Here's fun!

Oh, hold on.  Wrong list.

Here's something really serious.  As threatened, Devel::Cover 0.15 has
escaped into the wild, and is currently marauding around CPAN, using up
computing resources around the entire world.

What's new?

Loads.  For a start, it should mostly work.  Statement cover was mostly
there anyway, but now it is joined by branch and condition coverage.
The real stuff, mind you.  Not what I fobbed you of with before.
There's a bunch of other changes too, but if you're interested you'll
read the CHANGES file, I'm sure.

There are also some tests.  Well, there were some before, but these are
better and should be portable too.

These massive advances convinced me that a 0.01 increase in the version
number was in order.

HTML output still looks pretty dodgy, but now it's generated from
templates, so if you don't like it you can fix it :-)

Speaking of templates, because this is a specialised application I wrote
my own template system, which I'll release to CPAN separately.

Wait a minute.  No I didn't.  I used TT2.  That's OK then.

There is at least one problem with the templates though.  Where should I
put them, and how should I get them there?  Advice sought.

Remember, this is still alpha code, so don't expect too much and you
won't be too disappointed.

It's on my homepage if you can't wait for CPAN.


Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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