I want to finish the Test::Harness::Straps interface so its usable.
But I can't finish it until people play with it some and I get some
feedback.  But people won't use it until its usable.  Wash, rinse,

To break the loop I've added some new experimental, undocumented
features to Test::Harness::Straps so you can emulate the bulk of
Test::Harness's behavior.  2.01 has an example in
examples/mini_harness.plx.  This is small reproduction of
Test::Harness.  You feed it some test files, it runs them and prints
ok/not ok for each.

The experimntal bit is the callback interface.  For each line of the
test read in the callback is run giving the line read, the type (test,
bailout, other) and the current running totals.  This is so you can
report on the test as it is run, like Test::Harness does.  It all
works, I just don't think the interface is very pleasant.

So I'd like people to play around with it and tell me what you think.
Many people have suggested new features for Test::Harness over the
years, now you can do whatever you like.  Here's a grab bag to try:

    - Alter it so the tests are run in random order
    - Or each is run multiple times (in case of intermittent failure)
    - Or each test is run several times in parallel (to check for
      weird interactions)
    - Alter the output format so it prints out XML, HTML, YAML, etc...
    - Make it send email on success/failure


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Kwalitee Is Job One
I know you get this a lot, but you're breathtaking, like a vision of

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