
I spent my whole afternoon searching for a solution for replacing all values of an attrbute by an array.

So what i got is basicly an reference $values to an array of my new values. I could iterate through the array using
foreach my $value (@$values) {...}

The code that works is:
my $mesg1=$backendConn->modify($dn,
replace => [$attr, ["Hello", "Test"]]

But i need to be more flexible and tried today a lot of variations of...
my $mesg1=$backendConn->modify($dn,
                                       replace => [$attr, @{$values}]

This gave me the error...
Attribute <one of the values in my array> was not found in the schema definition.
inside the LDAP Server

$attr is a string that contains the name of the attribut.

Could somebody help me?

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