
On 05-Oct-02 [EMAIL PROTECTED] carved into stone:
> En op 5 oktober 2002 sprak Ann Barcomb:
>> I hadn't looked in to how I could solve my question, and because
>> it was given to me as a low priority task, I wasn't sure I was going
>> to have a chance to either.  But you can count me as someone who will
>> be very happy about the module :)
> I noticed CPAN Proc::ProcessTable, which is worth a look, if only
> to peer at the code and note the portability, er, challenges.
> If the module that reports memory usage itself consumes significant
> memory, that is a pest when trying to figure out how much memory

> a Perl data structure is using. That is the nice thing about
> Merijn's original sbrk() -- it is lightweight in the extreme.

Yes, but more or less useless, since:

* your system might not have it, so you either get nothing, or something
incompatible (depending on how it is implemented, or not) in Devel::MemUses
* it doesn't reflect the true usage of a perl structure anyway, it just
reports a change in the heap, which might or might not be related.

sbrk *might* be usefull to someone, but I wouldn't use it to find out how
much memory a perl structure consumes - the numbers may well be totally
wrong. So, I wouldn't use it (part of that is that I didn't understand the
man page of sbrk() - which means I would likely interepret the results

(I mean, come on:

       Calling sbrk with an increment of 0 can be  used
       to find the current location of the program break.

Thats gibberish to the average perl programmer like me. It's probably not
meaning that the program had a KitKat break and we are trying to locate
it via it's breadcrumb trail...)

As for ProcessTable, that sounds like a good idea, since looking at top's
output is cumbersome.

Also, you could (probably) do something like:

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w

        use Proc::Memory 'report';

        report();                               # baseline
        require Math::BigInt; Math::BigInt->import();
        report();                               # and now?

So you get it in one go (assuming the (nonyetexistant?) Proc::Memory is
lightwight :)



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