>    Folks,
> I am a n00b to perl scripting and need help to start building my own. I am
> currently working on a project where the LDAP(389-ds) and Active Directory
> are always in sync.  I have a very minimal set of attributes and
> conditions
> to keep them in sync.
> Can anyone share their code, so that I can build around it? Here¹s my
> requirement:
> * Sync New users from AD to LDAP with attributes: sAMAccountName, sn,
> givenName, description, userAccountControl(disable/enable),
> * Delete LDAP accounts which are not present in AD and vice versa.
> * Generate the next available uidnumber by parsing thru ldap, so new users
> can be created
> * Check memberOf for 2 groups and if true add them to corresponding groups
> in LDAP
> If you have any of these modules written already, that would be great
> help.
> I am digging through the archive looking for related code.


you can maybe have a look at www.lsc-project.org. It is not Perl, but
allows you to create a connector between AD and OpenLDAP easily.

For example, you can follow this tutorial:


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