even remembers what those promises were. Something about winning so much you throw up?

Team Trump will be joined at Bilderberg by two US Senators and the Governor of Virginia, and from slightly further afield, the Chinese Ambasador to the US, Cui Tiankai. With "China" cropping up on the conference agenda, this raises the awkward spectre of the Logan Act, which expressly forbids US citizens to negotiate with any foreign power "in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States."

If you allow "controversy" to include the South China Sea, then you've got all the ingredients for a violation. Not that the police are about to burst into the Marriott and start arresting people. Although if they did, I think Henry Kissinger (who is also attending) might be wanted for war crimes. It's worth bearing in mind.

There's a stronger than usual whiff of Goldman Sachs to this year's conference. By my count there are five tentacles of the vampire squid at the Westfields Marriott: James A. Johnson, a director; the former president of the EU Commission, José M. Durão Barroso, now chairman of Goldman Sachs International; former World Bank boss, Robert Zoellick, who chairs the bank's International Advisory Board; and two members of that board, Victor Halberstadt and José Luis Arnaut.

It's always worth remembering, when you're wondering whether it's such a good idea for so many politicians to be cosily closeted away for three days at Bilderberg, that the conference is part-funded and heavily populated by arguably the world's most loathed financial institution.

You don't have to scratch this year's invitation list very hard to find it problematic. The Spanish minister of economy cooped up with the head of Spain's largest bank. The Canadian finance minister and the head of Canada's largest bank. The CEO of Airbus, the world's 7th largest arms company, sandwiched between the head of Nato and the Dutch defence minister, discussing defence spending. Cosy.

But personally what I find most problematic is this item halfway down the 2017 agenda: "The war on information".

Bilderberg is going to tackle fake news. An organisation that has spent 60 years spreading half-truths and disinformation about itself, that has fought tooth and nail to keep information about itself away from the press and public, is suddenly all anxious about protecting the truth? Right.

To be quite honest, it's odd writing about the Bilderberg conference at all at a time when the mainstream press is positively seething with elaborate Russian conspiracy theories. Vladimir Putin has morphed into the grand puppetmaster ­ the arch controller, pulling the strings of the world, holding sway over elections. Forget Bilderberg, the dots have finally been joined and the real hidden hand behind world events has been revealed.

For 60 years, Bilderberg has just been spinning its wheels in the mud. All those billionaire financiers and hedge fund bosses, all those CEOs of giant industrial conglomerates, they've been courting politicians for no reason whatsoever. It's Russia that holds all the strings. If only they'd known! They could have saved a fortune on buffet bills.

Charlie Skelton will be tweeting from Chantilly, Virginia on @deyook.

Bilderberg 2017: secret meeting of global leaders could prove a problem for Trump
The annual gathering of government and industry elites will include a ‘progress report’ on the Trump administration. Will it get a passing grade?
Several members of Donald Trump’s administration are headed to the Bilderberg conference, which will include a ‘progress report’ on the White House. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

<>Charlie Skelton in Chantilly, Virginia - Thursday 1 June 2017 08.00 BST

The storm around <>Donald Trump is about to shift a few miles west of the White House, to a conference centre in Chantilly, Virginia, where the embattled president will be getting his end-of-term grades from the people whose opinion really matters: Bilderberg.

The secretive three-day summit of the political and economic elite kicks off on Thursday in heavily guarded seclusion at the Westfields Marriot, a luxury hotel a short distance from the Oval Office. The hotel was already on lockdown on Wednesday, and an army of landscapers have been busy planting fir trees around the perimeter, to try protect coy billionaires and bashful bank bosses from any prying lenses.
Perched ominously at the top of the conference agenda this year are these words: “The Trump Administration: A progress report”. Is the president going to be put in detention for tweeting in class? Held back a year? Or told to empty his locker and leave? If ever there’s a place where a president could hear the words “you’re fired!”, it’s Bilderberg.

The White House is taking no chances, sending along some big hitters from Team Trump to defend their boss: the national security adviser, HR McMaster; the commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross; and Trump’s new strategist, Chris Liddell. Could the president himself show up to receive his report card in person?

Henry Kissinger, the gravel-throated <>kingpin of Bilderberg, visited the White House a few weeks ago to discuss “Russia and other things”, and certainly, the Bilderberg conference would be the perfect opportunity for the most powerful man in the world to discuss important global issues with Trump.

The US president’s extraordinary chiding of Nato leaders in Brussels is sure to be chewed over at Bilderberg, which takes its name from the hotel in the Netherlands where its conference first met in 1954. The Bilderbergers have summoned the head of Nato, Jens Stoltenberg, to give feedback. Stoltenberg will leading the snappily titled session on “The Trans-Atlantic defence alliance: bullets, bytes and bucks”. He’ll be joined by the Dutch minister of defence and a clutch of senior European politicians and party leaders, all hoping to reset the traumatised transatlantic relationship after Trump’s galumphing visit.

The <>invitation list for this year’s conference is a veritable covfefe of big-hitters from geopolitics, from the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, to the king of Holland, but perhaps the most significant name on the list is Cui Tiankai, China’s ambassador to the US.

<>According to the meeting’s agenda, “China” will be discussed at a summit attended by the Chinese ambassador, the US commerce secretary, the US national security adviser, two US senators, the governor of Virginia, two former CIA chiefs – and any number of giant US investors in the country, including the heads of the financial services firms the Carlyle Group and KKR. Oh, and the boss of Google.

Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Alphabet, Google’s holding company, has just come back from a trip to Beijing, where he was overseeing Google AI’s latest game of Go against puny humans. He declared it “a pleasure to be back in China, a country that I admire a great deal”. It’s possible three days spent chatting to the Chinese ambassador could even be good for business.

All this is the kind of thing that should be headline news, but with the president of Turner International attending, we can be fairly sure Bilderberg won’t make many ripples at CNN. And British readers should not expect much coverage at the London Evening Standard either: their new editor and longtime Bilderberg attendee George Osborne is on the list, despite a general election looming in a week’s time.

You could of course complain about a lack of press coverage of Bilderberg in the UK, but with the head of the media watchdog Ofcom at the conference, you may not get an immediate reply.

So will Trump be given his marching orders at Bilderberg, or will he be kept on as a useful doofus? There’s a small but worrying clue for what Bilderberg might have in mind for Trump tucked away on the invitation list: one of the guests this year is the UK’s former chief of the defence staff, Sir Nicholas Houghton. His new role? Constable of the Tower of London.

So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being. <>
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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