Hi Brian,

You might put this question on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list as
Net::FTP is maintained by Graham Barr and you are raising an issue
specific to his module, not my application layer on top of it.

I am Cc'ing this message there

brian_turner_98006 writes:
 : When I do an ftp using:
 :         `ftp -i -n $dbshost << 'EOF'
 : user $remoteuser $remotepwd
 : get $remotefile $localfile
 : quit
 : EOF`;
 : It takes an average of about 0.024 seconds/request
 : However, when I try it with 
 :     $ftp = Net::FTP->new($dbshost,Debug => 0);
 :     $ftp->login($remoteuser,$remotepwd);
 : then loop with:
 : $ftp->get($remotefile, $localfile)
 : It takes about 1.3 seconds/request.
 : Version info:
 : Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 0) 
 : configuration:
 :   Platform:
 :     osname=solaris, osvers=2.6, archname=sun4-solaris
 :     uname='sunos rmdsun01 5.6 generic_105181-21 sun4u sparc 
 : sunw,ultra-4 '
 : I'm assuming that the login stays connected when I use Net::FTP so 
 : this doesn't make sense to me.  Spawning a process+connecting should 
 : be slower.  Any suggestions?
 : FWIW, my application requires a large number of small file transfers 
 : at random intervals.
 : (I didn't see that Net::FTP was modifed in 5.6.1 based on 
 : http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.6.1/Changes.html, but I'm open to 
 : upgrading if there's a reasonable chance of fixing this issue)
 : Thanks,
 : Brian
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