
On Friday 03 October 2003 18:54, Dan Swanson wrote:
> I am attempting to use Net::LDAPS so I can change Active Directory
> passwords (from an earlier posting), but when I use "new" constructor,
> nothing is returned to my $ldaps variable. When I run the script using
> "Net::LDAP" instead of "Net::LDAPS", the LDAP hash is printed. Shouldn't
> "new Net::LDAPS" return a hash?
> use Net::LDAPS;
> $ldaps = new Net::LDAPS('myserver.example.com');
> print "LDAPS:$ldaps\n";

Try it with error checking:
   $ldaps = new Net::LDAPS('myserver.example.com')  or  die "$@";

It won't make it work but it will give hints about the error.
Calling the constructor with a debug argument might give even more clues.
(see the Net::LDAP man mage for more information)

If you try to do this on windows you might be out of luck.
AFAIK the SSL support relies pretty much un Un*x-like OS'ses

Peter Marschall

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