On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 12:31:35AM +0100, Jochen Stenzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> two short notes, in a hurry: today I tried EV on Solaris 8 and found
> that -lresolv needs to be added to the linker options in order to make
> inet_aton() available. Perhaps this can be added to the default

Its actually quite rare to not have -lresolv in LIBS already as perl
itself usually adds it. In any case, its a common enough problem for
solaris admins so they know it.

> Then I run a simple loop in the debugger (on the same system), with just
> one periodic watcher. Surprisingly, once started I could not interrupt
> the loop via CTRL-C.

That is interesting. I am not aware that solaris event ports would block
any signals, and in fatc, I cannot reproduce this. Are you sure that your
tty settings actually do anything with CTRL-C (such as sending an INT)?

> it (Windows, I know ;-) ) (and different to what I expected as typically
> an uncatched signal is handled as usual). I cannot say if this is caused
> by EV, Solaris or even the Solaris version.

I'd say check your intr setting first to see if ^C really sends an INT in
the first place.

> Besides this, it worked well and with a very low load.

Thats good (although the event ports aren't really that well
designed. They require much more cpu power for programs not using a lot of
inactive fds, compared to e.g. poll, and they tend to geenrate spurious
readyness events, further adding load).

Thanks anyways! And please investigate the SIGINT issue, as neither EV
nor perl should do anything with it, and event ports should not have any
effects either.

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