Author of ‘Ground Control’ Anna Minton on social housing post Grenfell fire – Where is US/Russia World War III most likely to start and how will it play out?

Posted on <>August 4, 2017 ­ <>Leave a comment

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – <>discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world After six – <>straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers Listen live <> or <>

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First hour: News review: with Bristol North West MP Darren Jones. Family not political, grew up in Lawrence Weston, went to Portway School, reflects on beginning work at the House of Commons. Finds it more difficult to follow the news now he’s an MP. Bristol University develop software to detect fake news which includes the BBC and Daily Telegraph. <>Social housing on Tuesday evening’s Channel 4 news: 300,000 chldren due to be evicted, ‘They treat tenants as a nuisance’, Author of ‘Ground Control’ Anna Minton, Tory member of the London Assembly for West Central Tony Devenish, Architect Kate Macintosh, C4 news social affairs editor Jackie Long 14,000 people on Bristol waiting list, where are shop doorways and tents in the housing ‘market’? Government must intervene in housing, stop gerrymandering, shipping Labour voters out. <>The Channel 4 documentary, ‘Diana: In Her Own Words’, will reveal private recordings of Princess Diana at her most unguarded. The <>sensitive 90-minute film will broadcast this Sunday August 6 at 8pm on Channel 4. – <>With a fairy tale royal wedding, a soap opera love triangle and a tragic death that broke hearts around the world, Princess Diana’s story is still one of the most fascinating and scandalous in British history. <>Bristol’s newest MP Darren Jones says Tony Blair is his political hero on BBC Radio 5 Live – but is it a controversial choice? <>New Bristol North West Labour MP Darren Jones: ‘I didn’t expect to win’ History’s lessons: <>from Bristol’s slave trade past to today’s debt & wage slavery, Mark Steeds’ proposal for a Welsh Back Bristol Slavery History Hub planned for the last two dockside buildings there by Redcliffe Bridge. Exhibition on history and culture of Bristol North West constituency, <>Mike Walker, Bristol Omnibus Collection: privatisation of Bristol Omnibus Company Bristol Tramways and Carriageways Company, ran through Bristol Joint Services, Bristol Tramways and Bristol City Council shared management. Up to 1986, bus operator would have to go to public enquiry to put fares up and services became unprofitable like railways before the Beeching axe in the 1960s. Darren supportsd municipal bus company. <>British Gas raises electricity prices by 12.5%. Experts fear rise will prompt another round of increases after Centrica sanctions average annual dual fuel bill rise of 7.3% to £1,120. <>Sleeper agent’ Kieran Maxwell, Royal Marine who made bombs for Irish republicans had 300 government and military targets as police admit his arsenal of mines, mortars and drugs are STILL hidden in tunnels around the UK. Royal Marine built bombs for the Continuity IRA at his grandmother’s house. He constructed 14 pipe bombs and two mines and could have built 19 more. The 31-year-old became the first marine to be jailed for UK terrorism offences. Judge jails him for 18 years, telling him he had betrayed his fellow marines – <>Army could be needed in prisons – former governor – A former prison governor says the government should consider calling in the Army to restore order in prisons. – Speaking to BBC Newsnight, Ian Acheson admitted the suggestion was “radical” and “controversial” but said “the risks of doing nothing are simply too high”. – <>1972 Bank of England director “We control all press & politicians”. Justin Walker, Harry Pilkington – <>UK heading for a ‘smooth Brexit’ Mark Carney finally admits economy is NOT set to collapse, Mark Carney has reiterated the Bank of England’s belief that Britain is heading towards a “smooth” Brexit in 2019, despite downgrading its GDP forecast for this year and next. – <>Editing the human genome brings us one step closer to consumer eugenics. Hijacked by the free market, human gene editing will lead to greater social inequality by heading where the money is: ‘designer babies’. <> <>Radio4All download pages
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Second hour: Investigative reports: <>Now looks like the Military is going to take care of the USA government. They tried nice guys on the media but NOW 4 star General will be speaking with authority.. He is put in office today 31 Jul 2018 – <>Ken Livingstone: Venezuela crisis due to Chávez’s failure to get rid of oligarchs. Ex-London mayor says wealthy families using power over trade to undermine Hugo Chávez’s successor, Nicolás Maduro – after the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9/11 The United States ruling class want to take over the world – how WWIII would start, a flashpoint between Russia and the US in the Middle East or Eastern Europe, followed by full scale war China coming in on the side of the Russians – <>China opens first overseas base in Djibouti (Bab Al Mandab opposite Aden, Yemen) – General John Kelly talks about human rights work as part of Southern Command SouthCom part of their plan to take over the world?? Pale face speak with forked tongue. What is US military doing in South America – <>Russia: US sanctions tantamount to trade war – <>US declare political war on Russia, ex-US senate foreign policy adviser James Jatras – <>Suppressing Press TV is deplorable – Ofcom should restore its licence now – sraeli PM Netanyahu under investigation for bribery. <>An Israeli court has said that two police investigations involving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could result in corruption charges. Prosecutors are also believed to be in talks with one of Netanyahu’s former top aides about testifying against him. <>Iran election and Qatar crisis set Middle East on edge as Saudi Arabia seeks to extend its influence. The US in particular must strike a difficult balance in a region going through a volatile period. Kim Sengupta reports from Tehran – Amnesty report details Tehran’s crackdown against rights activists. <>The report, titled “Caught in a web of repression: Iran’s human rights defenders under attack,” details how scores of activists ­ often labeled “foreign agents” and “traitors” by state media ­ have been prosecuted and jailed on spurious “national security” charges. The report highlights 45 cases, including anti-death penalty campaigners, women’s rights activists, trade unionists, minority rights activists, human rights lawyers, and activists seeking truth, justice and reparation for mass extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances in the 1980s. Saudi Arabia has asked a US judge to dismiss the lawsuits that hold Riyadh responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks and seek damages for the victims. <>Lawyers representing Saudi Arabia made the request in papers filed with Manhattan federal court on Tuesday, arguing that the plaintiffs had so far failed to generate sufficient evidence to subject the kingdom to the $100-billion lawsuits. Where is World War Three most likely to break out? <>William Stuart’s book The Invisible College series has just been launched: 9.11 to Armageddon covers the planning and the steps taken to launch us into WWIII. <>Collapse of World Trade Centre Building 7. <>Radio4All download pages <>BCfm audio file <>Radio4All audio file


Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being. <>
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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