On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 10:37:30AM +0800, Autrijus Tang wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 09:48:56PM -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > It then orders them in terms of which needs to be installed first.  In
> > Test::SDK it would be Test::Harness, Test::Simple and finally
> > Test::Inline.
> since the CPAN Bundle lets you specify exact versions, the purpose
> of SDK currently seems to be mostly about simplifying download
> (i.e. one big file).

More or less.  I might just say the hell with it and just write a
Bundle instead.

There is the notion that an SDK is a collection of versions of modules
that are known to all work together.  A Bundle simply grabs the latest
version of each, and it's possible a change in one might break the

> > Then each module is individually tested and installed in turn.  Before
> > performing the test & installation it first checks that there's not
> > already a higher version installed.
> > If any one fails the sequence stops.
> does it means if a higher version of Test::More installed, it will
> not try to install Test::Inline anymore?

No, it'll simply skip Test::More and move on to Test::Inline.

> > This shouldn't be too much extra work to pull off.  The only unknown
> > I'm pondering is if it's worth trying to wedge this into the usual
> > "perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install" sequence or to just
> > have a simple "installsdk" program that gets run.
> you'll probably need a stronger ExtUtils::MakeMaker that understands
> CPAN.pm.

I was thinking just skipping MakeMaker entirely for that part and
write a simple little custom Makefile.  The point being more to keep
the familiar interface than to wedge it into MakeMaker.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl6 Quality Assurance     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kwalitee Is Job One
shitting is a chore
wet glue enters my sphincter
I shall poop no more
        -- Schwern

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