A quick post to point out that my employer, Profero Ltd. released two
modules that we've been developing to CPAN last week.

Test::DatabaseRow is a module that was written to simplify checking that
data exists in the database.  It combines the process of executing (and
possibly building) the SQL and checking the results match critia into on
simple Test::Builder compatible subroutine call.  While not designed to be
an 'all inclusive' solution for testing the integrity of a database, it
should hopefully prove useful in simple cases:


Test::CGI::Untaint is a module Test::Builder compatible module for testing
a CGI::Untaint Local Extraction Handler, a custom class that you add to
CGI::Untaint to extract various data types:


Feel free to register features requests for these modules via the CPAN RT
system.  Chris Nandor already suggested that Test::DatabaseRow should have
a test to check that data *isn't* in the database, which I'll get round to
working on as soon as we have some free time.


#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
print q{Mark Fowler, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://twoshortplanks.com/};

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