Wednesday January 24, 2007

American among many who call `serambi Mekah' home


KOTA BARU: Kelantan's reputation as serambi Mekah (the veranda of 
Mecca) has drawn many foreigners, including Muslim converts, to its 
shores over the past two decades. 

The nickname was acquired in the early history of the coming of Islam 
to South-East Asia, when visiting merchants and missionaries came 
here to set up schools and learning centres in Islam. 

This brought about a semblance of the rich learning culture of West 
Asia and many people thought that it was a mirror to Islam's most 
sacred city. 

With the reputation came a mushrooming of religious schools and it is 
estimated that there are some 100 of these sekolah pondok state-wide. 

Inspired, many foreigners came to visit Kelantan and some stayed on 
and made their home here. 

Among them is American Muhammed Taha Abdullah, 38, who has stayed 
here for the past 11 years. 

There were setbacks initially after he ran into problems in his first 
job here. 

But rather than give up, he chose to stay and teach the locals to 
speak Arabic. 

Taha, who hails from Connecticut and studied at a university there, 
said he does not translate from Malay to Arabic. 

"We teach Arabic as the native Arabs speak it. No slang. Just 
Arabic," said Taha, who has acquired a good command of Kelantanese 

"I start with simple basic words. Just the basic facts. I do not want 
to complicate things." 

Admitting that he was an atheist during most of his childhood, he 
embraced Islam in 1988 after meeting his Malaysian wife, Norliza 
Ghazali, 40, at the University of Connecticut. 

In 1993, Taha was one of seven out of 2,000 applicants from the 
United States who was accepted by the University of Medina in Saudi 

He later followed his wife back to Malaysia, where they initially 
settled in Pahang. 

However, the lure of serambi Mekah drew him to Kelantan, where he 
wanted to improve his knowledge in Islam. 

Together with fellow convert Zulkarnian Khoo, Taha often takes part 
in open discussions on Islamic issues on a broad perspective. 

In the aftermath of the "9/11" terror attacks on the United States, 
it is important to clear misconceptions about Islam, he said.//Thestar

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