The Prime Minister's father Stanley Johnson's theatre of deception

Trust others have seen the patterns between this and Winston Churchill's 
monthly visits to The Savoy for Chatham House rule chin wags with Oswald 

The Other Club has always been a fascinating, yet little publicized 
institution. Some of the best-known names in the land are always among its 
members. Of the forty men who were its original members in 1911 in addition to 
Churchill and F. E. Smith, there were names like Bonar Law, Admiral Lord 
Charles Beresford, who never spoke to Churchill anywhere else but at the Other 
Club dinners, in the course of a bitter feud, Lloyd George, Lord Kitchener, 
Beerbohm Tree, W. H. Massingham, who had been the editor of the Daily Chronicle 
until he lost his position because of his opposition to the South African War, 
and J. L. Garvin, editor of the Observer for some years until he resigned in 
The long list of former members bears such names as Lord Asquith, Viscount 
Astor, Arnold Bennett, Viscount Camrose, the Duke of Devonshire, General Lord 
Gort, Henry Irving, Frederick Lonsdale, Sir Edwin Lutyens, Sir Desmond 
MacCarthy, Sir Oswald Mosley, Field Marshal Smuts, Lord Tweedsmuir and Brendan 


Since it seems like we may have hit a nerve with Stanley Johnson, we thought 
we'd continue exploring the bizarre web of connections between him, his 
children, and other Tory Establishment families that play prominent roles in 
both political and environmental 'narratives' (as seen on TV). Stanley 
Johnson's time as Conservative Member of the European Parliament was during 
Margaret Thatcher's reign as PM, and followed directly on from his previous 
position as a senior official in the EU Commission. 

We've already noted his first wife's connection to Sir Crispin Tickell, the UN 
diplomat that persuaded Thatcher to give her speech to the Royal Society on the 
effects of CO2 on the climate in 1988. Thatcher later gave a similar speech at 
the UN in 1989, which happened to be during Tickell's stint as Permanent 
Representative of the United Kingdom to the UN.
Now, here's where it gets weird! After leaving that post in 1990, Tickell 
became Warden of Green College, Oxford; it was here, that in 1993 he offered a 
Visiting Fellowship (at the College's Centre for Environmental Policy and 
Understanding) to the nephew of Thatcher's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nigel 
Lawson - a certain George Monbiot, whose father Sir Raymond Monbiot CBE was 
also a deputy chairman of the Conservative party.

George Monbiot has made an embarrassment of himself in recent years after 
doggedly defending the UK/US intelligence operation in Syria known as the White 
Helmets - a position that he shared with then Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, 
who provided some £32 million in funding to the group. The White Helmets were 
supported by a UK company called Mayday Rescue. "In October 2016 a young man 
left Oxford University and walked straight into a position as Operations 
manager at Mayday Rescue. His name is Archie Gilmour." He is the son of Andrew 
Gilmour the "Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights and Head of the 
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in New York.” Archie 
Gilmour is Boris Johnson's godson.

Tickell and Lawson have been friends since school. Both were friendly with the 
late financier James Goldsmith; and both Nigel Lawson and his son Dominic were 
editors of the Conservative Spectator magazine, a post later filled by Boris 
Johnson. Dominic is married to Rosa Monckton, sister of Christopher Monckton, 
3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley. He served as an advisor to Thatcher and was 
a founding member of James Goldsmith's Referendum Party - the precursor to 
UKIP. Meanwhile, James' brother Edward was one of the founders of the UK Green 
Party, as well as the Ecologist magazine, where an editorial position was also 
held by his nephew Zac Goldsmith, who is currently Conservative Minister of 
State for Environment & International 
Development, and married to Alice Rothschild. Amusingly, Nigel Lawson and 
Christopher Monckton are the among the most prominent British 'climate deniers' 
that Monbiot frequently rails against in his polemics for the Guardian. As it 
happens, Stanley Johnson also had a weekly column for the G2 section of The 
Guardian back in 2005, while Amelia Gentleman, the wife of Boris' brother Jo 
(another Tory MP) also writes for the Guardian. 

Let's remind ourselves that it was in fact Stanley Johnson who wrote the 
introduction and commentary to the official text of the UN's 1993 Rio Earth 
Summit, wherein the Agenda 21 policy was articulated. Johnson is not the only 
UN acolyte to publicly align themselves with the demands of XR; Farhana Yamin 
led their delegation to meet with UK Environment Secretary Michael Gove earlier 
this year. Shortly after which, Gail Bradbrook was filmed in an interview with 
Sky News stating that senior advisors to Theresa May had informed XR 
representatives that they needed XR 'to give them the social permission to do 
the necessary' - i.e. to enact Climate Emergency legislation, which the UK 
government promptly did following XR's London protests. 

Meanwhile Boris Johnson recently delivered a speech to the UN General Assembly 
in which he acknowledged the threats presented by modern technology, but then 
committed the UK to its further development, whilst declaring a "need to agree 
a common set of global principles to shape the norms and standards that will 
guide the development of emerging technology." He also spoke of the necessity 
of adopting 'green tech' in "our common struggle against climate change."

While these links don't present anything concrete, they nonetheless show us 
just how interconnected the people who find their way into the media spotlight 
really are. 

Food for thought-crimes.

[originally posted 5th Nov, and subsequently purged from facespook]

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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