Jim Cromie wrote:
> Well, it seems Ive been abusing diag() for some time now :-O
> Is there a 'right' way to do this ?  perhaps just using ok() ?

ok() goes to stdout by default, diag() to stderr

> or maybe  a new function, ex: note() is better:
> note......................................ok#  YOUR INFORMATIONAL 

if that goes to stdout, that won't appear in the default harness output

> Since Ive been using diag() to denote groups of tests,
> which separates chunks of  foo ................. ok,
> But this appears to be precisely what RGS doesnt like.

Or use separate .t files ?

> Hence ive UPCASEd the note to give it some of the visual distinction
> that I got from diag(), hopefully w/o the annoyance.
> Is this worthwhile ?  If so, Ill work up a patch

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