On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 10:23:45AM -0500, Shane Landrum wrote:
> > When we first introduced this most of the reviews were for very
> > basic things: you forgot strict or warnings. You didn't untaint that
> > variable. You're not following our coding standards there.
> Ah, ok. So were you just grepping each file for "use strict", or what?

Pretty much... You can automated quite a lot of 'policy' if you try hard
enough ;)

> > So we built as much of that as possible into our build script 
> Did people run that before their commits, or did they get mail after
> they screwed up a commit?

There was no way to screw up a commit like this. To have a change integrated 
you had to build it first, and then run the tests (theoretically a full
regression test), then get it passed at review... Aegis handles all this
for you. Only one thing can be integrated at a time, and aegis tries
its best to merge conflicts automatically for you, and those it can't
it highlights...

It's not completely smooth, and you can get some bottlenecks, but it's
a very useful system.

> Your talking about this reminded me of a peeve I've had lately.
> I need webpage testing that doesn't suck. In particular, I need
> something like Inline::Webchat without its strange limitations. 
> I also need more abstraction. I've got a lot of Apache handlers
> written in Perl which talk to databases and make web-based editing
> forms. I need to do things like "okay, find each link that looks
> like http://host/edit/thingy/?foo=(number)&action=(something). Now
> click through all those pages and run tests on each one of them."
> Hand coding all those tests could really suck, so I haven't even
> tried.

We've taken a completely different approach. Everything we do now for web
work uses Template Toolkit, so all we do is simulate a web page request,
faking up a CGI object with parameters, or a Mock::Apache object or
whatever is needed, and then trap what gets passed to the template.

So, for example, if you were testing a register page, you could do
something like:

  use Test::More tests => 4;

  my $details = {
    username => 'fred',
    password => 'wibble',
    confirm  => 'wibble',

  # test with missing confirm
    local $details->{confirm} = "";
    local *MySite::Page::cgi = sub { CGI->new($details) };
    my $page = MySite::Page::Login->content;
    is $page->{error}, "You must reconfirm your password", "no reconfirm";

  # test with incorrect confirmed password
    local $details->{confirm} = "wobble";
    local *MySite::Page::cgi = sub { CGI->new($details) };
    my $page = MySite::Page::Login->content;
    is $page->{error}, "Your passwords differed", "reconfirm wrong";

  # all OK
    local *MySite::Page::cgi = sub { CGI->new($details) };
    local *MySite::Page::redirect = sub { ::ok(1, "Redirecting to $_[1]") }
    my $page = MySite::Page::Login->content;
    is $page->{error}, undef, "We have no errors";

Some of this depends on the way we have our Page classes set up, and
we've abstracted some of this away (keep meaning to find a way of
tidying it up much better) but the general principle is quite nice... 


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