I think I got what was going wrong...If I am not wrong 'bind' method uses
authentication hence credentials only while making any changes
(add/modify/delete) to ldap server.

So if I will use wrong credentials to modify ldap database then it will
surely shout...


On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Parag Kalra <paragka...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All
> Just installed LDAP server (OpenLDAP) on Ubuntu with following base root dn
> settings:
>  cn=admin,dc=nodomian
> Added few organisation units to it using command line utility 'ldapadd' and
> few using ldap browser - 'phpldapadmin'
> Then I felt like playing with Perl to connect to LDAP server and wrote
> following script:
> $ldap_host = "localhost";
> $admin = "admin";
> $domain = "nodomain";
> $dn = "cn=$admin,o=$domain";
> $password = "mypassword";
> $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldap_host) or die "Could not establish connection
> to LDAP server - $ldap_host \n";
> $ldap->bind($dn,password=>$password) or die "Could not bind to LDAP serrver
> - $ldap_host \n";
> If I set wrong '$ldap_host', it shouts saying - 'could not bind to LDAP
> server' and rightly so.
> *However even if I set wrong '$password' or wrong '$dn' scripts still
> executes successfully and doesn't shout...*
> Where am I going wrong...?
> Cheers,
> Parag

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