Sunday November 26, 2006

Kelantan Umno wants state culture to go global

KOTA BARU: Kelantan Umno wants the state's rich culture to be put on 
the world market just as Thai kickboxing and Japanese martial arts 
have become internationally known. 

As the state is known as the "cradle of Malay" culture, it was 
logical to promote its cultural trove on a global scale and to 
commercialise it to earn more income, said its chief Datuk Seri 
Annuar Musa. 

"Besides exporting top brains and labour, Kelantan has provided 
Malaysia with a rich cultural landscape from the legandary mak yongs 
to dikir barat.  

"It is time to exploit such richness and tap its commercial value," 
he said when opening the state Umno Youth cultural programme. 

At present, most cultural troupes survived on special invitations to 
functions, which are mostly private.  

Annuar said the cultural promotion could be linked to traditional 
apparels such as the batik and songket, higher education institutions 
and halal food production as fresh contributors to economic growth. 

The diversification of income earnings in Kelantan must work, he 

If Thailand can position kickboxing (muay or tomoi) as a popular 
martial arts and spectator event, there was no reason why Kelantan 
could not promote its own pencak silat, Annuar said.//Thestar  

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