Hi All,

This is something of a late report (but I just upgraded my workstation
to Debian Lenny which entailed an update of Net::LDAP, from version 0.33
to 0.36).

This commit (apparently from June 2007):

    "send packets in sizes that IO::Socket::SSL can chew"

Seems to result in intermittent fatal I/O errors, at least when talking
to an OpenLDAP server via a SASL/GSSAPI bind.  In other words scripts
that worked with version 0.33 start failing *intermittently* with later

Reverting the patch restores reliable behavior, at least in my

Can anyone more versed in socket programming spot what might be
triggering the problem?  Here's the relevant section of LDAP.pm
(starting around line 790):

  # send packets in sizes that IO::Socket::SSL can chew
  # originally it was:
  #syswrite($socket, $mesg->pdu, length($mesg->pdu))
  #  or return _error($ldap, $mesg, LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR,"$!");
  my $to_send = \( $mesg->pdu );
  my $offset = 0;
  while($offset < length($$to_send)) {
    my $n = syswrite($socket, substr($$to_send, $offset, 15000), 15000)
      or return _error($ldap, $mesg, LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR,"$!");
    $offset += $n;


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