On Apr 27, 2008, at 00:56, Marc Lehmann wrote:
On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 08:13:27AM -0400, Rocco Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
each event watcher.  Anyone who knows POE can tell you this is one of
the least efficient designs possible.

It is the only design that I could get working, even after consulting a
few people and implementing some workarounds for the bugs in POE.

In any case, you have to consider that most people on this planet
don't know POE, and even if, they don't know it that well. Since the
documentation for POE is in such a bad state, thats the obvious way to fix

Most people on the planet don't know Perl, or even how to program a computer. No amount of documentation will help them. :)

In the future, you may wish to include me on your list of people to consult about designing applications for POE. I may known a thing or two about the topic. :)

Are you aware that I'm gradually rewriting POE's documentation? If you could describe what you don't like in a useful way, I may be able to do something about it.

In fact, this design is worse than the average for first-time POE users.

If a better design is possible, it is not known to me, and you haven't
suggested one either, so talk is cheap. I'd be happy to get a more
efficient design for POE but nobody could come up with one that also
worked reliably through multiple iterations of run and also does not keep
the POE kernel from returning.

I would love to have the opportunity to suggest a different design, but most of my discretionary time is spent addressing the constant misunderstandings between us. If we can first resolve them, I'll have that much more time to work on the design.

Obviously I cannot expect you to know everything about POE. Likewise, you cannot expect me to magically know when you started writing AnyEvent::Impl::POE. Even if you announced it somewhere, I may not have been looking. The first I heard of it was here, when you announced your benchmarks.

In general, if you need someone's attention online, the most effective and polite way is to contact them directly. If you did contact me about this, then I'm sorry that I missed it. Are you sure your message wasn't lost in transit?

As for the design:

First-time POE users tend to design programs where the number of sessions scales linearly with the number of objects that handle events. If S(1) is the total overhead imposed by a single session, then S(N) is the overhead imposed by the average naïve POE user. N is the number of objects handling events.

AnyEvent::Impl::POE creates a new POE::Session for every event watcher. It's not uncommon for an object to use more than one event watcher (I/O and timeout, for example). So we can model the session overhead in an AnyEvent::Impl::POE program as S(N*M), where N is the number of objects handling events, and M is the average number of event watchers per object.

Assuming that N is the same between the equivalent POE and AnyEvent::Impl::POE program:

S(N*M) > S(N) for M > 1.


If a better design *is* possible (which I don't really doubt), then it
needs to be vastly more complex, or it needs some non-obvious trick. I can only imagine making some very complex on-demand instantiating and re- check
wether the session still exists on each watcher creation.

Your imagination comes up with such incredible things. Don't lose that. :)

The "trick" is to minimize the number of sessions used. Your benchmarks and comments in your documentation implied that you knew that sessions imposed overhead. I wrongly assumed the solution would be obvious.

In your case, I would create a single persistent POE::Session instance that serviced all the watchers. The watchers themselves would be small proxies that controlled POE::Kernel watchers within that session's context.

I use this design in POE::Stage. If you're not averse to looking at experimental code, you can find it on the CPAN. It also does a lot of other, unrelated things, so you may have difficulty separating the magic you need from the voodoo you don't. Comments are welcome, if they're useful.

(It is possible that I was fooled by the docs as well, so if there is a
better way, it likely isn't documented, so who could blame me).

I won't blame you. But I will point out that your documentation says you're already familiar with using undocumented POE features. :)

Instead of going around and accuse people of making bad designs, it would be much better to improve the documentation for POE, so that said people
don't have to go around and start guessing...

I don't appreciate your vague, negative comments about the documentation. Please describe problems in a useful way, or your expectation that they be fixed is unreasonable.

You seem to be saying that your design for AnyEvent::Impl::POE is based on guesswork. If so, I overestimated your knowledge of POE based on your documentation. Therefore, please consider the chance that you may know less about POE than your documentation implies.

Oh, and while you fix the docs, could you fix the other bugs as well

I certainly can, but you'll need to describe them in a useful way first. http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=useful+bug+reports seems to link to good tips.

And please post them to POE's rt.cpan.org queue. The Perl community has been kind enough to establish a convenient, central place to report problems with CPAN distributions. It would be most cooperative of you to use it.

(the race condition with sigchld is really annoying,

Please describe the race condition in a useful way, so that I can investigate and possibly fix it.

POE checks for child processes between calls to application code. If you fork your process and set sig_child() in the same event handler, POE won't be able to call waitpid() between them. If this is the race condition you mean, then it simply shouldn't be possible.

On the other hand, I haven't actually documented this behavior. It hadn't occurred to me because all my programs follow the reliable pattern. Based on your feedback, I added this to the description of sig_child(). Please let me know how/if I can improve it:

"Programs that wish to reliably reap child processes should be sure to call sig_child() before returning from the event handler that forked the process. Otherwise POE::Kernel may have an opportunity to call waitpid() before an appropriate event watcher has been registered."

In the event that you've found an actual bug, I regret that your description of the problem is not useful. As we say in IRC:

<purl> Look buddy, doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Is it making faces at you? Does it want more money? Is it sleeping with your girlfriend? Please be specific!

and the nag messages are as well).

I understand from your documentation that you dislike the "ugly" "nag" messages. I'm sorry, but I cannot help you there. They were added as the result of useful feedback from other users. And contrary to your documentation, they can be silenced.

The "run() method was never called" message can be silenced by calling run(). Not all applications require run(). But if you call it without any POE::Session instances, it will return immediately and satisfy POE::Kernel.

For example, this generates the warning:

perl -wle 'use POE; POE::Session->create(inline_states => { _start => sub{} });'

While this does not:

perl -wle 'use POE; POE::Kernel->run; POE::Session- >create(inline_states => { _start => sub{} });'

I hadn't considered to document the technique because it seemed obvious to me. By now I hope it's clear that a lot more things seem obvious to me than are actually obvious to the average user. You should probably call them to my attention if you'd like them to be documented.

Speaking of which, I added this to the docs. Please let me know how/ if I can improve it:

"POE::Kernel will print a strong message if a program creates sessions but fails to call run(). If the lack of a run() call is deliberate, you can avoid the message by calling it before creating a session. run() at that point will return immediately, and POE::Kernel will be satisfied."


You complain about a message that occurs when a program leaks a child process. Programs that leak processes are broken in a way that is difficult to detect without the warning. In extreme cases, process leakage can quietly strangle a machine to death.

POE can detect this silent but deadly condition. It notifies users out of courtesy to them, and also because I was tired of handling "POE crashed my machine!" reports. In this case, the one who smelled it did not deal it.

If you receive this message, it can be silenced by fixing the process leak.

I have specific issues with your docs.  As a courtesy to you and the
list, I'll send them to you directly.

Not sure why it would be a courtesy to me, do you have anything to hide or do you want to insult me even more in private so nobody sees your real
self or something? (just guessing... :)

Wow, you really do expect the worst from me. I don't know where that came from.

The courtesy to you would be that I brought the issues to you directly. I could post them somewhere public and unexpected and wait for you to find them, but that's just rude.

Likewise, posting long, limited-interest e-mail to a public distribution list is a violation of common etiquette. To those who are still reading, I'm sorry.

I kind of thought those points would be obvious.

If you still insist on doing this publicly, please indicate your intent by posting your documentation for AnyEvent::Impl::POE to the mailing list (new thread, please). That will make it easier for me to respond. For the record, I still think this is a bad idea.

I do fix my bugs and am open to suggestions and improvements. But
correctness comes first, performance second.

OMG, we agree on something!  The end times are here:

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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