I was very impressed with Autrijus' article on www.cpan.org.
This has inspired me to try to do some Windows CPAN testing.
Please bear in mind that I am very new to all this.

The cpantest script from http://testers.cpan.org does not seem
to work out-of-the-box on Windows. It failed for me with a:
  Died at G:/Perl/site/lib/Mail/Mailer.pm line 291
It seems to be trying to run mail or sendmail or some other
exe which does not exist on Windows.

Anyway, I then tried installing CPANPLUS 0.033. Success!
When I tried:
  i Acme::Buffy
it worked very nicely. But when I try to send my test report
from cpanp shell, it hangs for about 5 minutes when running
cpantest. The mail does not get sent but no error is reported.

In desperation, I hack cpantest.bat (I think this was supplied
with CPANPLUS) and change the smtp Server from onion.perl.org
to my local SMTP server. This stops the 5-minute hang, but I
am now defeated by internal security and suffer a "Relaying
is prohibited" message.

Why did CPANPLUS need to hack cpantest script with this smtp
Server onion.perl.org business? Does the standard cpantest
script not work out-of-the-box on Windows? If so, why is
there not a note to that effect on http://testers.cpan.org?

Anyway, I now know how to defeat this "Relaying is prohibited"
via a custom Perl script that uses SMTP authentication.
So I should now be able to report test results via CPANPLUS
shell by using a custom version of cpantest script with
custom SMTP authentication. Before I do that, however,
I am interested to hear if anyone else has had similar
problems, and how they solved them.


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