On Sat, Mar 02, 2002 at 01:55:29PM +0100, Tels wrote:
> Moin,
> I Cc:ed [EMAIL PROTECTED], they are the "ones" ;) to decide this, if the
> authors are not responding.
> Although I wouldn't count on beeing lucky, since I am trying to
> "patch/takeover/maintain" Math::Fraction for almost two years. The authors
> address is dead, and multiply requests/efforts all resulting in "lets wait
> a few months mores" ;)

If it has really been that long then I would agree that we change it.

> On 02-Mar-02 Adrian Phillips tried to scribble about:
> > 
> > On the Amavis mailing list (www.amavis.org) it has been mentioned
> > several times that Archive::Tar and Archive::Zip are unmaintained, the
> > current amavis author has tried to send patches for both packages in
> > the past few months without any success; apparently there was supposed
> > to be a new version of Archive::Zip released a logn while ago.

While Archive::Tar is registered to Calle Dybedahl who uploaded v0.02
back in 1997 Stephen Zander has uploaded a 0.22 release (although that
was back on 2000) Have you spoken with Stephen ?


> > 
> > Now, I would just like to say that I am not criticising the current
> > maintainers/authors if they have been unable to find the time to
> > release newer versions. I am well aware of the amount of effort
> > required to keep packages going especially with other projects and
> > real life.
> > 
> > What I would like to ask is :-
> > 
> > - what is the current maintainership state of these 2 modules ?
> > 
> > - if the current maintainers still have big problems would they allow
> >   the packages to be taken over by someone else ?
> > 
> > - I am willing to do so if they wish, although I do not have any
> >   existing CPAN modules and will have to go through registering with
> >   PAUSE (as well as reading the PAUSE docs).
> > 
> > Sincerely,
> > 
> > Adrian Phillips
> - -- 
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