Al-Shabaab warned Blackwater planning ‘spectacular terrorist attacks’ in Somalia
Spokesman who said it has been killed: Posted on <>October 20, 2017 by <>Tony Gosling ­ <>Leave a comment

Second hour: Investigative reports: Catalan independence – <>Spain is Operating Way Beyond Democratic Legitimacy by Craig Murray: Spanish banking system affected; The Spanish Holocaust – book by Peter Preston – about Franco regime; countries support independence in other countries – especially if enemies; banks moving out of Catalan; Tusk and EU; regional elections in January. <>Israel Supplies Weapons to ISIS-Daesh – Report. Has conflict in Syria come to an end? <>IFRC and Somali Red Crescent Society mourn volunteers killed in yesterday’s blast in Mogadishu – Red Cross offices next to where bomb went off: Trump to send more troops into Somalia; outside help with bomb – but who? <>Black Water in Somalia – Al Shabab issue warning Blackwater in Somalia? Reuters reports <>a spokesperson from the Islamist Al-Shabaab group in Somalia claiming that the US mercenary group Blackwater/Xe Services is in Somalia, is recruiting and is planning a series of spectacular terrorist attacks against civilians to discredit his movement in Mogadishu; Somalia is strategic and has oil – invaded by Ethiopia supported by UK; Africom. <>Venezuela regional elections – convincing victory to Socialists. PMQs – stop terrorists using the internet – should White Helmets backed by West be on the internet? Terrorist attacks in Britain – terrorists known beforehand by secret services. Interview with <>Professor Alexander Azadgan, from Saddleback College in California: Israel Supplies Weapons to ISIS-Daesh <>Report – According to Syria’s official news agency, Syrian Forces Discover Dozens of Israeli-made Weapons and Equipment in ISIS Dens – Syrian Forces Recover Israeli, NATO-made Arms from Daesh Hideouts; Western intelligence services backing terrorists – false flags; Las Vegas – MK Ultra project – Hollywood involved in making White Helmet films; aggression towards Iran – Trump being influenced by Israel; PMQs Syria – humanitarian aid to Syria – <>Roland Dumas, former French Foreign Minister, saying MI6 asked if France wanted to help start armed uprising in Syria; roles of France, Germany and US in Syria; Taliban bomb in Kabul; Somali bomb; who’s running the world? <>The Confessions of an Economic Hitman – book by John Perkins – Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – <>by John Perkins [FILM]. An exposé of international corruption, and an inspired plan to turn the tide for future generations – documentary of book; media control. <>HTV series from 1970s ‘The Pretenders’ about the Monmouth rebellion. Set in the turbulent years of the later 17th century, this action-filled adventure series follows the fortunes of a brother and sister caught up in the dramatic events surrounding the Duke of Monmouth’s doomed attempt to wrest the throne of England from his newly crowned uncle, King James II. Starring Frederick Jaeger, this thrilling drama guest-stars John Thaw, Jack Watson, Robin Nedwell, Frances Cuka, Rachel Thomas and Prunella Ransome. ‘Victoria and Abdul’ film – not realistic – Webster Tarpley on Queen Victoria’s reclusive sleazy and druggy Balmoral life. <>Radio4All download pages <>BCfm audio file <>Radio4All audio file

First hour: news review: with leader of the LibDem group on Bristol City Council Gary Hopkins and Conservative councillor for Westbury on Trym and Henleaze Geoff Gollop – Bristol Councillors and MPs – Gold Star, Red Mark and Black Mark; <>Kye Dudd said Gary Hopkins and Richard Eddy breached confidentiality; problem with Bristol Chief Exec., Anna Klonowskii, leaving – <>she was given £70,000 ‘bung’ by Mayor Marvin Rees – going over the head of the HR Committee; senior Bristol Council staff leaving in past year; change in constitution to Bristol City Council; Mayor Marvin Rees’s State of the City address; Private Eye – first time some Councillors heard of Anna Klonowski pay off; what’s happened to Slave Trade Memorial – as Marvin promised – and also Bristol Arena – Bridge to Nowhere; <>Buns, sermons and slave songs – how slave trader Edward Colston was awkwardly commemorated on Anti-Slavery Day – Colston Society’s annual service where Merchant Venturer schools attend – Counter Colston Group were protesting outside; <>Universal credit – My five-year-old searched bins for food; slavery – Blacks seen as subhuman; academisation vs state running schools or a mixed model; poem by Miles Chamber’s, King Marvin’s ‘bard’ – echoes of a medieval court? local press asked Bristol Council if someone could translate transatlantic corporate ‘Marvin Speak’; some of <>Marvin’s State of the City speech [this version allows comments] – with examples of ‘Marvin Speak’; libraries being closed; too autocratic; Mayor Rees can’t take constructive criticism from Councillors; Marvin says shake up of top Council staff has saved £0.75m; Marvin using <>£6,000 Vitec QTV autocue for his speech, which makes it look like he’s speaking from the heart when in fact he’s just reading a script. <>Radio4All download pages <>BCfm audio file <>Radio4All audio file

<>Friday 20th October 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – <>discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world After six – <>straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers Listen live <> or <>

BCfm audio files usually available 30mins, Radio4All 3/4hrs, after TX
Any probs mp3s should be on <>alternative links below by then So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being. <>
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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