Is the Era of Transhumanism a Final Corporate Takeover of Humanity?

Photo by Todd Huffman | CC BY 2.0
Transhumanism is knocking at the door. Dubbed as Humanity+ or H+, the idea to 
radically revolutionize humanity has emerged in the last decades as a global 
intellectual movement. With a slogan of melding humans with the machine, it 
aims to radically alter human nature by means of technological advancement.

Proponents of transhumanism envision a human that goes beyond its current 
biology and cognition. They are trying to move society into the next stage of 
human development where man achieves super-intelligence and emotional 
well-being. Transhumanists ask, “If humans can interfere with the process of 
evolution, is it possible for us to create a human being with greater 
capacities than what we are now? Can we make a human species without weakness 
of disease and illness, anger and sadness, and ultimately overcome death 

Some see such technologically driven future as not just desirable, but a 
necessity. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX indicated an 
inevitability of humans to symbiotically bond with artificial intelligence, if 
the human species were to remain relevant. This call for humanity’s radical 
makeover comes right at the midst of the digital age, where Homo sapiens, with 
the progress of science and technology is crossing the Rubicon, challenging 
physical boundaries and organic biological limitations.

Our fake world, fake democracy

The rapid expansion of technology in this new millennium radically transformed 
our social landscape. The modern life filled with information has placed 
everyone behind computer screens and cell phones. As society has become more 
abstract, it became virtual, fabricated with images that are dissociated from 
the facts and events of the world.

In many ways, the recent hype of “fake news” reflects this counterfeit reality 
that we are all surrounded by. Waves of whistleblowers in recent years revealed 
that we live in a kind of simulation intervened by government and corporate 
media propaganda. The 2008 financial meltdown exposed the global economy, 
overdriven by the bubble of toxic assets and stocks that were propped up by 
central banks with their money made out of thin air. This Ponzi scam of 
financial engineering was further covered up by bank bailouts, creating a fake 

Meanwhile, our ‘democracy’ has been one big consumer fraud. We have been duped 
by psychopaths in power who pull the strings of puppet politicians. Civic power 
has been fragmented by a corporate duopoly, keeping the populace in false hope 
for change in the electoral arena. With tactics of divide and conquer, monetary 
elites behind the scenes trigger emotions, stirring conflicts among voters in a 
national tournament of identity politics. Once people are trapped by fear and 
hatred that are carefully manufactured, they easily lose sight of reality. 
Rather than finding commonality and building a coalition to solve problems, 
many engage in mutually assured self-destruction.

While the American working class is distracted by this political charade, the 
economy continues to stagnate, making the divide between the rich and poor ever 
wider. The beast of neoliberalism that has been devouring victims abroad is now 
finally coming home to roost. Now, ordinary Americans are suffering from 
unemployment, homelessness and lack of access to medical care. Young people are 
burdened with predatory student debt, where despite the promise of college 
recruiters, there are few viable jobs for them. Social services are defunded, 
throwing away elders, while a military budget gets fatter and fatter, with 
increased defense contracts for the never ending wars.

Free ticket to heaven?  

While political corruption is deepening the crisis of institutions and 
governments, Silicon Valley tech companies through lobbying have steadily 
gained influence in Washington. Now, technological innovation is pushed forward 
as a solution to the breakdown of social systems. From Apple and Google to 
Facebook, giant tech companies put a monopoly on AI, trying to control its 
development, so to dictate the course of our future. With the initiative of 
universal basic income (UBI), wealthy and elite technologists advocate for the 
creation of a robot economy where labor is replaced by automation.

Here the radical vision of humanity 2.0 arises. The coming of a post-human era 
promises to alleviate suffering, make us stronger, more intelligent and 
godlike. Transhumanists try to bring eternal life through insemination of 
machine intelligence into the human body. By combining big data with AI 
software, the idea is already there for humanity to attain digital immortality, 
where one can develop mind clones of oneself that has its own life on the web. 
Dr. Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist and futurist shares his aspiration of 
uploading a digital memory, creating a new pill that slows down people’s 
perception of time and drugs that can eliminate painful memories.

The idea of fusion with technology as a next stage in human evolution can speak 
to our own narcissism induced by social media attention culture. The H+ agenda 
can be marketed by appealing to one’s desire for recognition, to be boundless 
and to attain mastery of oneself. Through social engineering, it will corral 
the herd and achieve mass adoption. Yet this techno-utopia does not come for 
free. One has to pay a heavy price for the ticket to this supposed heaven on 
earth. In the exchange to transcend human limitations, we are asked to give up 
the essence of being human. What are we expected to sacrifice on this altar of 

Free will and learning

Humans are endowed with subjectivity that places them in relationship with the 
world. With this self-awareness, we are given freedom to determine the course 
of our own actions. While machines can only do what they are programmed to do, 
humans with intention can choose their actions and alter the situation through 
insight and creativity. This freedom releases spontaneity and variation, making 
the environment not fixed and unpredictable. At the same time, out of this 
comes the potential for errors. Choices expose men to the propensity for 
mistakes and make them fallible.

The AI trend of technological intervention of humanity now threatens this 
ability to make choices. Automation narrows and eliminates the space for humans 
to make their own decisions, locking society into a deterministic future. 
Through scientific and mathematical precision, the force of mechanization tries 
to remove possibilities for errors and by doing so, it deprives something 
essential about human beings.

What make us different from these artificial beings is our free will and unique 
learning processes that are associated with it. Our connection to the world 
binds us deeply to the consequences of our own choices. In a moment we make a 
mistake, reality blows up in our face and we are forced to see the results of 
what we have created. The feeling of shame and guilt that overwhelm us can 
break the heart wide open. The unbearable pain awakens one’s moral sensibility. 
With these burning sensations, we directly experience our own actions and the 
effect they have on others’ lives.

When we confront our own mistakes with honesty, we can transform this sense of 
humiliation into humility. We learn to become humble. This connects us to other 
human beings, allowing us to see reality from their perspectives. This empathy 
makes us strive to mend our actions. It is the foundation of conscience that 
makes humans acknowledge their errors and inspire one another to repent, undo 
wrongdoing and learn.

Fiction of corporate personhood

It is this morality rooted in our relationship to the environment that 
corporate culture has been trying hard to eradicate. Agendas behind 
transhumanist movements can be seen as the ultimate goal of transnational 
corporations. The rise of corporate power turned civilization against nature. 
Multinational agricultural biotechnology corporations like Monsanto have 
assaulted life by monopolizing seeds and poisoning food with GMOs.

Corporations as artificial entities bring the force that hardens the heart. 
They assert themselves in society through the legal fiction of corporate 
personhood. The theater of the American Dream managed by big business has 
turned citizens into consumers, who are directed to find happiness in 
consumption and material acquisition. Unbridled greed of capitalism bombards 
all with ads and commercials, 24 hours 7 days a week, making us chase after 
products that we don’t need and to be always cheerful, while suppressing 
sadness and deep dissatisfaction of life with antidepressant drugs. Ensnared by 
glamorous Hollywood life and a culture that worships youth, many engage in a 
pathological pursuit for perfection, to be beautiful, thin, and ageless.

In this fictional world, we are not humans. Workers are exploited, being 
treated as disposable with no benefits, while mega corporations look for the 
next cheap labor to exploit and new markets to make a killing. The merciless 
cyborg with its callous skin controls world finance, turning all living beings 
into caricatures in their tyrannical fantasy. In this artificial natural 
selection pushed forward by the invisible hands of the market, the cold 
algorithm enacts financial terrorism, dictating who should survive and who 
should die.

Pursuit of happiness and pathological drive for perfection

Now, in Trump’s America, the fiction of corporate personhood finds a new 
iteration to make its dream great again. As the nation consolidates power with 
the new administration, we all become contestants in The Apprentice. In this 
grandiose Reality Show, we are told to mimic corporate personhood, to be 
cunning and self-serving or we will be fired. The world of Wall Street entices 
all to a path of personal power, filled with ambition, vanity and pride. 
Plundering through exploitative business practices and addictive gambling of 
high frequency trading becomes a way of life. Corruption is rife with rampant 
greed and sexual conquest.

Inside 9-5 office hours of white collar jobs, relationships became impersonal 
and transactional, where people are forced to hide real emotions behind 
professional masks. In this supposed free market competition that bars entry to 
immigrants, people of color and transgenders, workers are trained to mind their 
own business by climbing up the ladder of success in a rat race of profit at 
any cost. Deep inside the labyrinth of organizational hierarchies, we are cut 
off from our own authentic feelings and lose the ground of consensual reality. 
We no longer are held accountable by feedback of others.

Now, with depletion of resources and environmental destruction, the life of the 
American dream is becoming unsustainable. As the fantasy of corporate 
personhood is losing its fuel, it seems to be carried into a vision of 
techno-utopianism. Through mass surveillance and authoritarian use of police 
force, the corporate state has been attacking privacy and autonomy of 
individuals. From face recognition technology and biometrics used at borders to 
AI augmented cyber-security and auto flying drones, it further mechanizes this 
world. The goal is no longer just total control of the world to create an ever 
more perfect world, but to control human nature itself by reprogramming our 
biology to create a perfect self.

As the disfranchised middle class is slowly waking up from their insulated 
reality and starting to face their broken life, transhumanism offers all a 
short cut to nirvana. From the magic of genetic modification to the creation of 
the mind file, through making humans directly interface with the net, 
technology is presented to rescue us, trying to numb throbbing aches in the 
arteries that carry the ebb and flow of our human experience.

Humanity at a crossroads

Transhumanist thinkers with technological enlightenment ideas declare the 
liberation of humanity from a cog in the wheel of the corporate machine, only 
to once again ensnare all in their Sci Fi illusory future. From self-driving 
cars to androids, robots that are designed to look and act like a human, 
artificial intelligence is here in everyday life, promising to make our life 
more convenient, efficient and safe. With a gospel of machine supremacy 
preaching perfection, increased dominance of technology can annihilate our free 
will that is a prerequisite for developing conscience.

With artificial nerves that can’t carry the warmth of blood, robots mimic life 
in their synthetic existence. They are the phantoms that claim immortality, 
when they never even had a chance to truly live. These ghosts in the machine 
make us sever our ties to the world, by turning the heart into a pump that 
pushes out the pain of our mother in her giving birth to a child.

Our remembering of her pain that brought all of life makes us remain connected 
to her world. “We are living in a fake world; we are watching fake evening 
news. We are fighting a fake war. Our government is fake,” said renowned 
Japanese writer Haruki Murakami. He continued:

But we find reality in this fake world. So our stories are the same; we are 
walking through the fake scenes, but ourselves, as we walk through these 
scenes, are real. The situation is real, in the sense that it’s a commitment, 
it’s a true relationship.

Our ability to feel is a testimony of being human, allowing us to be a real 
person in this fake world. To be human is to live among flesh, being 
audaciously flawed. Our striving to bear our own pain awakens compassion. We 
are able to forgive ourselves and others. We find strength to love one another 
in our authenticity found in each other’s imperfection. This total acceptance 
of human errors connects us to potent creative power within that resists 
rigidity, mechanization and all stagnation, keeping the world alive through our 
relationship with her.

Humanity is now at a crossroads. With the exponential growth of technology, we 
have the capability to bring a great turning or destroy the world. Branches of 
science; technology, engineering, chemistry and medicine helped mankind 
overcome natural disaster and disease and live more comfortably in this harsh 
physical environment. Renewable energy technologies can help us create a 
sustainable future. These are tools that can be used for the good. They can 
reduce poverty and enhance the quality of our lives, but they can be also used 
against us.

Transhumanism is marching on into our society, showing its footsteps 
everywhere. With iPad and Android, talking gadgets are entering into the crib, 
hijacking childhood imagination. Day and night technology snatches youngster’s 
attention, plugging them into Instagram and Snapchat. As the expansion of this 
machine world accelerates, our life gets faster and faster, making it harder 
for us to be present in our own bodies.

We need to stay awake and not sleepwalk through this time of transition. 
Reality may be painful, but if we lose our own sense of reality by giving up 
what feels at the center of our hearts, it will be the death of our own selves. 
Such is a tragic loss of what it means to be human and the life of all on this 
planet that we are meant to steward. It is our ability to make choices that 
will create the future and this freedom must be claimed by each one of us.


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More articles by:NOZOMI HAYASE
Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D., is a writer who has been covering issues of freedom of 
speech, transparency and decentralized movements.  Find her on twitter 

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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