hi duncan,

it worked!
it seems a more elegant form than a seemingly arbitrary string of order 
sensitive descriptors (i guess it's just a path though).
after i clean up my script it'll look like i spent 30 minutes writing it :)
thanks so much.

(thanks to all who responded, it was comforting to know others had been puzzled 
by this before, though i guesss they had reader accounts to do the advance 
scouting for their binds)


-----Original Message-----
From: Duncan Brannen [mailto:d...@st-andrews.ac.uk] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 2:33 AM
To: Mark Inaba
Cc: 'perl-ldap@perl.org'
Subject: Re: basic question about binding without knowing the DN

Hi Mark,

On 18/04/2011 22:15, Mark Inaba wrote:
> is there no way to say my DN is 'cn=minaba,DC=foo,DC=com' in the bind request 
> and have the ldap server itself know who i mean? what determines just how 
> many X=y pairs are needed to make a bindable DN? is that configured by the 
> administrator or is it every non-leaf/DC,CN,OU that i'm a part of? i'm still 
> perplexed how ldap.exe can
> magically bind me with only the following info neither of which is my DN:
> user: minaba
> pass: *******
> domain: earth.foo.com
> user: marsinaba
> pass: *******
> domain: mars.foo.com

You can do

$ad->bind( 'min...@earth.foo.com',password=>'MyPassword') or die "$@";

$ad->bind( 'marsin...@mars.foo.com',password=>'HisPassword') or die "$@";

Which might help you.


> (and they both work! how!? did he give me an app that already has the reader 
> account in the settings? i looked but didn't see anything..but gui's...i 
> never know if i've seen the entire confituration...grepping a .conf seems 
> much easier :)
> hmm LDAPS and SASL... i guess LDAPS would protect me from sniffers and SASL 
> would protect me from vi'ers (assuming i have to keep the script world 
> readable and i have to use a reader/test/bind account.) i hope i'll be able 
> to use both, but the dev ldap doesn't have encrpytion so i'll have to wait 
> till i can target our prod ldap server..wherever that is...
> thanks much for your help! i guess if i can't find what makes the ldap.exe 
> magical, i'll just sit on my current script version that uses a reader 
> account and cross the bridges as they appear...
> -mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Cutler [mailto:dcut...@intelimedix.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 3:55 PM
> To: Mark Inaba
> Cc: 'perl-ldap@perl.org'
> Subject: RE: basic question about binding without knowing the DN
> Mark,
> "AD" = Active Directory.  This is Microsoft's version of an LDAP server.
> I've literally been where you are; don't give up, rewards are great ;-)
> The simple answer is unfortunately "not so simple".
>  From my perspective, the "owner" of the directory should give you a 
> read-only system account so that you can determine the DN of users (ie do 
> searches).
> Since you need to provide a "base" to do a serach, you'll want to fetch the 
> root_dse to get the naming contexts.  This value will be the base DN to start 
> your search from using the read only account.
> ie:
> use Net::LDAP;
> use Net::LDAP::RootDSE;
> use Data::Dumper;
> my $user = "juser"; # a user's login
> my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(...)
> my $mesg = $ldap->bind;  #using your RO system account
> my $dse = $ldap->root_dse();  # root dse is like "system settings"
> # Try this
> # perl Dumper $dse -  to see all sorts of "settings".
> #the get your base for searches...
> my $base_to_start_all_searches = $dse->get_value('namingContexts');
> # do you search :
> # my $result = $ldap->search( base =>  $base_to_start_all_searches,
>                                       scope =>  'sub',
>                                       filter =>  "(sAMAccountName=$user)");
> # * "sAMAccountName" is a MS field, your actual field will vary depending on 
> LDAP server...
> foreach my $entr ($search->entries) {
>     my $user_dn = $entr->dn();
> }                                     
> As for the whole SASL issue...
> This is a little tricky.
> Its difficult to set up (particularly if you are going from say Linux to 
> Windoze).
> I personally use LDAPS from Linux to AD (MS LDAP) to get to the good stuff 
> (like being able to set initial passwords from a script running on Linux).
>  From a "security perspective", storing a login/pw is not the best solution 
> however its also not a horribly bad one either.  As long as the "system 
> account" that you use to bind with can't do anything but bind and do 
> searches, this is preferable to convincing the owner of the directory to open 
> it for anonymous binds.  So while not ideal, its better than other 
> alternatives.
> In either case, you should use LDAPS (ie wire encryption) so that 
> eavesdroppers, will not see anything useful.
> This is a whole other topic for another day...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Inaba [mailto:min...@nyx.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 3:27 PM
> To: Dan Cutler
> Subject: RE: basic question about binding without knowing the DN
> hi dan,
> so i was wondering if a user can bind with a subset of the DN...like foo.com. 
> i'm wondering how in the world
> ldap.exe does it. another poster mentioned something about AD, but i don't 
> know how AD fits into LDAP (except that it's the middle two letters 
> reversed..)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Cutler [mailto:dcut...@intelimedix.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:55 PM
> To: Mark Inaba; 'perl-ldap@perl.org'
> Subject: RE: basic question about binding without knowing the DN
> Mark,
> Wow.  I remember having the EXACT same thoughts some years ago.
> As it turns out, the process that happens when a user logs in is somewhat 
> "shielded" from the average user.  Once you find out what is really 
> happening, you'll gain some great insights into LDAP processes.
> It is quite typical to not allow anonymous searches.  This usually a good 
> idea.
> Behind the scenes, "authenticating" requires three things:
> An LDAP server that houses you "account"
> An identifier called a "DN" (aka Distinguished Name) that represents the 
> unique identifier of your account
> A valid password.
> What can be quite puzzling is the DN.
> Nearly every LDAP authentication script I write follows a process like this:
> Collect the user's login name and passwd:
> Bind to the directory using a known "system account" and "system" password.
> Search the directory for this user (the login name is unique) and return its 
> "DN".
> If the DN is found, use it as a parameter and bind again as the actual user 
> (you).
> Does this help?
> --Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Inaba [mailto:min...@nyx.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:23 PM
> To: 'perl-ldap@perl.org'
> Subject: basic question about binding without knowing the DN
> hello perl-ldap mailing list,
> i'm wondering if i'm trying to do the impossible, even though it seems like 
> this might be a common situation.
> i'm trying to verify a user/password by having the user bind to an ldap 
> server. the problem is that just given a username, i can't guess the DN 
> because the DN's components have values that could be many things:
> example:
> CN=mark,OU=paris,OU=short,...,DC=partA,DC=foo,DC=com
> CN=mike,OU=new york,OU=tall,...,DC=partB,DC=foo,DC=com
> it seems that all of this is necessary for me to bind (i can't just use 
> CN=mark,DC=foo,DC=com and try a password against all matches sigh)
> so if i get another user, i don't know what sort of OU values his/her DN will 
> have. also, the DC's might be different too.
> here's the wrinkles that make it harder:
> 1) anon bind is turned off, so i can't search around for promising matches 
> and use their DN
> 2) they don't want a generic 'read' account to log in because they don't want 
> the password in a file.
>       but i might be ok if:
>       a) though if script is not called by user i might be able to convince 
> them to use o-r.
>       b) if the final server is sasl aware, i might be able to use an 
> encrypted string in the script
> but here's why i think it MIGHT be possible... using the windows program: 
> ldap.exe
> i noticed that i'm able to bind filling in only the fields:
> USER: mark
> PASSWORD: mypassword
> DOMAIN: parta.foo.com
> so unless the application knows some secret settings...how does it 
> authenticate me without my telling it my full DN?
> if i new that i think i could write my perl script that checks every user 
> against
> DOMAIN: parta.foo.com and partb.foo.com
> thanks for any help :)
> -mark (not in paris...alas..)
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