I've been having a disturbing offline conversation with Dawn Waddy who says she 
witnessed what she believed may have been the real bomber, or an accomplice, 
sitting next to her.

So nervous is she and her poor daughter that she's now blocked me on Facebook.
Before she did, though, she shared these concerns with me which I'm now, after 
a lot of soul searching, making public to aid the investigation.
Her and her daughter clearly could be the key to overturning the lies told 
about that terror attack, for which Salman Abedi looks more and more like a 
patsy for.
She's clearly being TAUGHT by one means and another to KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT.
Her silence may well be putting her and her daughters in more danger from the 
real perpetrators of the terrorist attack.
The police in Manchester MUST interview and PROTECT her otherwise they may as 
well all go home!

Please make sure that media, police, intelligence and everybody who's job it is 
to expose the real Manchester killers looks after Dawn and that the attempt to 
isolate and threaten her FAILS!

Manchester Arena terror attack eyewitness Dawn Waddy

Hi xxxx
I'm afraid I really can't talk about this without breaking down
As you can imagine, I am really struggling with this experience, so is my 
Especially today. [the first anniversary]
I will be more than happy to message you on here though. 
If you want any questions answering please feel free to ask on here. 
Dawn x


Do you have any idea what nationality the woman was Dawn?

Manchester Arena terror attack eyewitness Dawn Waddy

Well, she didnt have her face covered, or anything over her head, so I doubt 
whether she was a Muslim, but she definately wasnt british. 
But for the security to say to my daughter "how would you like it if someone 
accused you of something just because you were a different colour"!
But like I reminded them, it isnt white people acting out these attacks and the 
way she fidgeted made us uneasy.  
The Greater Manchester police have not been in touch since they paid me a visit 
in June [2017]. 
Whether they would let me know the outcome of whether she was involved I'm not 
sure, but ive heard nothing since. 
They would know by now if she was involved because they had her seat number so 
could check her ticket details.


Sky news is itself highly suspect but...
"There was a suspicious woman"

Mother blasts lax security at Manchester Arena before bomb that killed 22
Charles White for Metro.co.uk Tuesday 23 May 2017

A woman who witnessed the terror attack in the Manchester Arena has condemned 
the venue for a ‘lack of security’ surrounding the event.

The mother, who was with a friend and her daughter at the Ariana Grande 
concert, says their bags were not searched before they entered the venue and 
claims her report of a ‘suspicious’ woman was dismissed.

Her group became concerned by a woman sitting next to them who was ‘acting 
suspiciously’. They reported the woman to security, who did attend to further 
investigate, but the woman says that their concerns were ultimately dismissed.

She said: ‘We had somebody sat next to us. She looked very suspicious and was 
fidgeting all the time with her bag on the floor and she was by herself.

Woman speculates about 'suspicious behaviour' of concertgoer

‘She was looking in the direction of where the explosion actually happened all 
night. She was smirking to herself and we got suspicious. My friend who was 
sitting next to her said, “I don’t like this”‘.

Speaking with Sky News she revealed: ‘I told security who then informed higher 
security and they were up and down the stairs where she was, discreetly 
watching her. Nothing was done about it.

‘Later on, as the concert was going on, she was becoming more and more 
agitated, with her bag on the floor. I actually sat next to her and I nudged 
her arm intentionally to speak to her and said “Sorry about that – are you by 
yourself?” and she said “Yes” and spoke to me, but I didn’t understand her.’

Clearly distressed, the woman added: ‘Security did not listen to me.

‘Holly, my daughter, got very upset about things and went to security but then 
they asked her “How would you like it if someone accused you of this?’

Mother blasts lax security at Manchester Arena before bomb that killed 22

‘One to two minutes before the concert finished she disappeared and the 
explosion went off.’

The woman added to Sky: ‘The security was awful and they did nothing about it. 
There should have been more security. They never checked bags at all.’

'Big flash of light' concert go-er describes explosion

Speaking to Sky News, witness Kirstyn Pollard, who was at the concert with her 
nine-year-old daughter, said that their bags were not searched by security 
either. ‘We were late and that could have been why, but no, they didn’t search 
my bags,’ she said.

Another witness, Chris Pawley, told Fox News there was seemingly ‘no security 

He said: ‘I’ve been to concerts before and sometimes you get patted down and 
empty your pockets. There was absolutely nothing at this concert tonight. We 
just literally got our tickets scanned and went straight in.’

The suicide bomber is thought to have detonated the bomb outside the arena, on 
the walkway between the venue and the station, in what experts have called a 
‘security soft spot‘.

It has now been confirmed that 22 people died and 59 people were injured. They 
are now being treated in eight hospitals across the Greater Manchester area.

Witnesses Say Concert Security was Lax before Bombing
Concert-goers have slammed “lax security” at the Ariana Grande show that was 
targeted this week in a terrorist attack
May 24, 2017

Police have identified the suicide-bomber in the Manchester attack as Salman 
Abedi but they have yet to figure out how he was able to detonate a bomb in the 
rotunda area of the arena where families and teens were enjoying an Ariana 
Grande concert.

Since the explosion, witnesses have come forward telling local news stations 
that the arena security was very lax as they entered the venue. Many say the 
security guards were more interested in whether or not the attendees were 
carrying water bottles than checking bags for weapons.

Three weeks prior to the incident, a woman who was in attendance at an Ed 
Sheeran concert at the same arena voiced her concern on security measures on 
TripAdvisor. According to her comment, the arena security guards just scanned 
her ticket and let her in without having her pass through a medal detector or 
bag check.

Security experts believe that the lone wolf chose the weakest part of the 
stadium to attack: the exit. As people flooded out of the stadium area after 
Grande’s encore performance Abedi detonated a “very sophisticated device” that 
could be heard from inside the stadium and blocks away in neighborhoods 
surrounding the area.

Others who were at the stadium said they did not see security as they left the 
arena after the bomb exploded. The only instruction attendees had was from a 
voice coming over the loud speaker in the arena telling people to “take your 
time. No problems here.”

Since the explosion, security around the world has been beefed up. Arenas and 
venues in the United States, Norway and France have seen additional units 
deployed despite the fact there are no credible or specific threats to the 

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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