Science casting doubt over 9/11 official story

Conflicting versions of events for 9/11 have resulted in a heated information 

Conflicting versions of events for 9/11 have resulted in a heated information 
HENRY WIDDAS Tuesday 11 September 2018

Henry Widdas explores how the World Trade Centre attacks sparked an information 
war that is still raging 17 years on ...

As the 9/11 terrorist attack reaches its 17th anniversary, two wars continue to 
be waged in its wake.
One is the “war on terror” in which hundreds of thousands have been killed in 
the Middle East. The other is an information war being played out in the arena 
of cyberspace.

This second war is a battle for our minds. On one side is much of the 
mainstream media, politicians, official history and prominent experts – all 
telling us the official version of events are true.

On the other side is another group of experts, including more than 3,000 
architects and engineers who have formed their own 9/11 truth movement. These 
people are commonly referred to as ‘conspiracy theorists’.

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The online encyclopaedia Wikipedia’s entry for 9/11 conspiracies is filled with 
psychological explanations for why it is irrational to start questioning this 
horrific event, which continues to be the defining moment of the century. One 
reason given is that some of us need to make sense of this chaotic world and 
somehow find it perversely comforting believing a sinister conspiracy has taken 

A quotation in this Wikipedia page comes from an article in the September 11, 
2006, edition of Time magazine which claims the major 9/11 conspiracy theories 
“depend on circumstantial evidence, facts without analysis or documentation, 
quotes taken out of context and the scattered testimony of traumatised 

But despite the vast majority of the mainstream promoting the official story – 
with just a handful of journalists touching on the ‘conspiracy theories’ from a 
neutral perspective – the war of perception on the battlefield of 9/11 is not 
yet decided.

Perhaps it is because many ‘truthers’ – a label used for those challenging the 
official 9/11 story – are using hard science that has been made available for 
scrutiny in the public domain to illustrate that the official version of events 
does not add up.

And then there are the whistleblowers, a prominent one being 9/11 Commission 
Report co-chair Lee Hamilton who remarked that this report into the official 
version of events was “set up to fail”.

Another witness is Scott Forbes, from England, who worked at the World Trade 
Centre from 1998 and lost 89 of his colleagues at financial firm The Fiduciary 
Trust on 9/11. He has described an unusual coordinated power cut at the South 
building for a “recabling exercise” in the weekend before the attack, where he 
saw several engineers working around the ground-floor lobby and at the lobby on 
floor 78.

He tried over the next three years to get an explanation for the work, but 
claimed he was eventually told by the New York Port Authority - the leaseholder 
for the World Trade Centre buildings - that no power down operation took place.

LISTEN: Interview of Scott Forbes carried out by investigative journalist Tony 
Gosling in 2004

The events of 9/11 were so horrific that to question what we were being told by 
officials was perhaps too painful to even consider for most of us, including 

And so many of us accepted the story of a passport of one of the alleged 
hijackers, Satam al-Suqami, being found in Vesey Street, Lower Manhattan, 
before the buildings collapsed.

In the 17 years which have followed, more and more science has been put forward 
claiming to show that the official reasons given for the three World Trade 
Centre buildings collapsing break the laws of physics.

If you didn’t know three buildings fell in New York on 9/11 (I certainly didn’t 
until recently), type into the YouTube search box “Building 7 falling” – an 
interesting watch to say the least.

WATCH: Video evidence from (an arm of Architects & Engineers for 
9/11 Truth) showing Building 7 falling

Another aspect in the war over 9/11 perception involves the dark arts. In 2008, 
Harvard professors Cass Sunstein (who was later made director of the White 
House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs) and Adrian Vermeule 
proposed in a Harvard Public Law Working Paper – titled Conspiracy Theories – 
that the US government should engage in “cognitive infiltration” of citizen 
groups which seek the truth about 9/11.

They wrote in the paper: “Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat 
rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to 
undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual 
premises, causal logic or implications for political action.”

We have also seen 9/11 investigators come up with “Star Wars beam” theories 
that claim secret energy weapons were used to take down the buildings.

And some have forensically analysed amateur video footage of the event to 
propose no planes actually hit the buildings at all, and that holographic 
images of planes were used to disguise missiles. Investigative journalist 
Richard D Hall has carried out extensive research in these two areas.

Others, including Danish chemist Niels Harrit, claim nano-thermite may have 
been used to bring the World Trade Centre buildings down into their own 
footprints. Harritt, in a peer-reviewed paper, claimed to have found “active 
thermitic material" in dust from 9/11.

READ MORE: An examination of the extensive heat found in the debris at the 
World Trade Centre

Perhaps the strongest scientific evidence challenging the 9/11 official story 
was put forward late last year.

A $300,000 investigation at the University of Alaska Fairbanks – crowd-funded 
through Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (a non-profit organisation 
challenging the official story of 9/11 with 25,000 members as of last month 
including 3,020 architects and engineers) – was set up to challenge the 
‘science’ presented by the US government-funded National Institute of Standards 
and Technology (NIST) .

NIST claimed in its 2008 Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Centre 
Building 7 that the 47-storey structure fell because of prolonged office fires 
causing structural failure.

But this is something that has never occurred in any other steel-framed 
high-rise building before 9/11, according to civil engineer and firefighter 
Adrian Mallett, speaking in the 9/11 documentary, Incontrovertible.

READ MORE: The NIST report into Building 7
 and the report from the University of Alaska Fairbanks

Dr Leroy Hulsey from the University of Alaska Fairbank’s research team says 
their findings have so far established that Building 7 – which was not hit by a 
plane – could not have fallen because of these office fires and work continues 
on what could have caused the collapse.

Dr Hulsey and his team are continuing to investigate the reasons why Building 7 
fell and hope to have reached a conclusion on that before the end of this year.

LISTEN: Herny Widdas's interview with investigative journalist and author David 
Icke in which they discuss motive for the 9/11 attack

Almost one third of people globally see the official story of 9/11 as exactly 
that – a story – according to University of Maryland-based research group

But without a new official inquiry into 9/11 - or a sustained effort from the 
mainstream media to forensically re-examine the events - the war of perception 
over what actually happened on September 11, 2001, may still be waged for years 
to come.

READ MORE: Frequently asked questions at the Architect & Engineers for 9/11 
Truth website http://

WATCH: Documentary, Calling Out Bravo Seven, made by firefighters, that covers 
much of the information in this article http://

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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