Saturday January 13, 2007

State government accused of graft

KOTA BARU: Umno has accused the Kelantan government of abusing its 
power by extracting funds from logging concessions for PAS. 

Kelantan Umno chief Datuk Seri Annuar Musa said a report against the 
state government was lodged with the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) 
last week. 

"We have submitted a bundle of documents to the ACA and we leave it 
to the agency to investigate," he said here yesterday. 

He alleged that the state government had used logging concessions to 
collect funds illicitly and had channelled it to PAS' coffers through 
some members. 

Annuar said Umno had surrendered the alleged evidence to the ACA.  

He first raised the allegation, which PAS had officially denied, at 
the last State Legislative Assembly sitting. 

Annuar said he was not interested in debating the issue with 

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