Since there's a lot of internal and external change going on in this
release, I decided to put out an alpha first.

The external API changes:

* The Test::Harness upgrade is no longer optional.
* is no longer automatically loaded

And new features.

* Test::Builder->reset
* use_ok() now does proper version checks
* 'no_diag' switch for Test::More

Did I miss anything?  I had a lot of patches to catch up on.

I'm punting on Nick's ending callback idea until next release.

0.48_01  Mon Nov 11 02:36:43 EST 2002
    - Mention Test::Class in Test::More's SEE ALSO
    * use_ok() now DWIM for version checks
    - More problems with ithreads fixed.
    * Test::Harness upgrade no longer optional.  It was causing too
      many problems when the T::H upgrade didn't work.
    * Drew Taylor added a 'no_diag' option to Test::More to switch
      off all diag() statements.
    * Test::Builder/More no longer automatically loads
      when threads are enabled.  The user must now do this manually.
    * Alex Francis added reset() reset the state of Test::Builder in 
      persistent environments.
    - David Hand noted that Test::Builder/More exit code behavior was
      not documented.  Only Test::Simple.

0.47  Mon Aug 26 03:54:22 PDT 2002 
    * Tatsuhiko Miyagawa noticed Test::Builder was accidentally storing 
      objects passed into test functions causing problems with tests 
      relying on object destruction.
    - Added example of calculating the number of tests to Test::Tutorial
    - Peter Scott made the ending logic not fire on child processes when
    * Test::Builder is once again ithread safe.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl Quality Assurance      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Kwalitee Is Job One
kiloconway: unit of extreme mind expansion.  Equal to 1024 conways,
  one kiloconway gives the sensation that all of the quantuum particles
  in your brain have been spontaneously converted into Mars bars (IN
  CONSTANT TIME!).  The presumed existance of kiloconway scale events
  has led many to believe that higher forms of intelligence do in
  fact exist, and are living quite happily in Rural Australia.
        -- Ziggy

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