Here's a bunch of tests for  Some bits aren't easily testable, and
there's room for someone more knowledgeable or clever to come along to improve
them even more.

In the process of writing these tests, I patched one little thing in, per
the comment.

With the patch, all pass.

-- c

--- lib/  Fri Nov 23 14:04:53 2001
+++ lib/   Fri Nov 23 14:48:12 2001
@@ -406,8 +406,7 @@
   $name = "main" . $name if substr($name,0,2) eq "::";
   my($fname, $from, $to) = ($DB::sub{$name} =~ /^(.*):(\d+)-(\d+)$/);
   if ($from) {
-    # XXX this needs local()-ization of some sort
-    *DB::dbline = "::_<$fname";
+    local *DB::dbline = "::_<$fname";
     ++$from while $DB::dbline[$from] == 0 && $from < $to;
     return $from;

--- ~MANIFEST   Fri Nov 23 14:51:04 2001
+++ MANIFEST    Fri Nov 23 14:51:27 2001
@@ -888,6 +888,7 @@
 lib/                   A ctime workalike
 lib/                     Various cwd routines (getcwd, fastcwd, chdir)
 lib/                      Debugger API (draft)
+lib/DB.t                       See if DB works
 lib/Devel/       Generate stubs for
 lib/Devel/SelfStubber.t                See if Devel::SelfStubber works
 lib/             Print verbose diagnostics
--- /dev/null   Thu Aug 30 03:54:37 2001
+++ lib/DB.t    Fri Nov 23 15:22:17 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+       chdir 't' if -d 't';
+       @INC = '../lib';
+use Test::More tests => 106;
+# must happen at compile time for DB:: package variable localizations to work
+       use_ok( 'DB' );
+# test DB::sub()
+       my $callflag = 0;
+       local $DB::sub = sub {
+               $callflag += shift || 1;
+               my @vals = (1, 4, 9);
+               return @vals;
+       };
+       my $ret = DB::sub;
+       is( $ret, 3, 'DB::sub() should handle scalar context' );
+       is( $callflag, 1, '... should call $DB::sub contents' );
+       $ret = join(' ', DB::sub(2));
+       is( $ret, '1 4 9', '... should handle scalar context' );
+       is( $callflag, 3, '... should pass along arguments to the sub' );
+       ok( defined($DB::ret),'$DB::ret should be defined after successful return');
+       DB::sub;
+       ok( !defined($DB::ret), '... should respect void context' );
+       $DB::sub = '::DESTROY';
+       ok( !defined($DB::ret), '... should return undef for DESTROY()' );
+# test DB::DB()
+       is( DB::DB(), undef, 'DB::DB() should return undef if $DB::ready is false');
+       is( DB::catch(), 1, 'DB::catch() should work' );
+       is( DB->skippkg('foo'), 1, 'DB->skippkg() should push args' );
+       # change packages to mess with caller()
+       package foo;
+       ::is( DB::DB(), undef, 'DB::DB() should skip skippable packages' );
+       package main;
+       is( $DB::filename, $0, '... should set $DB::filename' );
+       is( $DB::lineno, __LINE__ - 4, '... should set $DB::lineno' );
+       DB::DB();
+       # stops at line 94
+# test DB::save()
+       # assigning a number to $! seems to produce an error message, when read
+       local ($@, $,, $/, $\, $^W, $!) = (1 .. 5);
+       DB::save();
+       is( "$@$!$,$/$\$^W", "1\n0", 'DB::save() should reset punctuation vars' );
+# test DB::catch()
+       local $DB::signal;
+       DB::catch();
+       ok( $DB::signal, 'DB::catch() should set $DB::signal' );
+       # add clients and test to see if they are awakened
+# test DB::_clientname()
+is( DB::_clientname('foo=A(1)'), 'foo','DB::_clientname should return refname');
+is( DB::_clientname('bar'), '','DB::_clientname should not return non refname');
+# test DB::next() and DB::step()
+       local $DB::single;
+       DB->next();
+       is( $DB::single, 2, 'DB->next() should set $DB::single to 2' );
+       DB->step();
+       is( $DB::single, 1, 'DB->step() should set $DB::single to 1' );
+# test DB::cont()
+       # cannot test @stack
+       local $DB::single = 1;
+       my $fdb = FakeDB->new();
+       DB::cont($fdb, 2);
+       is( $fdb->{tbreak}, 2, 'DB::cont() should set tbreak in object' );
+       is( $DB::single, 0, '... should set $DB::single to 0' );
+# test DB::ret()
+       # cannot test @stack
+       local $DB::single = 1;
+       DB::ret();
+       is( $DB::single, 0, 'DB::ret() should set $DB::single to 0' );
+# test DB::backtrace()
+       local (@DB::args, $DB::signal);
+       my $line = __LINE__ + 1;
+       my @ret = eval { DB->backtrace() };
+       like( $ret[0], qr/file.+$0/, 'DB::backtrace() should report current file');
+       like( $ret[0], qr/line $line/, '... should report calling line number' );
+       like( $ret[0], qr/eval {...}/, '... should catch eval BLOCK' );
+       @ret = eval "one(2)";
+       is( scalar @ret, 1, '... should report from provided stack frame number' );
+       like( $ret[0], qr/\@ = &eval \'one.+?2\)\'/, #'
+               '... should find eval STRING construct');
+       $ret[0] = check_context(1);
+       like( $ret[0], qr/\$ = &main::check_context/, 
+               '... should respect context of calling construct');
+       $DB::signal = 1;
+       @DB::args = (1, 7);
+       @ret = three(1);
+       is( scalar @ret, 1, '... should end loop if $DB::signal is true' );
+       # does not check 'require' or @DB::args mangling
+sub check_context {
+       return (eval "one($_[0])")[-1];
+sub one { DB->backtrace(@_) }
+sub two { one(@_) }
+sub three { two(@_) }
+# test DB::trace_toggle
+       local $DB::trace = 0;
+       DB->trace_toggle;
+       ok( $DB::trace, 'DB::trace_toggle() should toggle $DB::trace' );
+       DB->trace_toggle;
+       ok( !$DB::trace, '... should toggle $DB::trace (back)' );
+# test DB::subs()
+       local %DB::sub;
+       my $subs = DB->subs;
+       is( $subs, 0, 'DB::subs() should return keys of %DB::subs' );
+       %DB::sub = ( foo => 'foo:23-45' , bar => 'ba:r:7-890' );
+       $subs = DB->subs;
+       is( $subs, 2, '... same song, different key' );
+       my @subs = DB->subs( 'foo', 'boo', 'bar' );
+       is( scalar @subs, 2, '... should report only for requested subs' );
+       my @expected = ( [ 'foo', 23, 45 ], [ 'ba:r', 7, 890 ] );
+       ok( eq_array( \@subs, \@expected ), '... find file, start, end for subs' );
+# test DB::filesubs()
+       local ($DB::filename, %DB::sub);
+       $DB::filename = 'baz';
+       %DB::sub = map { $_ => $_ } qw( bazbar bazboo boobar booboo boobaz );
+       my @ret = DB->filesubs();
+       is( scalar @ret, 2, 'DB::filesubs() should use $DB::filename with no args');
+       @ret = grep { /^baz/ } @ret;    
+       is( scalar @ret, 2, '... should pick up subs in proper file' );
+       @ret = DB->filesubs('boo');
+       is( scalar @ret, 3, '... should use argument to find subs' );
+       @ret = grep { /^boo/ } @ret;    
+       is( scalar @ret, 3, '... should pick up subs in proper file with argument');
+# test DB::files()
+       my $dbf = () = DB::files();
+       my $main = () = grep ( m!^_<!, keys %main:: );
+       is( $dbf, $main, 'DB::files() should pick up filenames from %main::' );
+# test DB::lines()
+       local @DB::dbline = ( 'foo' );
+       is( DB->lines->[0], 'foo', 'DB::lines() should return ref to @DB::dbline' );
+# test DB::loadfile()
+       local (*DB::dbline, $DB::filename);
+       is( DB->loadfile('notafile'), undef, 
+               'DB::loadfile() should not find unloaded file' );
+       my $db = DB->loadfile('');
+       like( $db, qr!lib/DB\.pm!, '... should find loaded file from partial name');
+       is( *DB::dbline, *{ "_<$db" } , 
+               '... should set *DB::dbline to associated glob');
+       is( $DB::filename, $db, '... should set $DB::filename to file name' );
+       # test clients
+# test DB::lineevents()
+       local $DB::filename = 'baz';
+       local *baz = *{ "main::_<baz" };
+       @baz = ( 1 .. 5 );
+       %baz = (
+               1 => "foo\0bar",
+               3 => "boo\0far",
+               4 => "fazbaz",
+       );
+       my %ret = DB->lineevents();
+       is( scalar keys %ret, 3, 'DB::lineevents() should pick up defined lines' );
+       # array access in DB::lineevents() starts at element 1, not 0
+       is( join(' ', @{ $ret{1} }), '2 foo bar', '... should stash data in hash');
+# test DB::set_break()
+       local ($DB::lineno, *DB::dbline, $DB::package);
+       *DB::dbline = [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ];
+       DB->set_break(1, 'foo');
+       is( $DB::dbline{1}, 'foo', 'DB::set_break() should set break condition' );
+       $DB::lineno = 1;
+       DB->set_break(undef, 'bar');
+       is( $DB::dbline{1}, 'bar', 
+               '... should use $DB::lineno without specified line' );
+       DB->set_break(4);
+       is( $DB::dbline{4}, 1, '... should use default condition if needed' );
+       local %DB::sub = (
+               'main::foo'     => 'foo:1-4',
+       );
+       DB->set_break('foo', 'baz');
+       is( $DB::dbline{4}, 'baz', 
+               '... should use _find_subline() to resolve subname' );
+       my $db = FakeDB->new();
+       DB::set_break($db, 2);
+       like( $db->{output}, qr/2 not break/, '... should respect @DB::dbline' );
+       DB::set_break($db, 'nonfoo');
+       like( $db->{output}, qr/not found/, '... should warn on unfound sub' );
+# test DB::set_tbreak()
+       local ($DB::lineno, *DB::dbline, $DB::package);
+       *DB::dbline = [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ];
+       DB->set_tbreak(1);
+       is( $DB::dbline{1}, ';9', 'DB::set_tbreak() should set tbreak condition' );
+       local %DB::sub = (
+               'main::foo'     => 'foo:1-4',
+       );
+       DB->set_tbreak('foo', 'baz');
+       is( $DB::dbline{4}, ';9', 
+               '... should use _find_subline() to resolve subname' );
+       my $db = FakeDB->new();
+       DB::set_tbreak($db, 2);
+       like( $db->{output}, qr/2 not break/, '... should respect @DB::dbline' );
+       DB::set_break($db, 'nonfoo');
+       like( $db->{output}, qr/not found/, '... should warn on unfound sub' );
+# test DB::_find_subline()
+       my @foo;
+       local *{ "::_<foo" } = \@foo;
+       local $DB::package;
+       local %DB::sub = (
+               'TEST::foo'     => 'foo:10-15',
+               'main::foo'     => 'foo:11-12',
+               'bar::bar'      => 'foo:10-16',
+       );
+       $foo[11] = 1;
+       is( DB::_find_subline('TEST::foo'), 11, 
+               'DB::_find_subline() should find fully qualified sub' );
+       is( DB::_find_subline("TEST'foo"), 11, '... should handle old package sep');
+       is( DB::_find_subline('foo'), 11, 
+               '... should resolve unqualified package name to main::' );
+       $DB::package = 'bar';
+       is( DB::_find_subline('bar'), 11, 
+               '... should resolve unqualified name with $DB::package, if defined' );
+       $foo[11] = 0;
+       is( DB::_find_subline('TEST::foo'), 15, 
+               '... should increment past lines with no events' );
+       is (DB::_find_subline('sirnotappearinginthisfilm'), undef,
+               '... should not find nonexistant sub' );
+# test DB::clr_breaks()
+       local *DB::dbline;
+       my %lines = (
+               1 => "\0",
+               2 => undef,
+               3 => "123\0\0\0abc",
+               4 => "\0\0\0abc",
+       );
+       %DB::dbline = %lines;
+       DB->clr_breaks(1 .. 4);
+       is( scalar keys %DB::dbline, 3, 'DB::clr_breaks() should clear breaks' );
+       ok( ! exists($DB::dbline{1}), '... should delete empty actions' );
+       is( $DB::dbline{3}, "\0\0\0abc", '... should remove break, leaving action');
+       is( $DB::dbline{4}, "\0\0\0abc", '... should not remove set actions' );
+       local *{ "::_<foo" } = [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ];
+       local $DB::package;
+       local %DB::sub = (
+               'main::foo'     => 'foo:1-3',
+       );
+       %DB::dbline = %lines;
+       DB->clr_breaks('foo');
+       is( $DB::dbline{3}, "\0\0\0abc", 
+               '... should find lines via _find_subline()' );
+       my $db = FakeDB->new();
+       DB::clr_breaks($db, 'abadsubname');
+       is( $db->{output}, "Subroutine not found.\n", 
+               '... should output warning if sub cannot be found');
+       @DB::dbline = (1 .. 4);
+       %DB::dbline = (%lines, 5 => "\0" );
+       DB::clr_breaks();
+       is( scalar keys %DB::dbline, 4, 
+               'Relying on @DB::dbline in DB::clr_breaks() should clear breaks' );
+       ok( ! exists($DB::dbline{1}), '... should delete empty actions' );
+       is( $DB::dbline{3}, "\0\0\0abc", '... should remove break, leaving action');
+       is( $DB::dbline{4}, "\0\0\0abc", '... should not remove set actions' );
+       ok( exists($DB::dbline{5}), 
+               '... should only go to last index of @DB::dbline' );
+# test DB::set_action()
+       local *DB::dbline;
+       %DB::dbline = (
+               2 => "\0abc",
+       );
+       *DB::dbline = [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ];
+       DB->set_action(2, 'def');
+       is( $DB::dbline{2}, "\0def", 
+               'DB::set_action() should replace existing action' );
+       DB->set_action(3, '');
+       is( $DB::dbline{3}, "\0", '... should set new action' );
+       my $db = FakeDB->new();
+       DB::set_action($db, 'abadsubname');
+       is( $db->{output}, "Subroutine not found.\n", 
+               '... should output warning if sub cannot be found');
+       DB::set_action($db, 1);
+       like( $db->{output}, qr/1 not action/, 
+               '... should warn if line cannot be actionivated' );
+# test DB::clr_actions()
+       local *DB::dbline;
+       my %lines = (
+               1 => "\0",
+               2 => undef,
+               3 => "123\0abc",
+               4 => "abc\0",
+       );
+       %DB::dbline = %lines;
+       *DB::dbline = [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ];
+       DB->clr_actions(1 .. 4);
+       is( scalar keys %DB::dbline, 2, 'DB::clr_actions() should clear actions' );
+       ok( ! exists($DB::dbline{1}), '... should delete empty actions' );
+       is( $DB::dbline{3}, "123", '... should remove action, leaving break');
+       is( $DB::dbline{4}, "abc\0", '... should not remove set breaks' );
+       local *{ "::_<foo" } = [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ];
+       local $DB::package;
+       local %DB::sub = (
+               'main::foo'     => 'foo:1-3',
+       );
+       %DB::dbline = %lines;
+       DB->clr_actions('foo');
+       is( $DB::dbline{3}, "123", '... should find lines via _find_subline()' );
+       my $db = FakeDB->new();
+       DB::clr_actions($db, 'abadsubname');
+       is( $db->{output}, "Subroutine not found.\n", 
+               '... should output warning if sub cannot be found');
+       @DB::dbline = (1 .. 4);
+       %DB::dbline = (%lines, 5 => "\0" );
+       DB::clr_actions();
+       is( scalar keys %DB::dbline, 4, 
+               'Relying on @DB::dbline in DB::clr_actions() should clear actions' );
+       ok( ! exists($DB::dbline{1}), '... should delete empty actions' );
+       is( $DB::dbline{3}, "123", '... should remove action, leaving break');
+       is( $DB::dbline{4}, "abc\0", '... should not remove set breaks' );
+       ok( exists($DB::dbline{5}), 
+               '... should only go to last index of @DB::dbline' );
+# test DB::prestop()
+is( DB::prestop('test'), undef, 
+       'DB::prestop() should return undef for undef value' );
+DB::prestop('test', 897);
+is( DB::prestop('test'), 897, '... should return value when set' );
+# test DB::poststop(), not exactly parallel
+is( DB::poststop('tset'), undef, 
+       'DB::prestop() should return undef for undef value' );
+DB::poststop('tset', 987);
+is( DB::poststop('tset'), 987, '... should return value when set' );
+# test DB::evalcode()
+is( DB::evalcode('foo'), undef, 
+       'DB::evalcode() should return undef for undef value' );
+DB::evalcode('foo', 'bar');
+is( DB::evalcode('foo'), 'bar', '... should return value when set' );
+# test DB::_outputall(), must create fake clients first
+ok( DB::register( FakeDB->new() ), 'DB::register() should work' );
+DB::register( FakeDB->new() ) for ( 1 .. 2);
+DB::_outputall(1, 2, 3);
+is( $FakeDB::output, '123123123', 
+       'DB::_outputall() should call output(@_) on all clients' );
+# test virtual methods
+for my $method (qw( cprestop cpoststop awaken init stop idle cleanup output )) {
+       ok( defined &{ "DB::$method" }, "DB::$method() should be defined" );
+# DB::skippkg() uses lexical
+# DB::ready() uses lexical
+package FakeDB;
+use vars qw( $output );
+sub new {
+       bless({}, $_[0]);
+sub set_tbreak {
+       my ($self, $val) = @_;
+       $self->{tbreak} = $val;
+sub output {
+       my $self = shift;
+       if (ref $self) {
+               $self->{output} = join('', @_);
+       } else {
+               $output .= join('', @_);
+       }

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