On Sat, 8 Jun 2002, Andy Lester wrote:

> * Dependencies should be optionally based on something other than just
> the timestamp of a file.  For instance, I suspect I'd like to be able to
> make the date dependency on "SELECT MAX(DateUpdated) FROM Foo".

Hmmm, for example a hash of the code (a la inline) - possible sans pod


s''  Mark Fowler                                     London.pm   Bath.pm
     http://www.twoshortplanks.com/              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
';use Term'Cap;$t=Tgetent Term'Cap{};print$t->Tputs(cl);for$w(split/  +/
){for(0..30){$|=print$t->Tgoto(cm,$_,$y)." $w";select$k,$k,$k,.03}$y+=2}

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